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how different gnr sound like


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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

No, they sound MUCH, and I really mean MUCH better :)

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

No, they sound MUCH, and I really mean MUCH better :)

they have a lot to live up to in my opinion some of the new stuff sounds like the beatles, queen and pink floyd all mixed together

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The sound is even stronger, for example in PC, Nightrain, YCBM and NR.... but this last song lacks Slash´s soul... cause Finck never, ever, gonna play that solo like it was played in past times. The new songs are really strong but not as melodic as Estranged, KOHD, Civil War or any other anthems we´ve heard from the original line-up.

Edited by CALUCA
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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

The new Guns N' Rpses has a very strange mixture of musical influences. Its like, pop-rock, industrial, and hardcore rolled into one. I know I wont like the album when it comes out, but hopefully it will grow on me. Im more about gritty, sleazy, bluesy, Rock N' Roll, like in AFD. This is more like something you would hear on MTV, and I hate saying that about a band called Guns N' Roses but its true. The problem is, the band Guns N' Roses or shall I say the name "Guns N' Roses" is know for sleazyness and attitude, this is something completely different.

People have been saying that the new GNR is going to save Rock from preppy prog rock and emo, I dont buy that for second if the leaks are going to be anything like the studio versions of these songs. But we'll see, its too early to fully judge this now.

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789
i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

You see, this is what we get because of warchild and co. People are afraid to post their reservations about Guns N' Roses, regardless of how reasonable they are.

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

I agree. Is a shame because Better is a great song, but that intro is fucking acrid. I'm embarrased to crank it up in my car.. i always fast farward through it. The guitaring sounds exaclty like my alarm clock... its a torture because if the intro was played on a different amp it would be great. And if anyone try's to call me a hater, FUCK OFF! because i'm an open Axl-lite.

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to me all the songs have a different feel and sound to them. maybe axl is getting his wish by changing the sound of gnr, though i hope that the rest of the world will accept them now. shit most here wont.

o and its not that im afraid to say what i want, i mean most you (probably all) will never meet me let alone know me so them saying shit to me is the least of my worries n people like warchild n co dont bug me. people who diss the old lineup n say they all suck bug me cause those people are the reason why you care about modern day gnr

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

You see, this is what we get because of warchild and co. People are afraid to post their reservations about Guns N' Roses, regardless of how reasonable they are.

OH,now I see the WARchild is to blame for all the haters put on "read only?"

don't think so........ask Admins. & moderators..........

and the first few times I listened to Dream Theater and Queen, It didn't "click" some music has to

grow on you to be appreciated!

An open mind is a wonderful thing!

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

No, they sound MUCH, and I really mean MUCH better :)

but they don't have the same soul or the same "it" that the classic line-up had.....and that special something holds much more importance than sounding better in my opinion

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i dont really like the intro into better it sounds ok live but meh. i think better is over rated as a song likewise with irs. the ones that impress me are madagascar and twat. twat needs work vocally live and some parts here and there but overall quite good. it does sound different. paradise city really lacks the sound of slash. the whole sleezy stuff doesnt impress me really i like the songs cause they sound good and you can bob youre head to them not because they are about living a hard live. new gnr is much cleaner but they have some good head bobbing action. the main changes of the new gnr sound to old gnr are knocking on heavens door and paradice city. those are the ones that lack because of of no slash but others are just as gd and maybe a little sronger such as november rain.

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i know normally when new memebers join a band, the sound is thrown a little but most of the time stays the same. Like in old GnR, with Matt coming in, and all the guitarists. but right now im listening to the newer stuff, trying to get more into them, i can help but notice they sound nothing like the old gnr at all. this isnt hate, but im trying to figure out to i even like the new sound. they have the talent in all, but like better, the song most people like, i just cant stand the intro, and it sounds as if they're trying to make it more of a metalish sounding band, almost like tool at some points.

does anyone agree, or am i just gonna be hated for this?

