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Posts posted by nameless_girl

  1. I actually tried playing a drinking game while watching The Room. I had to drop out of it after about twenty minutes. I don't know why I thought this would even be possible, but my drinking partner and I listed a few things to drink to, and we neglected to make up any exceptions to do with it not being necessary to drink to any one of the listed things if it happened twice or more times in a progression. My drinking partner and I then predictably drank to every one of Tommy Wiseau's little laughs, and I had to drop out after I had already laboured through twenty minutes of them and knew I would be fiercely ill if I had to labour through another one. :mellow:

    Ah, The Room drinking game! My band plays it quite a bit. Our criteria are drink every time Denny does/says something stupid, or every time there's a stock shot of San Francisco. That alone will get you pretty fucked up :tongue2:

    I think I'll probably try playing another drinking game that's a lot more like yours. ^_^ I'd probably do it with a few more drinking partners, and I don't know exactly what we'd be drinking to yet, but we thought we'd probably make it a bit easier to not die during the game, and designate teams. That way there'd be a Johnny team, a Lisa team, and probably another team, and the teams would all be drinking to only a few things, and a few different things, to prevent any one person from having to take on drinking to Johnny's laughs and to any time Lisa's attractiveness is mentioned. :mellow:

  2. I actually tried playing a drinking game while watching The Room. I had to drop out of it after about twenty minutes. I don't know why I thought this would even be possible, but my drinking partner and I listed a few things to drink to, and we neglected to make up any exceptions to do with it not being necessary to drink to any one of the listed things if it happened twice or more times in a progression. My drinking partner and I then predictably drank to every one of Tommy Wiseau's little laughs, and I had to drop out after I had already laboured through twenty minutes of them and knew I would be fiercely ill if I had to labour through another one. :mellow:

  3. I picked the atheist or agnostic option, but I think you ought to have phrased the poll question a little differently or at least put none instead of atheist or agnostic, as neither atheism nor agnosticism is at all a religion. :mellow:

  4. I feel like it's the last day of high school. :( It's probably been asked a thousand times, but if there is a place everyone is migrating to, I'd appreciate a private message or a profile post letting me know about it. I have a few delightful people on Facebook already, but I'd like our little forum discussions to keep up too. :)

  5. If anything, it makes you a little bit of a numpty. I don't think it would have been too difficult to find films that also feature this exact kind of activity that you would have been able to watch parts of in advance without it having the potential to diminish the effects of the film. :P Although in this particular instance, I actually doubt you diminished any of the effects of the film. I wanted to look out for different details and watched a download of it after I had already watched it in the theatre, and it held up more than well. I actually thought that it was more interesting to watch after I had already found out exactly what was unfolding and when. I don't know if it was the film or me, but I found that the twists and turns weren't nearly as interesting as how exactly the twists and turns were made.

    That's me told then! :( Sorry I've been drinking haha! Seriously though I actually really want to watch it and from the reviews it looks fantastic. Worth a watch then? :D

    It's worth a watch. I don't watch too many new films, which doesn't make this as apparently flattering as intended, but I thought it was worth a watch more than any other film I've watched in the theatre this last year.

    Black Swan

    Does it make me a bad person that I downloaded it, fast forwarded to the les off scene, knocked one out and have yet to see the rest in its entirety? :shrugs:

    I don't think it would have been too difficult to find films that also feature this exact kind of activity that you would have been able to watch parts of in advance without it having the potential to diminish the effects of the film. :P

    But how many of them feature Mila Kunis?? eh?

