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Posts posted by Pico

  1. alright lads i've crunched the numbers and run the data. here we go:

    01. Pretty Tied Up

    02. It's So Easy

    03. Mr. Brownstone

    04. Perfect Crime

    05. Out Ta Get Me

    06. My Michelle

    07. Double Talkin' Jive

    08. Civil War

    09. Patience

    10. November Rain

    11. Dead Horse

    12. You're Crazy

    13. Knockin' on Heaven's Door

    14. Welcome to the Jungle

    15. Sweet Child o' Mine

    16. Rocket Queen

    17. You Could Be Mine

    18. Estranged

    19. Nightrain

    20. Paradise City

    * Color-coded songs can be switched around every night

    * Songs #4 and #11 are rotating slots for non-ballad numbers ("Right Next Door to Hell", "Nice Boys", "Used to Love Her", "Attitude" etc.)

    * #16 can on occasion be replaced OR followed by something like "Coma" or "Don't Cry"

    there's your reunion, right in the bag

    • Like 1
  2. yes, only other band, greatest band in the history of the world ever bar none no competition never can be never will be, the one, the only, the infamous, the notorious, the legendary, DURAN DURAN

  3. woad was terrible (bar the wrestler), but this single is his best since radio nowhere imo

    my biggest problem with his output over the last decade is the godawful production, and there's too much strings and violins and shit just clogging up the songs

    anyone like held up without a gun? it's one of my favorites

  4. that cunt skrillex will be the biggest act in the world and we will experience the total commercialization of house music. further down the line the Great Arena Rock Purge of 2014 will make groups such as coldplay and u2 obsolete when stadiums and festival fields alike are taken over by djs. david bowie's remains are launched into space. katy perry will be this generation's vera lynn when ww3 rolls along.

  5. just mowed my way through the mw3 campaign, feels like i've obliterated the entire russian army


    if you liked the earlier ones, you're going to love this - it's all of that over the top scripted bailing-outta-helicopter shit turned up to 11, and i'm all for it

    the part that really made my hair stand on end was

    the eiffel tower episode, sweet jesus

    absolutely loved it

    played a couple of quick multiplayer games as well, seemed pretty good

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