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Posts posted by duffmckegean

  1. This will be a great loss to me. i really enjoyed logging in for the latest news, rumours or the odd time leaks!

    Many thanks to the guys for running this service over the years, it's been a wonderfull asset that i dont think the band realised they had.


  2. ahem, anyone remember the so called "certainty" that was Nov 21st 2006??

    dont believe anything with the GNR camp unless its a hard CD case in your hands

    (who knows even then, there may not be a disc in it, due to "managerial pdroblems")

  3. Is there anything wrong here with pointing out that Axl has released very little live material and that it is rather stingy?

    But you've been beating that dead horse forever and a day now.

    Its like listening to 'Rain Man'.

    And ultimately, its pissing into the wind. You are "outraged" over something that is not going to change Not now, not ever. Axl is not going to suddenly release a 15 year old concert with a past tense line-up.

    And frankly, there is no market for it.

    And let's get real here. In addition to wishing for something that would not happen anyway, let's assume for a second it could. You actually think Axl would release the soundboard recording, warts and all?


    The Tokyo show had impeccable sound, yet Axl chose to add in cheezy crowd noise and re-recorded vocals for the tracks that wound up on the abortion that was 'Live Era'.

    So I ask you. What good is an official recording of the 08.03.1991 Inglewwod show if he's just going to doctor it up?

    So please, for the love of God and your own sanity, give up this lost cause.

    All true,

    i always wondered what was the real story with Live era?

    was it just vocals were re-recorded or was it whole guitar mix's?

    A few songs sound original,

    eg. RQ, in the whole song you can only hear Lead and bass,

    impossible to hear Izzy/Gilby in that one.

    Has to mean Axl didnt spend ages butchering that song,

    sounds pretty raw.

  4. Fact : Mysteron already posted on htgth that merck was off his rocker with his suprise release statement

    What the hell does "off his rocket" mean?

    the term 'off his rocker' is british, meaning crazy, looney, 1 sandwich short of a picnic, 1 brick short of a load etc etc. I agree with Mysteron to be fair.


    1 tuesday short of a release date etc! :P

  5. B)-->

    QUOTE(mr.b @ Nov 27 2006, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    We have waited this long we can wait another few months...

    can we really though.

    the optimum time to have gotten maximum publicity for this album would have been last sep. just at the end of the european tour,and the beginning of the North American Tour. A release then would have sold well,and launched GNR back onto the world's media stage for the tour. now with the tour ending next spring ,is it not a littl late then to be releasing it??

    they obviosly wont be still touring this time next year(no repeat of '91-93,the guy is in his 40s now)

    last available window to gain the most out of the recent tour success is to release CD now,or at least before Dec 15th,

    it will have lost major appeal if released after that IMHO.

  6. another fact:

    If it doesn't come out by 31 December 2006 | 23:59:59 |, Axl will become nothing but a double talkin' jive motherfucker...


    and what if there is problems etc

    and what have we had for the last 8 odd years??

    more ...problems??? :drevil:

    i think not,

    its now or never Axl,

    on everyone's part its now or never.

  7. MSG would be ideal,

    get world press coverege for it and all.

    It really is now or never time for a release date if it's gonna come out this year,

    To get the Christmas market it will have to be dropped in the next 3-4 weeks for,

    no point releasin an album after dec 15th,

    Its aswell to wait till next year if they gonna wait until then.

  8. wots up with this merck Bashin??

    It aint him that has been in charge of the project for the last 10 years,

    if your gonna bash anyone for no release date,

    then Get onto Mr. Rose.

  9. Slash!!, and I didnt even tick the stupid one about wearin the tophat on stage.. <_<

    You are Slash! You are formerly of Guns N' Roses, one of the greatest bands ever to graze the earth. Currently you are with Velvet Revolver, and you love Jack Daniels and cigarettes. You are one of the most well known guitarists, and a master blues-rock player. You also have a hot supermodel wife.

  10. right, heres the deal ,been playin guitar for roughly 2 years now, and am getting prettygood at it.

    But I wanna upgrade my kit,im kinda finding limits with my present equipment and am not sure which is most important, new guitar, amp or effects pedal .

    Currrently am using a crappy Squier nu metal pack, complete with crappy 10w amp!!

    Any suggestions on what to do next???? :question::question:

  11. Before any yank says 'But the 13th isn't a month!' - we do it the other way. Sounds obvious, but there are some...

    And I doubt it too. But cool if it is

    Some yank, I love it!

    but seriously, where was this? any chance of a pic or sumtin?

    it would tie in nicely with the "Fall...or late Fall" release date.

  12. Sounds like a great show, :)

    any updates as to what this"Axl Talk" thing is about,

    Hope its about the scrap last night, something along the lines of his speach in92(I think) :book:

    about the fight the old guys had in NYC in some hotel, ya know the one with................

    "Steven cracked him over his head with his cast, and said "ya never hit one of the Family""!!!

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