    I'm actually fairly certain there's an absolutely awful one in which she's on the receiving end of a fingering and other girl on girl action in the middle of a library or university hallway. I forget which because it was a terrible film, but it was definitely while plopped down on the floor in an academic environment. I'd advise watching that for your more fundamental needs, and Black Swan for your more discerning ones. :P

  6. I went and watched Black Swan in the theatre last night. ^_^ It's essentially the most exquisitely nightmarish film, and it incorporates all of these intense, intricate fantasy elements that Darren Aronofsky does especially well and that I found lacking in his last film. If I have anything at all to lament about it, it's only that it left me wanting more, as it took nearly everything I want this kind of a film to explore, from desperately damaged individuals to dreams to doubles to manifestations of eerie folklore to magical realism, and dealt with it in what I think lasted a little more than an hour and a half, when I wanted it to keep dealing with it for much longer. I thought that the different and entirely demented aspects of the relationship between Portman and Hershey were particularly fascinating, and I wouldn't have minded a little bit of a longer and heavier focus on those.

    Does it make me a bad person that I downloaded it, fast forwarded to the les off scene, knocked one out and have yet to see the rest in its entirety? :shrugs:

    If anything, it makes you a little bit of a numpty. I don't think it would have been too difficult to find films that also feature this exact kind of activity that you would have been able to watch parts of in advance without it having the potential to diminish the effects of the film. :P Although in this particular instance, I actually doubt you diminished any of the effects of the film. I wanted to look out for different details and watched a download of it after I had already watched it in the theatre, and it held up more than well. I actually thought that it was more interesting to watch after I had already found out exactly what was unfolding and when. I don't know if it was the film or me, but I found that the twists and turns weren't nearly as interesting as how exactly the twists and turns were made. :unsure:

  7. I went and watched Black Swan in the theatre last night. ^_^ It's essentially the most exquisitely nightmarish film, and it incorporates all of these intense, intricate fantasy elements that Darren Aronofsky does especially well and that I found lacking in his last film. If I have anything at all to lament about it, it's only that it left me wanting more, as it took nearly everything I want this kind of a film to explore, from desperately damaged individuals to dreams to doubles to manifestations of eerie folklore to magical realism, and dealt with it in what I think lasted a little more than an hour and a half, when I wanted it to keep dealing with it for much longer. I thought that the different and entirely demented aspects of the relationship between Portman and Hershey were particularly fascinating, and I wouldn't have minded a little bit of a longer and heavier focus on those.

  8. As I'm ill and finished all the novels I had taken out a few days ago today <_<, I watched The Aerial, Metropolis and The City of Lost Children again, which I thought were as quaint and adorable as I expected them to be, and then also watched Tideland, which I've been meaning to do for a while now and only found the time to do this afternoon, and which I would tell anyone is definitely worth the two hours it takes to get through. Terry Gilliam himself describes it to perfection in the introduction to the film. Of the few people who don't find the premise too alienating to watch, a few of them will end up loathing it, a few of them will end up adoring it, and most of them will end up not quite knowing what to think, but all of them will end up thinking about it, which is all the advertisement a film needs. ^_^

    Anyway, I have a few more hours this evening to waste and obviously have an attraction to quirky fantasy and speculative fiction films, and actually any other films that are frequently a tad disarraying. I would appreciate hearing about anything of the kind that anyone here thinks might be worth a watch.

  9. I want to be able to watch Black Swan now. It looks exactly like my kind of movie. Why must Americans get nine out of ten movies obscenely earlier than us Europeans? :(

    To make this post into more than only whining, I watched The Continuing and Lamentable Saga of the Suicide Brothers on the Internet, and oh my gosh, do I adore the design of that whole movie. It's absolutely gorgeous. It's also a little bit daft, but it's got an adorably dark sense of humour, and a delightful twist on the whole fairy tale genre to make up for it. Immediately after having watched it, I'm in the mood for a good dose of Terry Gilliam.

    If my plans don't change I'm taking a lady friend to see Black Swan. I'll let you know how it is spoiler free.

    Thank you, darling! I always appreciate your opinion on movies. ^_^

  10. I want to be able to watch Black Swan now. It looks exactly like my kind of movie. Why must Americans get nine out of ten movies obscenely earlier than us Europeans? :(

    To make this post into more than only whining, I watched The Continuing and Lamentable Saga of the Suicide Brothers on the Internet, and oh my gosh, do I adore the design of that whole movie. It's absolutely gorgeous. It's also a little bit daft, but it's got an adorably dark sense of humour, and a delightful twist on the whole fairy tale genre to make up for it. Immediately after having watched it, I'm in the mood for a good dose of Terry Gilliam.

