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Status Updates posted by Roses

  1. sorry deary, i've been here and there but doing very little! aghh i hate valentines day so much. whats new with you? xxxxxxxxx

  2. ahh I see how it is brad, you and your silly memory. :P It was fun thanks, danced on the tables and remember very little. how art thou? xxxxx

  3. booyah! you didn't make a surprise appearance at my party *sob* well all I can say is that you missed a cracker. ;) how are you laddy? x

  4. alloallo there old man! hope all's good with you. xxx

  5. loves you too! I'm just packing my bags to go to france. yay! (wellington boots haha) hope you're ok? x

  6. This commenting lark is so confusing! anyway you have been officially commented by steph. :) x

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