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Jason Ford

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Posts posted by Jason Ford

  1. When he opens up his myspace "send message" option again, you can email him that way.

    Yeah. I think that is how most people contacted him anyway. Through myspace...

    Thanks to both of you guys for actually providing an intelligent response for this thread.

    No problem. I know people here can be a little harsh sometimes. ;)

    I was browsing this site years ago....like in 01-02 and I didn't sign up until 05. I still hardly ever post anything because of all the jerk know it all assholes on this site. I check it out for updates and info. Not to Argue and belittle someone or trying to sound all important. You fucks should go get a life. :devil:

  2. :devil:

    Okay, I'l be the first to say it.

    Pit(t)man = G&R. End of story.

    That guy's got tons of motherfucking charisma on stage. He has keyboards the bounce around and sometimes he dresses like the cop from the village people. So fuck all you haters.

    If you listen closely to a new bootleg, I think you can hear a little beeping sound effect in the background of NuWelcome to the Jungle. That's the kind of shit I always felt was missing from AFD. Everytime I hear the blowout finale to Paradise City I think to myself, "Yea, it's cool. But imagine if Martin Luther King Jr. was talking in the background. A PIT(T)MAN! A PIT(T)MAN! MY KINGDOM FOR A PIT(T)MAN!"

    Admit it, you all feel the same way deep down inside.

    You can be sarcastic and silly all that you want but the truth be told...he does do quite alot. The live versions of Rocket Queen for example and even You Could Be Mine have a newer and fuller sound that is from the synth that Pittman adds to it. There are alot of other aspects of songs that are added to in a very cool way if you ask me. If he was really out front right now...on old GnR, people would claim that they are changing it too much. However the subtle way they are adding the synth now is cool. :devil:
  3. :devil: I dont care if he stares directly at the fuckers while he is singing. Jesus. He usually runs all over the place, spins around and is for the most part of the shows...never in one place long. Anybody doing all of that could use tele-prompters im sure. Why not? It has nothing to do with not remembering the lyrics. He wrote the damn songs. Im sure he knows them better than anyone. I would imagine that it helps to keep your place in the song and probably your timing. Especially while running all over the fuckin place. :devil:

    And By the way, I have seen Gunsnroses 3 times on the Illusions tour. And I never noticed the teleprompters. rock4

  4. I would go if I had the money. Just because I haven't seen Axl live since 92. But I live in St.Louis Mo. and cannot get off from work and still pay my bills. Yes, I am a rich man. Axl needs to release a single. The show would sell out in minutes. Without a single I think all shows are doomed to repeat the same thing here in the states.

  5. Anyone who says new GN'R sounds better live than old GN'R is not only deaf, but fucking retarded as well.

    Is your username a reference to the Velvet Revolver song? They suck, in case you didn't realize it.

    How old are you? 12?

    Why don't you add an opinion pertaining to the topic instead of polluting the thread with your bullshit.

    While I haven't seen the new guns as of yet. I have seen the old on several occasions. Sure ther were times when they had alot of energy and put on a fuckin energetic if slightly off key and messy show. Wich at the same time I totally loved it. Also, when I saw them with Metallica they were somewhat subdued. James Hetfield had a cast on his arm from a pyro thecno accident and John Holmes from Metal Church was filling in on guitar. People were throwing shit at the stage. James Hetfield got REALLY pissed off about this, and said something about his burned up arm, how much the stage alone cost and you fuckers are throwing shit at me. He said to fucking stop throwing shit and called afew people out. Well when Guns came on some motherfucker hit Axl Rose with a Butane Lighter. Right in the face. Well Axl just sat down and stopped singing. This was during Bad Obsession. He made a speech re-itterating what James had said and continued to sit down on the drum riser. Finally he got up and finished the song. He then said, "How would you like it if we just left?" Like we did in the Texas Jam? Everyone booed so Axl said last chance motherfuckers! I know that it is hot in here but we are all having to put up with it so C'mon and lets make a good show out of this. And they kicked off with My Michelle and things cooled out a bit and we had a great show.

    I believe Axl is just trying to get his band tight so when they do release some music, they will not only be able to play the new stuff as well as the old stuff.

  6. So much for the "New Axl" eh?

    Well, so many things can happen in our lives. Despite our best planning we often find ourselves in positions that we didn't anticipate. Enter Alchohol and/or Drugs and it makes things that much crazier. I hope for the best with Axl and whoever he was into it with.

  7. How is this a really big deal? Axl was arguing with a woman and lost his temper. It does not appear that he assaulted the woman in anyway. I don't give a fuck about the security guy, omg he got bit! wow. To me this isn't a big deal, im more hoping that the judge etc lets him the fuck out soon.

    AXL IS ALIVE AND KICKIN!! (I mean Bitin) LOL :rofl-lol:

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