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Get Heavy - Lordi

The Sandman

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Hey Gunners,

You may or may not have heard of Finnish rockers Lordi, but you really need to. Although they shot to moderate fame by winning the Eurovision Song Contest this year, they've been rocking since 1996, although only commercially, since 2002. I've been listening to their music for a couple of years now thanks to a Finnish friend, since the Monsterican Dream, and it's IMHO, their best work after getting this album comparatively recently.

Their music itself is of a hybrid origin. The costumes, theatrics, and music are KISS-esque, but encorporate elements of sound of bands such as Rammstein and Metallica. Catchy tunes, with great lyrics. The album becomes weaker towards the end of the album, but even the worst song I would class as a '3 star song', which translates on the Sandman Scale as a moderately good song. The rest are above that, and showclass the talent this group have. Mr.Lordi himself has a voice that has the projection of Till Lindemann, with the sound of James Hetfield in some sections, as well as interludes of high-pitched screams, reminisent of both Michael Jackson, and even Axl Rose at times. The fuse of hard rock with moderate techno, forms a perfect blend to a group that would probably fit into the Pop or even Glam Rock categories - although they are as far from glam as they come, but typically Americanised in certain aspects despite being from the bleak country called Finland.

The group provides a welcome change to this 'Punk-Rock/Emo' scene that has invaded our ears after the Nu-Metal days collapsed. It's hardly a pioneering style, but manages to combine the positive aspects of both, without being sappy, or overdramatic - something which could happen so easily.

It's certainly a great album to pick up, especially as an introduction to Lordi - even if it is their oldest product to date. Expect more great stuff from these guys, during the coming years. The tracklisting is as follows with ratings by myself:

"Scarctic Circle Gathering"

"Get Heavy" - 4.5

"Devil Is a Loser" - 4

"Rock the Hell Outta You" - 4

"Would You Love a Monsterman?" - 4

"Icon Of Dominance" - 4.75

"Not the Nicest Guy" - 4

"Hellbender Turbulence" - 4

"Biomechanic Man" - 4

"Last Kiss Goodbye" -3.75

"Dynamite Tonite" 3.5

"Monster Monster" - 3.5


Tracks 1 and 13 are not songs, and thus do not get rated. There are 11 'actual' songs, and from averaging my ratings, that album get a solid 4 stars. High praise indeed, for a superbly solid album, by a great band I urge you to buy.

Thank you.

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saw what they looked like....thought they were going to be heavy.......i was dissapointed to say the least.

Their music does take on aspects of Heavy Metal, this album in particular, and it's also spread throughout the other albums. Well worth a look!

they are catchy though..

Incredibly, some of the songs on there will stay with you for ages.

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Yeah I have that album also and it's pretty good. I haven't listened to it that much recently but I can easily remember all the choruses because they are so damn catchy.

Devil is a loser is nice song and the chorus 'devil is a loser and he's my bitch' stucks in your head forever.

Would you love a monsterman is also good quite catchy and goodmood rock song.

I think Icon of Dominance is the best track on the cd and the pianos throughout the song are beautiful.

Very 80's style rock album but very well done and I don't have to be embarrassed for being finnish in this case. :P


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Guest +*Michelle*+

They're crap, I think only reason people voted for them was because they were something different, they stood out from the bunch of half dressed women and mushyness.. They were a laugh though, their costumes are a waste of time if you ask me. Not my cup of tea at all no, but each to their own I suppose..

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Yeah I have that album also and it's pretty good. I haven't listened to it that much recently but I can easily remember all the choruses because they are so damn catchy.

Devil is a loser is nice song and the chorus 'devil is a loser and he's my bitch' stucks in your head forever.

Would you love a monsterman is also good quite catchy and goodmood rock song.

I think Icon of Dominance is the best track on the cd and the pianos throughout the song are beautiful.

