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American V: A Hundred Highways


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You can listen to the full album before it's release on July 4th @: www.myspace.com/johnnycash

So, I suggest anyone who's a fan of the man in black should defiantly check it out!

I think it is simply put AMAZING and I for one can't wait to purchase it!

The album is produced by Rick Rubin.

For anyone that has heard it, what are your thoughts?

rock3 ROCK on,


Edited by jrockstr
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I'm listening to it now, track 2 is just about to start. Help Me was absolutely excellent, full of emotion

EDIT: Just finished listening to the whole thing, and I have to say I'm damn impressed. Fitting last album

Edited by Glick
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Gotta be honest, maybe my expectations were too high but this one let me down. It's good but not as distinct and fitting to end his career as American IV was. I mean, that album had Hurt - that was the perfect farewell song. This stuff sounds less polished and refined, like he was kinda developing ideas near his death that were morphed into songs posthumously a la Tupac.

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