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Royalties from CD

Vincent Vega

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I know a lot of people talk about whether G'N'R is a band or not but I was wondering if you guys think that the members will or will not receive royalties from CD and future albums or if all royalties will go to Axl because he owns the name?

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I think the only way Axl could get all the royalties is if he wrote every song without any help, and also played every instrument. You get royalties for two things: writing and performing. Axl does neither all by himself.

As for ownership of the songs, that's likely a different story.

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Royalties :rofl-lol:

This record has a $13 million advance to re-coop first. Thats a long way to go before we start thinking royalties.

Also session musicians are generally paid a fixed few for arrangement/performace and writing. But they get paid on the day for their work and isn't dependant on whether the record sinks or swims. The band members could easily just recieve a wage (a healthy wage for the top class musicians in GnR) and not recieve any royalities from the record.

Edited by life_247
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It will be divided fairly on the amount of work each member did.

Axl will get 4%

Robin will get 3.5%

Foot will get 2%

Brian will get 2.5%

Stinston will get 2.5%

Fortus will get 2.5%

Pitman will get 94%

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Bit unrelated to the main question but on the same topic.. Buckethead will get royalties if they're using his recordings won't he?

he will and bumblefott is not on CD so he'll only get touring money unless axl is feeling generous :P

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It will be divided fairly on the amount of work each member did.

Axl will get 4%

Robin will get 3.5%

Foot will get 2%

Brian will get 2.5%

Stinston will get 2.5%

Fortus will get 2.5%

Pitman will get 94%

111 % totally :xmasssanta: rock3

Axl will get 36 %

Pit(t)man will get 38,478 %

and the rest of the guys will share what's left.... :xmassrudolph: rock3

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It will be divided fairly on the amount of work each member did.

Axl will get 4%

Robin will get 3.5%

Foot will get 2%

Brian will get 2.5%

Stinston will get 2.5%

Fortus will get 2.5%

Pitman will get 94%

111 % totally :xmasssanta: rock3

Axl will get 36 %

Pit(t)man will get 38,478 %

and the rest of the guys will share what's left.... :xmassrudolph: rock3

:xmasssanta: Math isn't my best subject....

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Without knowing the details of the contracts that each band member has with Axl it's a tough question to answer.

As for the record company waiting to get their $13 million from sales of CD. It is entirely possible that one of the purposes of the current tour is to pay off some of the debt and generate some goodwill with the record company that may have been losing faith in Axl. They aren't going to sit back and watch Axl make money on this tour while they're $13 million in the red.

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just to add that axl already has some money he might have put towards the recording and the record company paid at the start of the 13 years and then axl has gotten 2 tours and old gnr merch royalties so i doubt there is any debt left and if there is it will not be 13 million

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Royalties :rofl-lol:

This record has a $13 million advance to re-coop first. Thats a long way to go before we start thinking royalties.

If someone is owed royalties from CD they're not going to be waiting for the however much it is to be re-cooped before they get paid. That's like asking employees of a company to sit tight and feed their kids bread and water while the two hundred million pound product they've been developing for a decade brings in it's costs.


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The only session musicians I know of in GNR would be Josh Freese, seeing as how by definition session musicians work in the studio and rarely go on tours. I think everyone in the band will get royalties, Axl has them signed to 'hush' contracts, thats my guess.

Session musicians do not tour to support the album, they simply record take their money, then go away. But I could be wrong, Axl could have had them all sign their rights to the songs away, but I doubt it.

Royalties :rofl-lol:

This record has a $13 million advance to re-coop first. Thats a long way to go before we start thinking royalties.

Also session musicians are generally paid a fixed few for arrangement/performace and writing. But they get paid on the day for their work and isn't dependant on whether the record sinks or swims. The band members could easily just recieve a wage (a healthy wage for the top class musicians in GnR) and not recieve any royalities from the record.

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all people who have recorded songs for the album will get royalties, unless they are on only one or two songs then they have probably signed their rights for royalties away for a lump sum....what most people do when they do a guest spot on a record. Axl will own all rights to the songs with no say from the other guys on how it is used, they all new this before they joined, all members will be making money weather the band is on tour or not due to the contracts, they are probably making more when the band is on tour but will still be paid even when they are not, which is why the members of the band didn't realy have to do anything work wise while we had a 3 year wait in between tours. Each band member probably makes 7-8% of what the band makes on tour with Axl makeing the rest (7% is still a nice bit of change seeming as GNR probably takes in about $500,000 per show excluding festivals where they probably take a little bit less home like $3-400,000). Plus all band members probably get a lump some every year they finish in the band (for example we will pay you a million dollars for every year your under contract) with all this cash flow there is no reason for any of the members to say fuck you Axl when he takes 3 years to tour again or 13 years to complete an album cause they are still getting paid handsomely for sitting around. My point....something I have forgotten long ago is that every member of GNR are getting paid for work they have done or work they don't have to do, and the old guys are going to get a settlement for the work they did (buckethead, freese and Tobias.)

All my info is not correct, it is just pure speculation but this is stuff I have seen been done with bands that recruit new members in the past, GNR could be working in a whole other system.....who realy knows besides the ones who are involved in the contracts

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Bucket will get royalties if his stuff is used.

Robin will definitely get royalties for "Better", as he wrote it.

Axl put 1M into finishing it, probably why it's finally coming out!

Record royalties and performing royalties are completely different. Most scenarios like this have the 'band' getting salaries, not tshirt money or pieces of tix sales, that's Axl's and the record co's. Paul McCartney paid his 'band' about 500 a night to play, not unheard of, but from the numbers I heard thrown around Axl is not cheap like Paul, so I don't think Ron will be complaining. Axl puts all his guys on annual contracts, hence they don't leave too fast. The guy knows how to keep the band happy, this is why it's still a band after all the downtime.

Adler got 15% of Appetite, and boasts about it in press to this day, I don't think you'll see Axl give that away again, "Better" aside, but they will all do fine.

The point of the record being 13M in the hole is a valid one. The counterpoint of the tour going in bulk to aid that debt, also valid.

Edited by axlskAmpf
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