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All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

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Posted (edited)
Do you have any actual defense to your claims?

I didn't know you were a lawyer?

Anyway, Pit(t)man has more talent than Axl anyday of the week minus Tuesday.

Cos' Tuesday is 'Toonie Tuesday' at KFC and Axl loves to get bloated off greasy chicken.

And that gives him super-powers.


I just like to piss you off. :drevil:

Edited by Jackamo




All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

To the real world AFD just gets better and bigger than those songs with time...





All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

I wouldn't go that far, but I find that those songs are a lot more "complicated" as Moreblack pointed out which could be for the better or worse.

Or maybe what we have heard really isn't the way Axl wanted us to hear them. Though live versions kind of void that.






All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

To the real world AFD just gets better and bigger than those songs with time...

Tis the truth.


Chinese Democracy will suck, the second album will be better.

& I hope it's called 'Cock-a-Roach Soup', now THATS original.





All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

Dude, you know this specific comparison is gonna damage your credibility when it comes to this thread's argument...


I just think IRS kicks Anything Goes ass. Musically and more so in terms of production (ok u can say itsa demo but even the illusions had better production AFD which is so 80s. I think as time passes and with all the new production techniques AFD will find it hard to hold it's own against the harvesting tornado that will be CD. Right NOW I can see CD wiping the floor with the whole GNR back catalogue and commercially will outstrip it and artistically it will be off the map. There is a certain degree of posturing on AFD which doesn't always have a long self life, it's so adolescent, immature. Like Get in the Ring is great the first time you hear it but after a while it seems like a gimmick. Whereas, CD songs are much more considered and the themes are much interesting, while still kicking a whole lotta ass. So, although I see you point about going against a classic like AFD, I still think CD will be better.

Posted (edited)

The only way CD could reach the AFD level is if it had:



Edited by Jackamo
Well, that was sort of my point. TWAT has the epic-ness but all within short time. It's much more accesible than Nov Rain. It's better song for radio. November Rain is way to indulgent. Axl has definitely got better at songwriting. I'm come on Catcher in the Rye basically blows UYI era ballads out of the water.

'There Was A Time' falls short of being an epic and sounds like an attempt at recreating 'Estranged'. Certain sections of the song are promising, but overall it fails to connect on an emotional level..

When I listen to Buckethead's solo.. all I hear is Axl's vocal melody being repeated. Compare that outro to the much shorter guitar arrangements in Estranged.. it's hard to deny which is superior..

Personally, I feel the "It's been a long time for you" bit drags the song through the mud.. and sounds entirely out of place..

And in regards to the main line of discussion, 'TWAT' doesn't hold a candle to November Rain. There's no punch.. nothing that sends chills down your spine..

I'll wager the tail end bit of November Rain is superior to the entire 6:43 seconds of There Was A Time..



Credibility? Meh. It's an innernet forum.

Ok, maybe I'm just bored of AFD. But to me Chinese Democracy is cooler than It's So Easy TODAY.


See, the ending of TWAT though, is just the same thing over and over again...

The ending of Estranged, from "I'll never find anyone to replace you" and on has far more variety, more changes and it flows a lot better IMO.

Estranged didn't make any impact on the charts.

Estranged is better than There Was A Time.

Do the math.

The charts mean "commercial" not necessarily "good"...

Estranged is way better then TWAT


I think people get mixed up between the myth of AFD and the music. It's a rock n roll album and maybe one of the best ever but...these new songs are better musically, lyrically, objectively. I loved the panache and style of old GNR, I loved it and still miss it but you gotta give credit where it's due, the new songs are step forwards from UYI and that's a good thing. Sure in my heart I want Slash and the old guys back but I'm a romantic pussy.

I mean I have IRS, TWAT, Catcher, Better on my Real player by choice. I don't have AFD tunes on there. So I guess thats what I want to listen to.


I enjoy There Was A Time more than November Rain. TWAT is my favorite new song. I really wish the band was playing it at concerts. With all the talk on this board however it seems like I'm the only one who loves the song. :-\

I think people get mixed up between the myth of AFD and the music. It's a rock n roll album and maybe one of the best ever but...these new songs are better musically, lyrically, objectively. I loved the panache and style of old GNR, I loved it and still miss it but you gotta give credit where it's due, the new songs are step forwards from UYI and that's a good thing. Sure in my heart I want Slash and the old guys back but I'm a romantic pussy.

I mean I have IRS, TWAT, Catcher, Better on my Real player by choice. I don't have AFD tunes on there. So I guess thats what I want to listen to.

U have Appetite since 18 years now so u problably listened to it SO MANY TIMES!!!!

I think there's no wonder if u now want to listen to something new... what I wonder is if u'll even remeber about TWAT adn the other new songs in 18 years from now...


I sort of have forgotten about AFD really.

I see it more of a nostalgia thing. I don't relate to the songs anymore. There are too many parts in the songs where I cringe. I'm starting to hold UYI closer to my heart. Songs like Dust N Bones, Breakdown, Right Next Door to Hell, Civil War are what listen to from those albums.

It's just my opinion at this point. If you went back to 91 and said "You'll grow tired of AFD" I'd probably laff at you. But things have changed.


I was most interested in Breakdown, Double Talking Jive, Locomotive and My World on UYI. I mean I loved the rock n roll. But I was really interested in the way things moved forward. Even Estranged and November Rain were a new direction. So these new songs for me are an extension of Estranged and Locomotive. I'm still waiting for something like My World from Chinese Democracy.


Its pretty neck on neck to me. If I'm wanting an older, less Buckethead-style piece of GNR, I'll put on NR, and vice versa.

I think the best bit of TWAT is the little incling of shredding 5:05 to 5:10. It just adds so much to a song for it to be ignored - and its not overdone whatsoever.





All these songs are better than AFD which is starting to look like a Mickey Mouse album as time moves on.

Then why does Axl play more of AFD live than those songs?

Posted (edited)

I think live is a different kettle of fish. But TWAT got a more eurphoric uplifting ending that November Rain be don't be surprised if it beomes a live favourite by 2010.

Edited by wasted
I think live is a different kettle of fish. But TWAT got a more eurphoric uplifting ending that November Rain be don't be surprised if it beomes a live favourite by 2010.


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