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GNR Press Statement On Newcastle Gig


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DATE: July 22, 2006

SOURCE: Sanctuary

GNR's management company, Sanctuary, issued this statement today regarding the show that the band cut short in Newcastle:

07.22.2006 - GUNS N' ROSES HEAT WAVE

Guns N' Roses want the people of Newcastle to know that the crowd at their sold out show Wednesday night was terrific. The band played a sweaty two hour show on the hottest night in a lifetime bolstered by the audience's incredible support. Unfortunately, the band was not able to give the crowd the encore they deserved due to the behaviour of a couple of cowards in the audience.

Guns N' Roses keyboard player Dizzy Reed explained "Newcastle was one of the best gigs of the entire tour. I had puddles of sweat underneath my keyboards and loved every second of it except when some idiots decided to throw things at the stage. When Axl got hit the first time, the audience pointed out who threw the object and security tossed him out so we came back. Then Axl got hit in the mouth with another object, so thanks to the behavior of two morons who obviously don't know how to behave at a rock concert, the show ended with no encores. I've been in this band for sixteen years and stupid shit like throwing stuff at the stage is something we won't tolerate. We're not targets, we're musicians."

Guitarist Robin Finck stated, "We had a great time Wednesday night and Axl sang his ass off but you do not wait around to get hit in the mouth for a third time."

Guns N' Roses vocalist Axl Rose had this to say, "Getting hit wasn't a big deal. We stopped the song and gave a warning. We came back and started the song over and completed it. We then said goodnight. The house lights went down and I got hit a second time, in the mouth, by a solid object thrown by someone in the audience. After having warned the crowd that we would leave, and having played more than two hours, we left the stage and called it a night with the full support of everyone in the band, our guests and Management. Izzy was the first to immediately support the decision verbally to me personally before I had physically left the stage area. Tommy and Frank came to my dressing room to say how much they appreciated the decision to not continue under those conditions, and express their support for not tolerating anyone throwing items at the stage with a negative intent. This has been GNR's policy since playing Donnington in 1988. We thank everyone for coming, we hope everyone got home safely and we hope to play Newcastle again - hopefully without those looking for enjoyment at others expense.


Guns N' Roses look forward to continuing their sold out UK tour in Glasgow tonight.

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