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Posts posted by boomerphil03

  1. I feel like we the true fans deserve not to jerked around so much. Yes i know this is guns and this is how it works but why? We all have stuck around for the long haul and I feel that we should be atleast rewarded by the gnr world with decent info as loyal fans and 99% of US here are very loyal.. Well i don't post much but i'd really like to get everyone elses thoughts on this...

  2. I for have to agree with everyone else on this.I have been a fan since 1987 and thats along time but as mad as i get i will NEVER quit loving GNR cause its part of my youth etc...But I really wish AXL & company would get it together......Cause all this BS will taking away from the speciality of guns for alot of fans!

  3. Well here's my say on all this...........Damn this is some funny shit......... We are all getting alittle to crazy about this but thats what happens to fans when the band never really gives any real info..bout what going on.WELCOLME to being a GUNS N'ROSES fan.......Sucks huh?????? :rofl-lol:

  4. I had heard not long ago that there was ANOTHER one of those shitty cds of the story of GNR was gonna c :unsure: ome out soon!!!!!!!!! I bet thats what this is think about it its a IMPORTED cd!!!

  5. Well look at it like this.....Axl Rose owns the name (GUNS N ROSES) so i would asume he owns the band.Do anyone of you remember members of the band sayin stuff about their contracts etc...etc.. Kindof speaks for itself i think but IJMO...

  6. I think its do or die time as far as the release... But Axl has the issue of his way or the highway and im affraid one of these days its gonna hurt the gnr camp! He wants the world to except this new band but yet keeps putting off the release of their albulm... i dont know im affraid if he waits much longer he might be straining the chance for albulm success!.... JMO and i hope im wrong!

  7. I agree!!!!!!!!! Its a damn shame aint it!!! I mean what the hell has happened to all the REAL GUNS N ROSES FANS!!! Half the fuckers hear are commiting GNR TREASON! CANT WE JUST LOVE WHO WE WANT HERE!!!!!!Some old fans some new but who gives a shit! damn some people i just dont understand!!!

  8. I agree also 100%!!! people need to understand that we all are fans in one way or another and noone wants to hear a bunch of negative stuff all the time........ Also why does it seem to me if you still admire the old guns you are in some sort of minority here... the old band was the gnr that we all loved before... Why must that be tore down because the band split... And now theres a new version,lets just enjoy it all then....

  9. :book: So lets just let the new GNR do there own defence by their own material and not their reproduction of the old stuff of the former band that molded there careers from the classics they helped create... im glad they play the old tunes (well-except solos that dont belong in the classics) well cause i would be no point in seein them in concert for the classics if they couldnt..The real issue is they havent done enough new (originals) for the public (just reproduction of the classics) and the general public hasnt had much to go on! And to use anything will old members to defend the new one is fuckin awful....only time and an original(albulm of they're own will do so!!!
  10. Well some of this shit in this thread is just horrible!!!!! You dont go into a fan forum and bash the band or people who were in a band for so long with so many CLASSIC tunes and bash!!! Alot of us still like or admire the work of the former band so these bashin comments come with consequnces!!!!! :fuckyou:

  11. :unsure: His post was fine till reason 6...I dont mean to bitch at anyone but ive spent alot of time in my life admireing slash and gnr now VR and the NEW GNR but theres no reason for tearin down an awesome guitarist just because they split and axl has a new band why cant us true fans just enjoy all of them.. with no comparison..atleast we get music from them all(twice what we would have if they never split!)but the new GNR still have stuff to prove where slash and VR do not...there more to bein a badass guitarist then practicing some one else shit Over a long period to perfection... ecept for solos cause they just gutted the originals!!!
  12. well i guess not everyone has a musical hear in this place but why the hell do you walk in the lions den with shit! SLASH isnt the issue anyway he has made his mark in this worid musicly well the new gnr have not (YET) so dont try to build them up by bashin the former gnr guitar god! let the new gnr speak for itself!!(SHIT)well see whats up and has nothin to do with slashs playin which is fuckin awesome

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