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The Arctic Monkeys - Whatever people say i am, thats what i'm not


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Really didnt like this band when they first came out, i probaly got blinded by all the hype that was thrown upon them but i'll gladly admit i was wrong. Such an amazing album full of great riffs and brilliant observational lyrics which really sum up the nightlife culture of today and Mardy bum is the best track of the 00's, i cant think of a better british debut album

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Pushing musical snobbery aside, and the natural impulse to run from anything so publically worshipped by NME etc...this band is defining our current musical landscape, and their lyrics are relevant and witty.

In twenty years time, I am more likely to associate these guys with memories of my youth than Led Zep, simply because of the nights out I'll remember. And that makes me warm to them, thinking of the impact they are having within a certain era of my life. :book:

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You're a fucking idiot if you really believe it's the best ANYTHING.

Absolutely awful, generic, music by numbers album. These guys should be playing in a shitty student bar somewhere. Dire.

Well you are Welsh

Great comeback.. -_-


Do i detect a hint of sarcasm there? :huh::lol:

Maybe he would'nt understand the sense behind the lyrics as it's a very "English" album, maybe i shoulda made it clearer as apposed to best "British" album but either way he's chatting bollocks

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To not undestand the lyrics I'd have to be a monkey. It's crappy chav slang all the way. It's the same crap the The Streets do. Try to sound urban and street in a hip-hop dominated culture. They just come off sounding like stupid, common cunts.

The music is mind numblingly simple and they have so little talent I couldn't fill a wedding ring box with it.

I put it to you sir that you're the one talking bollocks, and clearly have no idea what good music really is.

I'm guessing you love other NME indie shit like Kasabian, Hard-Fi, Franz Ferdinand? :rolleyes:

Edited by Slash's Appetite
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To not undestand the lyrics I'd have to be a monkey. It's crappy chav slang all the way. It's the same crap the The Streets do. Try to sound urban and street in a hip-hop dominated culture. They just come off sounding like stupid, common cunts.

The music is mind numblingly simple and they have so little talent I couldn't fill a wedding ring box with it.

I put it to you sir that you're the one talking bollocks, and clearly have no idea what good music really is.

I'm guessing you love other NME indie shit like Kasabian, Hard-Fi, Franz Ferdinand? :rolleyes:

As apposed to singing about strippers like Motley Crue? yes because i can really relate to that :blink:

I find The Arctic's and The Street's have very informal lyrics maybe if they sang about doing naughty things with sheep you'd like them? :rolleyes::rofl-lol: And no i dont happen to like any of them NME endorsed bands you mention

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