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Posts posted by chrissie

  1. Jesus, how many threads do we need like this?

    1. Learn how to use the English language.

    2. There is no evidence Axl has had any kind of surgery. Those are rumors.

    3. Axl shows up with a spare tire at Rio, and now he appears to be 'fat' to everybody. How many of you have 6 pack abs? Do yourselves a favor and find the pics of Axl at THOB in Vegas the following year, prior to the 2002 tour and the 'dreaded jerseys and braids' and take a gander at the kind of shape he's in there.

    4. Axl likes wearing jerseys and apparently the braids. Deal with it.

    5. The man will be 44 years old. He's looking pretty damned fit to me for a guy that age. As for looking like he's put on a few pounds, WTF are any of you clowns smoking? He looks borderline anorexic if you ask me in the recent pics.

    6. Stop believing everything you hear.

    If I was to say Beta magically gave Axl the power to bend over and shoot lightning out of his ass while on stage, would you believe that? Although that statement is a stretch, assuming he had surgery or is a fat ass just because other people say so on forums DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. By looking at the recent pictures, especially the ones JALP (or was it Patience?) that are the 'comparison' shots I think that were found on HTGTH, it's obvious he hasn't had any kind of 'face-lift', surgery or anything else for that matter.

    And please... please, please, please, please, please, please... no more STUPID threads like this.

    I appeal to the powers that be to create a 'Stupid Motherfucking Threads' section so the morons can have a field day elsewhere.

    Well spoken, Matt13...! :)

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