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Guest Twisted Metal

BIG Announcement

the 300th member to join my forum will receive 5 audio shows by me and rsimms90. SO start joining people, you might get lucky ;)

Guest Twisted Metal
sounds like a cool forum, but i think ill just stick to one  :shades:



Will I get banned for leaching?  :)


I am the other admin on the forum. I think the question needs no answer but yes, you will be banned for leaching

Guest Twisted Metal

yes, rsimms is the other admin, forgot to mention

Guest Twisted Metal

Can someone remove this thread, it doesnt belong here, it belongs in My World. Someone moved it here again and i'm going to get warned for it again, plz.

Guest Twisted Metal

someone please either remove this thread or move it back to My World.


ok this is getting confusing, if this is a metallica forum why is it in aint it fun? and if its here cause a mod moved it why? I got warn for a GNR webring ad here why? why?

why??? can someone official comment on something?

Guest Twisted Metal

yeah, admin gave me a warning for putting it here even though i never did. Also,, i seriously had this at My World, and it was moved.

Guest Twisted Metal

alright people join my forum, we've got alot of stuff going on here.

Guest Twisted Metal

In case you join, just make a post about it.

Guest Twisted Metal
Yeah im a member but i forget my password which pisses me off since I have a labtop for college.


you can just use the Gorgot password thing, otherwise, i can change it for ya.

Guest Twisted Metal
Oh thanks man if I cant find it out i'll get back to you on that.


alright thats cool.

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