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Posts posted by igyhi

  1. Seriously swlabr, John Mayor?? Bah.

    My pick is Mark Knopfler and for me it's not eeeeven close.

    listen to slow dancing in a burning room, i cant trust myself with (loving you) and gravity and youll know what im talking about.

    Well you got your opinions.. Personally I don't think Mayor's tune is spectacular in anyway, though he's not shabby with a guitar.

    I REALLY don't like his lyrics on a general scale though. I mean.. they're just bad.

  2. I think The Temptations are overrated. I prefer The Four Tops to them, but the best motown singer AND aritst of all the names is Marvin Gaye, and it's not eeeeeeeeeeeven close.

  3. The Chicks are cool.

    Their latest album isn't exactly their greatest but it's okay. Their previous albums were much better though, much better writing.

    And anyone who dares says the Chicks don't have guts are damn fools.

  4. Marvin Gaye kicks ass.

    The cover version doesn't exactly suck, but it's not good either because when you remake a classic, you better make sure you nail it, or put a creative spin on it, or else you shouldn't even bother. Which is why I hate so many cover songs, but that's another topic completly.

    Also, there's no better music to make sweet love to a woman to than Marvin Gaye... well except for maybe Pendergrass, I guess.

  5. My preference of Stevie was the music he was makin' when he first came onto the scene. I'm talking about when he was about 15?, and his songs had this mad bluesy vibe to them and he would flash his harmonica skills. Name any song. Oh yeaaaaaaah!

  6. Kick ass guitar solo.

    Check it out if you haven't heard it. Espcially if you love electric-blues.

    I don't like his more religious-y music recently, but his early stuff and the Lie To Me album is amaaaaazing.

    Don't know why more people don't talk about him.

  7. Probably shouldn't post my real favourites since they'll be posted already or later, so to state some albums that might drop through.

    Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

    Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

    Springsteen - Born To Run

    Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

    Van Morrison - Astral Wheels

    Knowing this is a GNR forum, and generally more hard rock flavored, my hunch is going to be that:

    1. The majority of the albums will be hard-rock albums.

    2. Guns N' Roses will probably be number 1.

    3. Chinese Democracy will be on the list. ':P'

  8. Aye, Steve Vai kicks ass.

    If you can find him doing Hendrix's Red House, that's absolutley one of his better live performances, Red House that is.

    Out of his work I actually like For The Love Of God more than Tender Surrender, how ever they sound quite familiar to each other. You should check his stuff out.

  9. I hate that song that goes something like, "today's music ain't got the same soul, I like that old time rock'n roll."

    Oh god, that is absolutely the worst one. Why do people like it? :confused:

    It's by Bob Seger. I think it's alright. And you know, it is true, today's music doesn't have the same soul..

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