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PrEttY TiED uP

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Posts posted by PrEttY TiED uP

  1. What I don't understand is those nu-metal guitarists showing up on TV and in magazines talking like theyre actually doing something with the guitar. WTF man? Youre just playing powerchords. It doesnt matter what you fucking use, theyre just fucking powerchords and no one cares about ur equipment or what it sounds like cuz ur basically doing shit-all.

    Another thing that kinda ticks me off are rock radio DJs talking like these bands are actually worth being excited about. Its like, "Guys, we just got the new Nickelback single and its AMAZING." Shuddup, no its not. I understand you need to give youre listeners a reason to listen, but the crap thats on these days is so pathetic and it doesnt help that u give it false praise.

    hell yeh,it sucks today....well most bands do. not that i know a lot about them,but one thing i was impressed with when i saw the darkness was that they could actually play some mean guitar.

    i mean bands today, their guitarists just stand their strumming away the kind of crap you could learn in a week...there's no personal style, nothing to look up to, and the songs are just repeating chords and whatever, no great rock solo or intros or outros worth the light of day, yet they claim to be "rock n roll bands".

    its a shame that this generation right now isnt one of rock guitarists and they seem to be a dying breed....if you listen to someone like Slash then your just blown away,i mean its times like this you appreciate GNR - and i hate to go on about the past :rolleyes: but i doubt they'll be another band that had everything GNR had going for them B)

  2. Huh, sad story about his granma and all :(

    i remember axl saying somewhere that his grandmother was like the female version of him and that she used to travel round and watch all the GNR shows and was a great support to him, and how when he was researching into his childhood his grandmother was a lot of help to him with filling in the blanks of his past etc...

    so i'm thinking that they made up at a later date B)

  3. hey,i havent been here for about 8 months so hey everyone! :D

    in this day and age 40 is nothing, i mean take a look at the new generation of people who look like they're approaching 30 but are actually ten years or more older than they appear..for example johnny depp, brad pitt, and yes Axl Rose - age is anything anymore other than a bit of much needed experience ;) and the added bonus that they've lived a little

  4. Are you speaking from personal experience, PTU? :P

    no sadly not, i mean perhaps i will try it one day. i was just working on the basis that if a guy was all about that, i'd be in that queue like a shot :)

  5. amen, you have every right to feel that way your one lucky mofo :D

    i cant believe there was no dancing.. every gnr show i've been to its been like the best work out i've ever had non-stop for like the whole 2 hours or whatever

  6. damn, it wont let me acess that site but from what i've heard it was a total blow out. its a shame that something like this was allowed to happen again, i guess its something 'guns n' roses' will never be able to shake off

  7. Besides "Oooops!  I crapped my pants," Colon Blow is the best SNL commercial.  Yeah, Phil Hartman was in it (RIP).

    did you know they now make..... wait for it - SUPER colon blow! its like turning into some crazy franchise!

  8. She can find out by trying out that Colon Blow cereal advertised on SNL... :P

    lol yeah!! with that phil hartman guy and its like "how many bowls of fbre would be equal to super colon blow??"!! crazy cwm27.gif ;D

  9. We really need something else , more and more of these lame-ass threads cause we got nothing New G&R related to discuss , god damn it's annoying , someone always posting something stupid like this  >:(

    Peace GnR Nation  8)

    yeah tell me about it, i mean (most of us) are grown adults, and to bide our time we have to post threads that arent even true..and that are ultimately childish, i mean i know times are hard

  10. I think Axl is doing this on purpose...!

    He probably wants CD to be the longest awaited album in the history of music...the guy isn't fooling anybody but himself...

    no i dont think thats his aim, i mean that after all isnt actually i good thing to have the longet awaited album, he knows that for like every month he delays it he's probably losing fans. he's making this album to his satisfaction, he'll release it when he's ready whether its this year, 10 years or never.. i dont think it was ever about getting a title or media attention

  11. Just watched i, just before axl has him removed he points to him and sticks his middle finger up. Secerity do pass axl the shirt and he throws it back stage

    oh right thanks :)

    although i dont agree with axl acting like that after everything they did together i'm not exactly gonna piss about it, i spose on the funny side he probably flicked his cigerette ash on it later and mailed it to him::)

  12. Get that guy out of here !  Are you listening to me Mr security man?  That guy gone, Yeah going.  Hand me that shirt !  Hand me that shirt !

    Apparently the dude was waving a Slash T-shirt around and Axl *cough* took exception to it !

    That is my favourite 'It's so Easy' ever ...

    Axl starts and stops the rant mid song without missing a beat !!!!!

    wow thanks TWOIF i wondered the exact reason, did axl get the shirt after? i'm trying to find a video of  that song from RIR3 on kazaa..

  13. Yeah...OMG if they did! All of us would be screaming in our "spandex"! ;D

    It would be worth thousands...I bet you...if it was actually gonna happen, that's how much the seller would have benefited...!

    Well, Axl said he'd release C.D. but we have to wait for another 10 years...!

    i know! all these broken promises! ::)

    i guess nothing has ever been set in stone with GNR.. in the early days the reason the band was exciting was the fact that they were totally unpredictable, they could have a great 3 hour show, a shit 2 song performance, they had the presence as if they were about to kill themselves or eachother on stage, they could split right there and then and no one knew how long they were gonna last.

    well they sure are unpredictable... i mean with all due respect CD should have been out in the late 90s

  14. :) i read around 92 that del was creating a similar book on GNR with all the interviews and stuff like WTW... but nothing ever came of it, the only reference was by Axl when he said "it'll be out when the time is right", and now i guess with the new band the time never will be :( del should put the master copy up on ebay!

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