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Appetite 4 Axl

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Posts posted by Appetite 4 Axl

  1. AMAZING! I was so worried about Axl's vocals since I had been following a lil bit on youtube but he did not dissapoint. He sounded great most of the time I wish you could hear him better during some of the songs though. He was high energy and seemed like he was def in a good mood. Amazing night. I was on the left hand side, not in the pit, but still really close. Even my bf who hated Axl admitted the show was great. I wanna go to another show so bad!

    I enjoyed the opener too. Haha who know taylor momsen could sing. The guy behind me kept screaming I love cindy loo hoo. =)

  2. I'm going! section 104. Row H. I hope these will be decent seats. Whats this venue like? I've never been.

    Also after reading this thread I am scared Axl will not show. But like theres no way he would do that twice right?! I am taking my boyfriend with me and he already hates Axl because he cancelled a show he had tickets for years back so this has to go well!! haha

    I wish my girlfriend would take me to g'n'r she's pissed she has to go and I payed for her ticket.... Girls

    haha i paid for my boyfriends ticket and everything. hes still bitching though.

    Lets just ditch our dates and go together :kiss: .. you got good seats?? lmao :D

  3. I'm going! section 104. Row H. I hope these will be decent seats. Whats this venue like? I've never been.

    Also after reading this thread I am scared Axl will not show. But like theres no way he would do that twice right?! I am taking my boyfriend with me and he already hates Axl because he cancelled a show he had tickets for years back so this has to go well!! haha

  4. Axl you're my GOD. The thing is my boyfriend and I always fight if you ever come up in conversation. He always goes on about what an asshole you are and it irks him even more bc im so infatuated with you ;) He's really into rock and metal groups and it bothers me that he won't pay the same respect to Guns. (PS. he's huge into Iron Maiden and I sent him a youtube clip of you back in the day ripping on them in an interview- haha did he flip at your comment) Anyway, he goes on and on about you being a douche and I defend you on every point! Finally all I can say is "What has he ever done to you?" And thats when he gets all smart and claims you stole 80 bucks from him when your show with Metallica was cancelled in 2004 and he never got a refund. He said he used to like you but after that he's pissed. "DO you know how long it takes to save up 80 bucks as a highschool kid working at pathmark??" He yells.

    Can you send him 80 bucks so he'll shut his mouth and finally admit what a saint you are?



  5. Catch up!

    I've been listening to Peaches forever. rock3

    She's awesome, I was gonna see her live in NY but then my friend never got around to getting us the tickets. She'd supposed to be really interesting live, I'm talking dildos and other playthings on stage... :blink:

  6. This band is incredible. I totally don't know how I never checked them out as much as I should of. The thing is I definitley remember when they were at their peak, I probably was too young at the time. Anyway I recently saw Freak On A Leash playing on tv, I remembered I liked the video so I kept watching, and yo that shit is amazing. Seriously though I started listening to more and more of their stuff and its really good. So yeah anyone here like Korn? Any songs I should be listening to?

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