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Status Updates posted by artfromtex

  1. hey there.

    i'm always glad to meet another Elvis fan.

    that line in your sig has always been one of my favorite Axl lines.

    take care,


  2. wonderful, now we're getting spam IM's.

  3. Happy new year to you as well. I hope we all have a good one.

    take care,


  4. Don't let the dipshits leave a bad taste in your mouth. Your real fans cannot adequately express how greatful we are that you came and gave us all this info. Please don't stop making music for us. We need it! God bless.


  5. hello,

    i just noticed you left me a comment. thank you for the kind words.

    i know how you feel about the age thing, i feel OLD on here sometimes. but it's cool that so many kids dig GNR, isn't it?

    again, thanks, and have a great weekend. enjoy "Chinese Democracy"!


  6. thank you kind sir.

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