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North American tour


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Do ya think it'll resume ever or wiil CD come out and Axl start all over again , since no one has any idea I'd thougt I'd get some opinons , I believe Axl WILL resume the US tour as soon as another Promoter picks  them upp ( Duh ) but I don't think it'll be this summer , the earliest I feel it'll happen is in the fall , and they'll do smaller arena's and theater's instead of Huge Arena's , cause it's a new band and Axl's gotta start over again .

 Peace GnR Nation  8)

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I agree Duffan.

I don't think we'll see another tour until at least a single is released. Without an album -- or at least a single -- it might be tough to find a promoter in light of what happened to the latest tour.

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i really wish the last tour hadn't have been cancelled.. i mean there was one point where everything was going really well and then suddenly i hear the tour is cancelled and we hear nothing since... i thought we were really getting somewhere :(.

and also i agree that they will probably not tour again now till someting is released as without the tour being more 'official' and without a supporting album or single people will just think that its gonna get cancelled again and the tickets may not sell.

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  • 2 months later...

I think that Axl has got to release 'Chinese Democracy'... I wish they were in the studio recording. But hey- I got Boston tickets!!! Their on tour!!! ;D

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okay so before a single is released or an album, the general public are generally informed what 2 months before? and thats when promotion starts.

so right now we've heard NOTHING, and its 12 May, so if we hear nothing until the end of this month that means the album is deffinately not gonna be released till August at the earliest (so no longer can i hope for the supposive July 1st release :() and if it was released in August then that would been a tour probably wouldnt kick off till say, November....

I dunno what i'm getting at hear, but hey, its sucks :'(

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In all reality, it will be hard for them to tour...even with an album out. I think they will have to play smaller venues if they do decide to tour the US again.

yes possibly, and that is fine by me, i mean if they want to do a tour thats not gonna get cancelled one way or another (which surely they wanted all along but hey!) then they need to prove that they are reliable and so playing smaller gigs would possibly be a good way. personally though i think the intimacy of a smaller gig can never be beaten. stadium shows are awesome, but its nice to experience both.

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