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Posts posted by A.F.I.-Slash

  1. Yeah, that's what I thought too. I've tried e-bay, google, searching through hundreds of tee shirt sites, band websites, and I don't even know if the Limelight still exists? If I could get a phone #, I could probably get a tee.

    Otherwise, I'd be forced to find a picture of it, and have it professionally replicated.

    Any other ideas???

  2. I'm on the hunt for some very specific tee shirts that Slash wore on stage over the years. (primarily late 80's and early 90's)

    In particular, I'd really like to have his black Limelight NY tee shirt that he wore around the time of the Ritz recording.

    Some others that would be of interest would be....toxic twins world tour, wasted youth (white), and the F#@k tee shirt that looks like a Ford logo.

    I've been able to aquire already a CBGB and Ramones tee shirt from local stores.

    Any ideas or connections?????????????

    Thanks a lot.............A.F.I.-Slash

  3. Thanks Slash 2004! I agree, I think that's the most accurate way to play it without a pedal. You pretty much do the same thing I do. Any idea on the DD3 though? Because the way we do it is fine for the first six times, but then he picks each note three times instead of two and you have more of a chance to screw up on stage......Do you play in a band? If so, what do you guys play? Later.......A.F.I.-Slash

  4. No offense, DUDE, but the way you have this tabbed out, you're first note is a D#?? That's not even a part of the Amajor pentatonic scale which the intro most resembles. Also, I've been playing guitar for about 18 years and Gn'R tunes for about 171/2 years. During this time, I have never come across transcriptions more accurate than Wolf Marshall and Cherry Lane. Most players would agree with me. Of course, there are certain mistakes prevalent in virtually any tab, but overall, their stuff is pretty good. Thanks for trying to help, but I guess I was just wondering if someone used this exact pedal and knew what setting works.

  5. This is how I play the main intro lick after the 4 444 444 part....The whole thing is palm muted. Now that I have the DD-3 as part of my set up, I'd like to play it the way it is in the Cherry Lane Appetite for Destruction Purple Tabulature book and incorporate the pedal.


    A|---------- 0--- 0- 0--0---:|

    G|---444-2- 2---------------:|

    D|------------- 4- 2- 0------:|



    this is played very fast and simulates the delay effect from the album. Thanks for any assistance you can offer.....A.F.I.-Slash

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