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Is no news good news?


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Its been a while since weve had any new news from the GNR camp - The last thing that most have heard is the security guard incident... Also, there hasnt been too many pictures of the boys out like there were in the beginning of the tour...

What do you all think this could mean.. Is it just that things have calmed down, or did they finally get a publisist with them to keep things on the DL for a while, etc etc....

Any thoughts?

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I want good news as much as the next guy, but I prefer silence to all of the "the album, Chinese Democracy, will be out soon/this year/in the Fall/when hell freezes over" nonsense. The rumors always get all the fans excited on some level or another, and when the "plan" falls through, we all go back to our normal posting practices. So I think that silence is the best thing until there is actual, real news regarding anything.


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