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Posts posted by colt45

  1. Q: What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about Axl Rose?

    Sebastian: "They think that 'Chinese Democracy' is never coming out... that is #1 misconception, 'cause I've heard it... like, it exists. To me I think it has a lot more to do with the business side of it. I've heard four albums' worth of material that's incredible. So when people go 'Is it ever coming out?', I go 'Yeah! And you're ever gonna feel stupid when it does.'"

    ya... sometime soon hopefully...

  2. this reunion stuff is soo annoying..lol like seriously i dont here oo we want the original guys from metallica or bring back slipknot now bc stone sour isnt corey taylor or some BS im hearing.. its like yes duff and slash r good but they left gah!.. get over it.. i like the new guys they look better acuallt then gnr.. ya but if slash and duff came.. in where would the other guys go?.. it be pointless and maybe matt will come back .. didnt brain have a baby.. wanna like stay with him and it and take care of it?.. maybe?.. i duno just a thought soo if matt came back and izzy sorta just pops up every once and a while that be ok.. maybe slash comes out and do a solo or something but to come back and just say oo im back is like getting fired from work and saying oo i changed i wanna come back and fill back in my job dont work that way.. he got replaced .. o well...live with it..:-P.. just wanted to say my point of view.. maybe ppl agree with me i duno, also VR kinda eh sucks..lol i love scott he was cool with stp kinda weird.. but cool.. and im just not sure what happend to slash duff and matt.. shouldnt they come out with a new cd by now?.. dint i hear that like a few month ago they would?.. kinda tired of hearing the same songs.. from them... just saying reunion is pointless for now...

  3. dint they have problems with the tech standpoint of the shows?.. and he cut it short due to that.. or something i heard.. or a fight or something i duno.. just prolly BS that i heard :-P.. like axl says internet fuckers.. but ya just let him and let him do what he wants hes playing old stuff to show he still can do it .. but he should do couple of the crazy ones like estranged or coma or locomotive or breakdown.. something of that nature.. he got izzy im sure he still remembers them :-P.. but i duno i love gnr and im waiting for the cd.. their prolly not coming near Pa anytime soon.. soo i may as well wait for a cd or dvd or just sum clips that i have.. ugh i wanna c them live damn it.. ..lol but i dont feel like goin cross country for it tho..

  4. be kinda cool if they did coma or estranged....lol i mean there axls songs just looooooong.. but beautiful work.. soo y not.. but its odd but first tour soo give axl a break :-P

  5. i just like the way finck is dressed..lol wtf.. haha.. he looks like jesus rapped up in a orange burrito but wow.. great story and nice pics.. just lucky thats all i have to say.. but ya everyone says ron is the nicest guy around and u kno that one for a fact .... but awsome :)

  6. ya that coma is pretty fuckin insane and whats funny is how they dressed up and had the tattoos of them..lol im like thats interesting.. but prolly one the best covers ive seen but i think if bach did my michelle without axl that be kinda a cool cover..lol just hearing it live sounded pretty kickass..

  7. have we heard anything from adler.. latley?..lol and 2 if izzy was with gnr now basically or touring couldnt he just be with the band to begin with?...just a thought..:-P and duff and slash dont seem to be that much of assholes if the interviews r tru and matt would be like eh.. i dont c him doin anything interesting and gilby i duno he got that new band supernova thingy with tommy lee and shit soo prolly no time to hear it... soo i duno it is sorta interesting to c what they would really think...

  8. ok ya a7x r still young.. i mean holly crap give them a chance.. but like i think ppl dont consider them to gnr bc their insane guitar and not fuck u off lyrics..lol but thats y we love gnr and thats gnr not a7x .. and 2 a7x opened for gnr.. in that huge concert thing... soo i mean wait a lil longer a7x will sky rocket sometime soon and emo?.. i think just zacky and the rev look emo.. everyone else looks pretty normal but thats them.. i mean rich and tommy looked kinda emo but w/e and a7x isnt EMO in the first place..lol whom ever made that they need slapped... but like wow they have a lot of tattoos and have a hard edge to their music big wup...so does gnr.. soo give a7x a break, gnr looked like girls when they first started like premadonas a7x just looked hardcore and metal as fuck..lol soo let this drop and stop ragging on them before they burn u the fuck down.. god...:-P

  9. i hear u on that.. the guitarist r fuckin crazy live the drummer rev is prolly one of the best out there looking like a mixture of tommy lee and some odd ugly punk hooray for tolerance!..lol but gotta love em.. and matt looks like a ex convict with his head shaved...* no pun intended*... but still id love to c gnr and a7x do a song together on stage and just hear all of them just fuckin shred..lol i mean no one says anything about brain.. but hes a great drummer.. id take rev bc of his double bass insanity but thats me... matts voice is great... and the fact they do alot of gnr memabilia is great but thats all they do..lol i mean they loved iron maiden ( who i dont like but mascot eddies cool..lol ) and led zepp i believe.. which r a legendary great band.. and u can hear a lil zepp in a couple songs but im just glad a7x is this popular now and getting respected as one of the best bands out there now...and prolly will be like gnr but without the conterversy with breaking up and axl going nutty.... lol i dont c matt doing that unless u really piss him off.. i heard hes a great guy.. but thats all i got to say.. just sharing my opinion :)

  10. he only got the surgery to get rid of the mucus in his throat that was all but ya i kno but he can go a pretty good yell still.. not like axl tho.. umm him and bach r prolly the best there is on screaming.. and doin it well..lol soo thats that but ya.. matts a great guy and performer i mean he idols axl.. i think if matt was not as buff he would prolly do some axl run arounds and skizo crack adic moves that made axl axl..lol and y we love him .. soo thats all..

