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Posts posted by Appetite18

  1. Well Vedders voice is a lot better than Cobain's for damn sure. Plus, I think Pearl Jam had better musicians (excepting Dave Grohl). So I guess I'll say Pearl Jam but its mostly based on their older stuff because excepting a few songs a lot of their newer stuff is very dull. Nirvana has produced some great stuff but they are overrated IMO, especially Cobain as a guitairst. The 12th greatest guitarist of all time? Yeah fuckin right. He was adequate at best.

  2. Well I can't judge frontman's since Ive only seen two bands live. But some of the greatest voices in Rock would have to be IMO Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant, Roger Daltry, Chris Cornell, Jim Morrison, and Eddie Vedder. I love Axl's voice but I don't think its among the greatest, same thing with Layne Staley. If we add metal too then I would add Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, and James Hetfield.

  3. I own four Pearl Jam albums: Ten, Vs., Vitalogy, and No Code. I love the first three, though Vs. and Vitalogy have some boring filler tracks. I could not get into No Code though, i bought it three months ago and have listened to it twice at the most. There are may be 2 or 3 really good songs but the rest kind of sucks. if thats what the rest of their albums are like than I wont get anymore Pearl Jam albums. So definitely older.

  4. Yeah I bought No Code a few months ago and its got a few great tracks but the rest of the album was very dull. Their first three were great though, Im still wondering if I should buy the rest of their studio albums.

  5. I fucking love Pantera. A great metal band though I must admit that I do not like Far Beyond The Driven. It was too over the top and Phil Anselmo can be a bit like that too IMO. He is still a bad ass vocalist though. But Dimebag was a kick ass guitarist (Floods is one of the best solos in metal) and his brother is one of my favorite drummers. A damn great band.

  6. Jerry Cantrell definitely. He is a very underrated guitarist. Next would be McCready, who is also great (Alive's solo in particular). Kim Thayil is great but sometimes I thought he overdid it on the wah-wah. Kurt Cobain was good at what he did but he is not a great guitarist.

  7. I love Audioslave but yeah their past bands are far better. I doubt they will ever make anything as intensely powerful as RATM's debut or ever match the brilliant songwriting of Badmotorfinger or Superunknown. Their debut was very good but way too long. There were 7 or 8 great songs out of like 14. The rest was boring. I loved Out of Exile though, I thought it was a definite improvement. I would definitely see the band live but I cringe at the thought of Cornell doing the RATM songs. He is a great singer and I much prefer him to De la Rocha but his voice just would not fit those songs.

  8. I love Zeppelin. Own their first six albums, I think II, IV, and PG are the best. All are great albums though, except their debut which I think is overrated. Its still very good but the other five are way better IMO. Listening to The Rover right now, this has to be their most underrated song.

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