You see, this is what we get because of warchild and co. People are afraid to post their reservations about Guns N' Roses, regardless of how reasonable they are.

I've never seen anyone on here be afraid to post their true feelings about GNR past or present.

What I do see on here though are people who constanly put down a band who they supposedly are a massive fan of and it gets pretty nauseating to read the same bring down shit over and over again...such as how Kaneda kept posting every week the same thing with a twist.

It's okay to not like certain things about GNR. Hell, even I, JALP can't stand the one video off making of the videos where Axl's head looks like a bug...GARDEN of EDEN but do you see me bitching about it day in and day out?

I highly doubt Warchild and company are to blame for people's constant moaning and groaning about GNR.

This is a GNR forum. You are allowed to think for yourself and to not like something but when you constantly berate the issue over and over again, it's just pointless.

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yea but with this new sound idk if im gonna if like it at the point. yea sure they're a good band live and all, but i mean im to much into classic GnR and their sound and i want to remember them as that. but then again most of those songs were written ages ago so axl my throw some curve balls into. DAMN IT RELEASE IT!!!! i just want the wait to be over damnit!

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The sound is even stronger, for example in PC, Nightrain, YCBM and NR.... but this last song lacks Slash´s soul... cause Finck never, ever, gonna play that solo like it was played in past times. The new songs are really strong but not as melodic as Estranged, KOHD, Civil War or any other anthems we´ve heard from the original line-up.

I think that, fortus and bumble put a lot of soul into their november rain solos and adato on them slightly whilst staying true to the way it was written. However i think that Robin (while visibly trying) doesn't achieve this because he carries it too far away from it's roots and makes it sound (as my guitar teacher would say) a screcky mess :P. DON'T get carried away and accuse me of being a "hater" for this, i'm just the opposite and i do like finck but i think that his particular solo on that song is plain shit in comparison to the beautiful little solo that was written for it.

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GNR was always about standing out. AFD had so much success because it didnt sound like anything else that was out at the time. The riffs were always complex and the melodies were always catchy. It was the balance that got them by. That same spirit hasnt changed at all. While the music is different (not drastically except for Better) the spirit is there, when CD finally hits it will be like nothing else on the scene.

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The new Guns N Roses sucks,old Guns N Roses best group ever.They sound fuckin bad,because Slash is one of the best guitar player ever

so sorry you feel that way my 7 yearold newbish friend

your an idiot mate, are you trying to deny that the old g n r are among an elite group of bands that will be remembered as the best ever ? If this is true then im sorry you feel this way. Too much blind faith in a band that havent released anything, it seems that alot of people are living in a fantasy world where Axl is god and is worshiped no matter how little he gives to the fans. Without an album the opinion stated above by Flash is as valid as any.

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Your comments are dull and pointless, if you are going to say, hey this is bad, give examples or evidence although i doubt you could provide this. have you seen Nu or Old Gnr live? Nu gnr's energy tops that of old, now not saying they are better, old gnr had more soul and is "better" in my mind, although Nu Gnr doesn't suck at all, it is an amazing bad that can deliver music that can be some of the best out there in todays world, Better, TWAT, Blues, ect..

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Your comments are dull and pointless, if you are going to say, hey this is bad, give examples or evidence although i doubt you could provide this. have you seen Nu or Old Gnr live? Nu gnr's energy tops that of old, now not saying they are better, old gnr had more soul and is "better" in my mind, although Nu Gnr doesn't suck at all, it is an amazing bad that can deliver music that can be some of the best out there in todays world, Better, TWAT, Blues, ect..

I dont see my comments as pointless but you are entitled to your opinion, it just pisses me off when people are shot down for saying the new band sucks. I have seen the new band live at download and wasn't too impressed, i wanted the band to blow me away but they didn't. To me the show looked very contrived and came off as so. Im not saying the new album is gonna suck, however it is gonna take a lot for them to earn the title Guns n Roses, when i think of guns n roses i think hard rockin sleazy rock and a song like IRS is about on par with any 3 chord Blink 182 song.

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