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Ten Commandments of Post-Grunge


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1. If your singer sounds in even the slightest bit different from Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, throw him out.

2. Never choose a name that has more than one word in it, and seriously doubt anything with more than one syllable.

3. Said name should not have any meaning, and does not even have to be spelled right.

4. At least half your albums MUST be soundtracks to blatantly overhyped superhero movies and ripped of from old Seal songs of other blatantly overhyped superhero movies.

5. Never hesitate to stuff your religious beliefs up your idiot public's collective nose, and then spend even less time hesitating to pass it of as "spiritual".

6. Forget rule number 5 if said religion should happen to be anything other than Christianity.

7. Kurt Cobain is your god, but never try to be influenced by, say, his charisma, his destructive personallity or indeed his musical craftsmanship.

8. Attitude or charisma does not sell. Hackneyed lyrical clichés and generic B-brand classic rock does (sadly).

9. If your guitarist does not play a PRS guitar through a Line 6 amplifier, fire him.

10. Jeez, I seriously can't even think of a tenth one. How much more boring can these guys get if I can?t think of ten lousy points on which to diss them?

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