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Posts posted by lotti

  1. please tell me the trains are not actually going to be on strike that day?!!! i read it today hopefully the idiots will call it off. Il have to travel by bus maybe.... does anyone have a rough idea when it will finish?? lol no plan yet on how to get home...as long as im there i dont care. 8 days people!!

  2. i sure hope these are right:

    ''I'm late to everything. I've always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half hour late and says on the side, like in gold, 'Sorry I'm Late'."

    ''I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was take one 500-question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive.''

  3. In terms of GNR jewelry, I've seen some pendants and whatnot, but is anyone aware of other stuff, especially items that were endorsed by GNR themselves?

    Thanks, and sorry if this is a repeat topic.

    P.S. Also interested in stuff you may have...not 'cause I want to acquire it, just curious about a description or to see a pic if you've got one online.


    the only things i have got is a pendant with the words guns n roses on it, also a black leather wristband that says guns n roses with 2 roses. thats all i know of.

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