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Posts posted by Alty

  1. 24 and I don't feel old so much as just mature. More mature than I was as a teenager anyway. I didn't start to feel like an adult til 23.
    All the same, as soon as it comes to paying bills, managing money, chasing up the landlord to fix the boiler and all those other grown up things I immediately revert back to feeling like a kid playing house.

  2. I seem to recall that in 'No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs' his wife fried up some human shit to serve to a journalist. For me, that's something the new book will struggle to compete with, really.

    If it focuses on music in the last 20 years and his opinion on the state of the world today, it could be a pretty good read. He gives entertaining interviews. Butter adverts, not so much.

  3. 1. What's your real (first) name?


    2. Where are you from?

    Belfast, U.K/Ireland

    3. How do you bring home the bacon?

    By selling my most beloved possessions on eBay

    4. Are you married, dating or single?

    Dating for a few years

    5. What's your excuse for spending too much time on here?

    I was young and foolish

    6. Justin Bieber. Pity or punch?

    Punch the living shit out of

    7. Do you play a musical instrument?

    Piano and guitar. Also the recorder.

    8. What would your closest friend or partner say is your best/worst trait?


    9. Tell us an embarrassing pastime....

    Benedict Cumberbatching

    10. Do you actually like Guns N Roses?

    They shall always be my #1 band. Tattoo to confirm this... status: pending.

  4. OH MY GOD. I still can't get over this. SWEET.

    Belfast gig! AH! I am happy. And my neighbours are getting increasingly pissed off with GNR blasting out going by their thumping their floors at me. PIPE DOWN.

    I wish I hadn't shelled out to go to Dublin next week....that money would've done the Dublin gig aswell. ARGH FATE.

  5. I'm not going to get my hopes up for an Irish date but I'm hopefully going to Reading. I just need to sell my body some to get the money to afford to.

    An Irish date would be amazing...I don't see why there'd be a Belfast date but shit it only costs you a tenner to get to Dublin and back so so what?

  6. Physical definitely but who can afford that anymore?

    I have a fair collection of actual cd's and a smallish collection of vinyls; it's so much better because I can remember when and where I bought them in most cases or who gave me them etc..much more personal.

    I can remember saving for cd's, going into town and buying them and then either waiting to get home to listen to them or putting them on in my walkman on the bus and missing my stop.

    Downloading's done away with all that anticipation :(

    I've a shiiiitload of downloaded stuff, though I would never pay for it. If you're skint but there's a new band you want to check out, I nearly always torrent it.

    I'd like to replace that entire digital collection with real cd's but that'll take the rest of my life and then some.

  7. I'm reading this historical novel by Edward Rutherfurd called 'London'

    As the title would suggest, it's about London and its general history starting from way back then up to the 90s.

    It goes through Viking,Anglo-saxon,medieval way up through Henry VIII's years, Victorian and onward.

    It's a beast of a thing and generally I like it but it's really badly written.

    However given the fact that it's a brick and a little interesting

    I'm determined to finish it. It's alright like.

    The concept is good, following down the genealogical line of a handful of families til present times but IT'S NOT IN DEPTH ENOUGH GODAMMIT!

  8. On The Road by Jack Ker-o-ac.

    Did i say this already.

    And y'know the old loves like Catcher in the Rye and lets see....Fear & Loathing.

    You see I'm re-reading books at the min so I'm gonna say like Steppenwolf, Perfume and ho..................yeah like Factotum.

    Virgina Woolf is a long time love too.

    Dostoevsky..shouviuwgiuiueriug or whatever way you fancy spelling it is a gaureneteeeeeeddddded good read if you can keep track of all the Russian names. I can't.

    And the likes of Portrait of Dorian Gray/Grey I DONT KNOW are like essential, ESSENTIAL reading. Á Rebours/Against Nautre is the shit.

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