  11. Why isn't it out alreeeeady?! Everything I've been hearing about the new direction they're taking with this is absurdly exciting. And if the album turns out to be anything at all like The Mantle, I think I'll be fawning over Marrow of the Spirit for the next decade too.

  12. Inception wasn't as much of an intricate thinking person's movie as I had been hoping, but it was definitely a thinking person's big blockbuster, and as such, it was utterly delightful. And honestly, I think I would actually pay full price to see it again, even if it was for further appreciation of the dreamscape and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's performance alone. He was amazing to watch, as he always is, and it's finally dawned on me that he's one of my favourite actors employed today. :heart:

  13. Thank you loads. I was going to lengthily go pester a few engineer friends to guide me through mending the jack joints myself because us theorists are utter rubbish at anything practical :tongue2: , but considering the cheapness of that external sound card, I might as well purchase one of those instead. I thought they were a lot more expensive. The only issue with that would be that I like having things in my laptop mended instead of sidestepped, but I suppose I could always mend it at another time, when I'm more informed.

  14. Posting about this here is a long shot, I know, but I've already done it everywhere else yesterday with no replies having been provided yet and I'm beginning to get desperate. :cry: My laptop has developed an issue where it only produces sound from one ear of my headphones. I'm sure that my headphones are alright as I've tried plugging every pair I have into the laptop, and the issue is there with all of them. I can trick the laptop into producing sound from the other ear of my headphones if I twist and turn the headphone wires a tiny bit, but that's only a temporary fix. Is there any way to permanently fix this myself? My laptop is eight years old and all warranties have expired long ago. Obviously I'm not going to attempt to open it up and muck around as if I were a professional, but a few of these issues are astonishingly easy to mend, and I was wondering if this is one of them. I've fiddled around with my laptop to mend the ventilator previously and I've also opened up my mouse and a few of its other extensions to mend tiny things before.

  15. Having said that, I also watched the new Sex and the City film a few days ago, only because I have an oddly sadomasochistic relationship with certain snarky film nerds who would perhaps like to repay me for The Room, and I think it cancelled out all the positive film experiences I've had for the past month. :cry:

    :rofl-lol: Sucker.

    At least I got a few decent snarky reviews out of it. Evil trollop. <_<

  16. I adore The Fall. I watched it back-to-back with The Fountain a few weeks ago, and it was one of the most visually enthralling experiences I've had.

    Having said that, I also watched the new Sex and the City film a few days ago, only because I have an oddly sadomasochistic relationship with certain snarky film nerds who would perhaps like to repay me for The Room, and I think it cancelled out all the positive film experiences I've had for the past month. :cry:

  17. We will not be held accountable for the orgy that consequently breaks out among the wedding guests. ^_^ It doesn't hurt that Dulli has a voice made of equal parts grime and heaven. And he and Lanegan also do a mean All Along the Watchtower.

  18. Aside from agreeing with Angelica's post, particularly the fangirlish adoration of Black Love, Gentlemen and 1965, easily my three favourite Whighs' albums, I would also add She Loves You to the Twilight Singers album recommendations. It's comprised entirely of covers, but saying so really doesn't do any justice to how much Dulli owns every single song on that album. It's intensely sexy.

  19. Ten thousand cover versions of All Along the Watchtower. I'm on Eddie Vedder's version from I'm Not There this minute, but in a few moments, it will already be Bear McCreary's. It's proving fairly interesting, attempting to compare all of the covers and the original.

  20. I don't remember whether I've pimped out S&M Judge to the entire forum or only to Angelica. "In 1997, the Belgian public was in shock when judge Koen Aurousseau was convicted for the S&M relationship with his wife. Although their life was destroyed by the verdict, Koen and his wife Magda remain together today. The film is a story about dark sexuality and true love, told from the lovers' unique point of view." Watch it. Especially if you've already watched Secretary and adored it. :heart:

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