  11. i dont kno if this is old news or not.. but i thought that was interesting...

    nothing major happend but kind odd....


    organisers comment on Donington park riots last night

    A joint investigation between police and festival organisers is underway following an incident at the Download Festival at Donington Park last night.

    Officers were called to Donington Park at around midnight on Sunday June 11, 2006 after reports of a number of fires in the camp site areas.

    There was resistance to both security officers and the police on site and missiles were thrown.

    Officers detained around a dozen people for a variety of offences including assault and damage.

    There are not thought to have been any serious injuries to fans.

    Festival Director Stuart Galbraith, Managing Director of Live Nation Music UK said: “There were 75,000 people per day at the event, and up until last night, there had been no major incidents over the weekend. The trouble involved a small number of otherwise fantastic customers who attended this massively successful event. This type of trouble is very rare and is completely out of character for Download fans.

    “This was the smoothest festival, in terms of organisation, logistics and line-up, that we have ever run at Donington Park featuring over 100 bands including Metallica, Tool and Guns N’ Roses as our headliners.”

    Superintendent Paul Smith, of the Leicestershire Constabulary’s North Area, said: “The Festival has been relatively trouble-free all weekend and this incident has marred an otherwise peaceful and enjoyable event.

    “The disorder involved a number of people and it is not clear at thus early stage what sparked the trouble.

    “A full investigation is already under way to establish exactly what happened and to assess the extent of crime and the identity of any offenders.

    “Officers and organisers are speaking to people who are still on site to take witness statements to help piece together last night’s events. We know that most people were not involved in the trouble but they may have important information so we are appealing to anyone who witnessed the disorder and anyone who may have been the victim of crime to come forward and talk to us as soon as possible.

    “Some people may have recorded events on their mobile phones and this evidence could prove vital to our investigation. Anyone who has footage or information is asked to get in touch with us.”

    Download Festival organisers are working jointly with local police and are currently looking at CCTV footage in order to ascertain the culprits. Discussions are under way regarding the implementation of preventive measures against individuals for future events.

    The event continues to run as normal, and festival-goers are currently still leaving the site in a controlled and organised fashion with traffic flowing smoothly.

    ya.. comments i duno.. just something interesting...

  12. most ppl love old a7x cause of the deathmetal vibe.. nows its more metal/poprock mtv BS thats the only problem i got.. with a7x.. not sure y they went to mtv to get even more popular.. ppl still loved them when there werent even that heard of.. its just blah.. i love a7x and gnr.. what i wanna c is axl and matt shadows do a duet with syn and robin finck zacky and ron doin solos.. sorta like a both band type thing that would prolly be the craziest shit ever..lol but only a dream..

  13. i thought there be a topic on this i saw syn doin the solo.. im like this is sooo november rain....lol...just everything about it was like damn!.. i thought it was great i heard most ppl cried.. i mean it was greatly done and thought out even tho a7x is soo influenced by gnr like beast the harlots scream at the begining, another song saying sweet child will miss.. u.. and this thing now.. its like wow.. they they rock and also is cool is that i heard or is tru that a7x and gnr r touring together which i hope is tru and would be prolly one of the best concerts... soo anyway just wanted to say my opinion and rock on!!..

    rock2 rock1 rock3rock3rock4

  14. i saw this soo and it makes sense but i just posted something about this in another topic not knowing about this but ya.. that they showed a clue during that news break what the band was on stage and it looked like the new gnr setup thing black with blue lights but A7X and metallica do the same soo i duno but they said may and A7X would still be on tour and metallica is over seas and such but if u think about it may might be the same time C.D. would come out and a tour would be a good idea.. but u nv kno and knowing axl he may not want that but maybe axl changed i doubt it but u nv kno!...

  15. acaully gnr at ozzfest.. maybe bc i saw on mtv they had one of those odd news breaks and that they showed a clue out what the band was on stage and it looked like the new gnr setup thing black with blue lights but A7X and metallica do the same soo i duno but they said may and A7X would still be on tour and metallica is over seas and such but if u think about it may might be the same time C.D. would come out and a tour would be a good idea.. soo just something i saw and thought about if u guys thought this too but just something to think about.. u kno?....maybe....

  16. hey i was listening to the X and like i duno if anyone else heard this but after all the songs and the comerial and stuff the radio guy was like ya i duno how many ppl care but by rolling stone magazine axl rose said 06 that they will hear music and they asked him y it is taking soo long bc hes doin something he nv did before.. the guy maybe something like NIN and axl does everything on the album..?..lol ha that be interesting but then said well its only take 9 years but hopefully something good and be able to be played and said that 24 song r done and finished but only 13 on the cd as we kno already..

    just wanted to say that and c what u guys thought about it now being on the radio and now it is tru and that axl rose is bring ing something out in the next couple of months.. yay our waiting is over.. what wil be the next topic anyway.. ?.... soo

    leave comments...


  17. woooooooooooo! fuckin finally..lol but that whole slash thing was a joke.. when ur read it.. *As for a reunion with his former Gn'R mates, that seems unlikely. "I haven't spoken to Slash in ten years," Rose says. "I love the guy, I always wanted everyone to know how great he was, but.... I was just talking to Izzy the other day though."* but ya i think this is a damn good sign.. 06 is gnr's comeback only thing is.. mtv will have them on there.. and another thing music video anyone?????..lol u nv kno

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