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A message from Richard concerning the Newcastle Gig and the European Tour....


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Sorry if this has been posted already..

To my knowledge, there was never a bottle thrown at the stage while we were on it. Newcastle (in my opinion), was one of (if not the), best shows of the tour. It was also the hottest! It was a steam bath! The fans were amazing, and seemed 100% with us the entire show. It was a really magical show for me, until the very end. During Night Train, someone threw a coin and it hit Axl and he stopped us and we walked off. We made an announcement that we weren't going to keep playing if anything else was thrown. Unfortunately, we came back, started the song again and the same thing happened. So we left. That's what this band has always done when people keep throwing shit. Maybe people were booing in the back. If they were, i sure as hell didn't hear it nor did I see it. Except for some asshole that ruined it for everyone, it was one of the greatest shows of my life. The Newcastle audience was amazing. The press reports that I've read made it sound as though we were bottled and booed off the stage, but as usual they are full of shit. That includes the story about Axl refusing to go on until he got a roast duck dinner. Complete bullshit. I know, i was with him. Blatant lies. Don't believe what you read kiddies! The fans have been amazing here in Europe. It's pretty overwhelming. I'd like to personally thank all the fans that have come to the shows. Especially the ones that didn't come as fans, but left as fans. Your emails and all the posts on the websites have really meant a lot. oh yeah, one more thing. Izzy Stradlin is one of the coolest people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. It's a pleasure to play with him and to hang out with him. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that has helped make this tour so much fun.


Fortus is great ^_^

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Hmmm I thought Richard was sending replies to emails he received from a while back? So why would he just reply to a email that has just recently been sent? Plus it is also veryyyy long and he normally replies with short replies. Could be a fake, but if it isnt then Richard is the man!!!! rock1

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Hmmm I thought Richard was sending replies to emails he received from a while back? So why would he just reply to a email that has just recently been sent? Plus it is also veryyyy long and he normally replies with short replies. Could be a fake, but if it isnt then Richard is the man!!!! rock1

This was not a fan email, it was sent from Richard to his webmaster and then posted on htgth by his webmaster, from an account that Jarmo has verified in the past as really being Richards webmaster.

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They should consider putting up some chicken netting and encouraging people to throw shit. Or deploy some strong magnets to collect all the debris. There seems to be way more throwing shit than previous tours. Why are people throwing stufff?

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Hmmm I thought Richard was sending replies to emails he received from a while back? So why would he just reply to a email that has just recently been sent? Plus it is also veryyyy long and he normally replies with short replies. Could be a fake, but if it isnt then Richard is the man!!!! rock1

he possibly caught up a lot on the emails when guns havent had a show one day, like the 20th July or something like that.


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Clever trick, Richard, but I see though it.

You denied that Axl had a roast duck, but you dodged the real question of lamb.

You are the Bill Clinton of Izzy Stradlin impersonators.

If it didn´t really happend, it´s easyer yo make the the MISTAKE of mixing lamb and duck..

I read that duck shit once just as Richard propblably have done, and if someone would have asked me two days later what the man ate, I surely would have forgot it by then.. WHAT he ate is not essential, and it´s the essential things u remember. :drevil:

Richard is the man! :)

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