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Alot of people stopped following Guns N Roses back in the early 90's. My interest started to fade about the same time, although it was mostly forced upon me when Axl went into hiding...

When I saw Guns on the 2002 vma's though, I went nuts.....it stoked the fire again, and even though they didn't look good, and didn't sound great, I got fired up all over again....

For the next 4 years, I've been on this and other fan sites' every single day.....Iv'e talked to my friends about the band when no one gave a fuck. GNR was gone and forgotten....needless to say, I've put up with alot of shit talking from these people the last few years, and now it's time to shine!

Fuck all the doubters! Not only do I think Chinese Democracy will succeed, I think it will be huge. I base this on the music I've heard from the leaks, and live performances I've heard over the past 10 months. Anyone who's heard the music knows the same.

Tell me some stories about ass holes that you've heard shit from the last few years, and how fuckin satisfying it will be to shove it down their throughts when CD hits it big.....There's not a doubt in my mind!

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