Very 80's style rock album but very well done and I don't have to be embarrassed for being finnish in this case. :P


I feel the same as you do dude! Glad great minds think alike ^_^

They're crap, I think only reason people voted for them was because they were something different, they stood out from the bunch of half dressed women and mushyness.. They were a laugh though, their costumes are a waste of time if you ask me. Not my cup of tea at all no, but each to their own I suppose..


Fair enough, although have you looked more into their music rather than their appearance? Fair enough if you don't like them, but their music is far different to their appearance.


Deary Me..Lordi Are Indeed Rubbish

Granted They Were The Best At Eurovision..On The Other Hand Bucks Fizz Also Won The Eurovision And What Does That Tell You


So did ABBA, and ABBA rule. Fair enough that you like NSYNC - but try not to rip on others, mmmkay?

And, glad to hear it FunkyMonk and cherrybomb :)

I have Arockalypse, and I think it's quite good, allthough I don't like all songs.

Yeah, it's a good album, although I don't think as solid as Get Heavy.

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  • 5 months later...

Ha thought I'd bring back this thread cause I'm listening to Get Heavy right now and it reminded me of this, and how I found out how good Lordi are. :)

No doubt a lot of you here will discount them as a real band cause of the whole costume thing, or that they won Eurovision :rolleyes:. But in all seriousness, anyone who likes some fun party-rock, just some kickass fun music would probably really dig Lordi. Some of their stuff gets pretty heavy and I love it, Mr Lordi has a damn good voice. The guitar is pretty good too, and has some neat solo's. Incredibly catchy too.

Just forget about all prejudice you have against them and give Get Heavy a go. It's a great album the whole way through, the only song which doesn't live up to the rest of the album is Icon of Dominance.

Listen to Lordi :wub: You'll love them.

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Meanwhile I also got Monsterican Dream and Get Heavy and these albums rock. I think, some songs are okay, but songs like "Blood Red Sandman", "Kalmageddon", "Would You Love A Monsterman, "Dynamite Tonight", "Hellbender Turbulence" or "Icon Of Dominance" are kick ass. rock3

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Hooray for Lordi loving! :D

The Arokalypse has grown on me, probably now my favourite Lordi album, even if HRH isn't as good on the album as it is on the single - I'll probably add a couple more reviews to this thread soon enough.

I mean, it's like Kiss fused with AC/DC - what could be better than that?

Lordi.. Get Heavy might seem like a good album if you are under 15 and so on but otherwise..

I assure you, I'm not under fifteen - but it is a good album, even if it does tail off towards the end. Okay, it's not exactly deep meaning wise, but it is gimmicky and follows that through with nice riffs, humorous lyrics, and great vocal and indeed guitar work.

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I really don't like them at all cos they are fake.

Sorry - fake in what way?

Just to point out -the only people to indicate displeasure with Lordi are Grerek and:

In Greece, a number of organisations were trying to stop Lordi from competing. The Greek restaurant and bar owners' union President, Mrs. Niki Constantinou made a public plea directed to the people of Finland and Greece not to allow Lordi to perform in the contest, claiming the group is satanist. Three other organisations in Greece initiated legal action against Lordi.


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I really don't like them at all cos they are fake.

Sorry - fake in what way?

Just to point out -the only people to indicate displeasure with Lordi are Grerek and:

In Greece, a number of organisations were trying to stop Lordi from competing. The Greek restaurant and bar owners' union President, Mrs. Niki Constantinou made a public plea directed to the people of Finland and Greece not to allow Lordi to perform in the contest, claiming the group is satanist. Three other organisations in Greece initiated legal action against Lordi.


I really have nothing to do with this you're quoting, as a person. This is funny and ridicullus of some people from my country and I'm totally against that. I feel ashamed of these actions that have taken place in my country.

I really felt it like a revenge to this stupid music contest when Lordi won and I was so much satisfied about the result! you should have understood that from my previous post.

I 've been a metal fan since 1994. I just think the music they are playing and the image they're selling is fake and simply catchy-commercial. This is just my oppinion. I don't see any inspiration in their music. Sorry but we can't all enjoy the same bands

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