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OH MY GOD...a demo?


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Gunners!  I read somewhere that the Oh My God version that came out on the kick ass End of Days soundtrack was a demo version.  I think AXL said this himself.  Anybody know anything on that topic?  Well cut me some feedback.  



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Axl said this at Vegas Dec 29th 2001. He said that 'Oh My God' was a demo that he didn't want to be released but the management went and released it anyway. He wasn't completely happy with the song.

Hope that cleared that up for you!!

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Axl said this at Vegas Dec 29th 2001. He said that 'Oh My God' was a demo that he didn't want to be released but the management went and released it anyway. He wasn't completely happy with the song.

Hope that cleared that up for you!!

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  • 9 months later...

Fuck off dude. Im allowed to have my opinion....

And no, if slash put that out i would be dissapointed with him..

But geez. Stop fucking around critiicising other peoples opinions just becuase they arent the same as your own. You think that your the only Guns N Roses fan in here? Well your not. I am a fan of axl and slash. I mean why the fuck else would i be in here posting messages? Becuase i like bashin axl?? No its not. Its becuase i like his music and i like the old gunners music, and if you have a problem with that then why dont you surf around over to a certain new gnr forum which i cant mention as it will be censored.

I didn't like Oh My God! Fuck dude, im so sorry. I should be shot for commiting such an attrocious and savage offence...

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if slash would have put out the same song out would be telling us how great it was   ::)

lol.  I have to admit I was thinking the same thing.  ;):D :D

Myself, I like "Oh My God."

I found that the more I listened to it, the more I liked it.

But I admit it's different for GNR -- and, for that reason, it will probably only appeal to real diehard Gunners, not casual fans. That may be why the track didn't get much airplay or publicity when it was released on the "End of Days" soundtrack.  

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I think that song rox.  Different is a good thing.  I mean when you put that song on, man its like something rising, some kind of anger, it rox.  So much energy.  I loved it live too :D.

Ha gnrlies would think that song was kick ass if Slash was on that business...so true :D   8)


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hey can i make one thign clear...

I am not all pro slash. I mean he is my fav. gnr member, and my fav. guitarist, but i think many people are on the mark when they say snakepit was not that good. I mean i like snakepit for slash's guitaring, but i dont hold as much faith in the rest of it (esp the vocals)

So there is slash material that i think is crap.

Secondly i am pro GNR. So i would like this song no matter what just for this. I mean i dont mind the song, just merely dont think it is upo to GNR standards, and the reason for this is the "fake sh*t" in it.

It really isnt about slash or axl. I mean to say its as good as anythign on appetite or uyi is probably not somehting that is said too often.

And i do like a lot of the newer GHNR tracks.. I like madagascar quite a lot and believe it is equal to uyi and i like the blues as well as CD. Not as keen on riyad or silk worms, but the point im tryign to make is that my bias for slash doesn't play a part in this.

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