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Posts posted by rockerman

  1. Someone I know worked crew on a Buckethead show once (B played the venue where she worked). She said that Buckethead, with or without the mask, is painfully, terminally shy and reserved to the point where he doesn't look people in the eye if he doesn't know them. That's probably old knowledge here, but it's a pretty valid reason why bullying or shunning might have really contributed a lot to his exit, along with the other points mentioned. Bumblefoot also mentioned the shunning/bullying/alienation and he seemed to find a way to handle it, but Buckethead probably wasn't the sort of guy who could tell them to fuck off and threaten them the way Ron eventually did.

    As to the illness, there are still some articles online about it, but it seems very vague. This one just says that it was a "serious stomach ailment" http://www.mtv.com/news/1444113/guns-n-roses-reschedule-european-tour/

    And this one says it was internal bleeding. Ouch. http://www.pollstar.com/news_article.aspx?ID=496296

    Before he was BH ....he was at MIT with my guitarist and bass player . I remember him as an introverted geek. Painfully awkward and just ass backward in demenor. You got the impression that he was intimidated by everyone....while at the same time a bit arrogant about his playing and his musical knowledge. Obviously his expression is best through the guitar.. but socially he has that creepy Michael Jackson feel... like GOD DAMN this guy is talented but he is just not right in the head.

    Take the whole BH mystique.. the macabre, gore and the whole chicken sympathy schtick... as an act... its good.. but I think it distracts from his very real and obvious talent.

    At the time (86,87) he hated the scene... the whole Hollywood scenario... and according to my guitarist hted bands like GNR because of thier aggressive way they seemed to express themselves...the drugs the sex and the women that they commanded. In his opinion most were talentless hacks who managed to get famous by accident. More than anything he hated the swagger gunslinger he man attitude..the mysogynistic . He was terrified of women.

    THey were everything he could never be in other words...

    His practice bands were good but they got boring after about 20 minutes of his techno riffing . BAck then you were at a show to party. You were there to get your groove on and to get laid. A GNR show pre AFD.. promised that and a fight as well. You went to see those bands for thier arrogance, thier defiance, their message.. their image... the swagger and the expression... music ?? that was nice too..

    At the time and on the scene were guitarists like Paul Gilbert( his mentor) Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Tony MacAlpine setting the bar higher for technical approach..and there were guitarists in MIT that were absolutely amazing talent equal or better to BH even.

    His interview while a member of GNR given by Herbie the Scok Puppet... that was where BH jumped the shark with me as a member of GNR.. that , and his own act in the middle of a GNR show seemed like Axls reach as exceeding his grasp to keep GNR going. His image is fine but it was vastly so different from the street rats that GNR had built their reputation on. I as an original fan, hated the image that GNR was fronting when it came back... just seemed a joke.. and unbelievable and I think it dragged the whole GNR legacy into a black hole.

    • Like 1
  2. I think for me, park the name... leave it on the side of the road. Not dead. Then pull a Robert Plant and fire up a band that moves you a mile or more down the road. Get a band that all lives within an hour of you and enjoys jamming together in the same room. Put aside the Axl Rose megarock star... and go on about being Axl...join the band ... be a part of the band... write and record with the band... let the band do what a band does.....

    I think GNR is too heavy a burden... the primear band of the late 80's and early 90's has become a stale nostagia cash cow...

    Axl may have tried to move on and forward but really.. even though the fans show up to the show... its the oldies that they are there for the most part to hear. THe bread and butter is the classic line up material... and thats got to sting a bit... the world wants SCOM WTTJ NR....and if you cant deliver equal or better and certainly not vastly different... then so long.. fare thee well its been nice ( and thanks for all the fish)

    Most casual fans dont give two shits about CD....Most hardcore fans tolerate it at best... others love it.... but the market said what it said about CD.......\

    THe fans want a UYI 3 or an Appetite For Destruction 2. If you dont have a statement to make.. or something to say...then leave it beside the road.. who knows... may be like Zepplin you can pick it up furhter on down the road....

    I dont think anyone would be shocked or even shattered in the rock world if Axl just did a PR piece and said ... Were done.. I am Done.

    • Like 1
  3. Still wanna punch him in the throat. He and Usher are exactly what is wrong with the industry now days. Sissybitches that make huge amounts of money and easily to forget music.

  4. i had doubts about an universal intelligence up until I got into cadver lab and disected a human being... seriously. looking down on the how the whole dynamic was put together and how it functions helped me to believe that there has to be an organizing power..

    As for religion.. relgion is a man made concept that serves to explain and to exploit. Spirituality is another matter. Devoid of controling dogmas and cookie cutter concepts about how to recognize , appreciate and to examplify what ever that universal intelligence represents..certainty and peace can be attained. I find most religions a social event and not a spiritual revelation/explanation.

  5. fuck this list is hard to compile....

    AFD hands down

    To Fast for Love.. not really a debut album and released after Shout at the Devil. I have a leathur records vinyl copy of this one.

    Shout at the Devil

    Van Halen

    Def Leppards On Through the Night

    Lynard Skynerds


    Bob Dylan

    Thin Lizzy

    Kill em all

    Too Fast For Love was released in 1981, Shout At The Devil was released in 1983

    On Leathur records ..in this respect its like Live Like a Suicide... that morphed into Lies.... it was recorded for demo by the band. After Motley got signed to a major contract with national exposure... then Shout At the Devil is what is considered their debut album. If AFD is considered the greatest debut album by a hard rock act ... you would have to say No, ` Live like a Suicide is their debut. After Crue were on the a roll To Fast For Love was released to major audiences. I had a copy of the Leathur Records version: It was clear up to Dr. Feelgood and most people had never heard it.
    You may want to check your facts before speaking about something you clearly know nothing about. Yes, Lethür was the first pressing of TFFL (there were actually 3 pressings done). Elektra signed them soon after and the album was remixed and rereleased in August of 1982, almost an entire *year* before Shout was, since Shout was released in September 1983. There is literally no scenario in which you could say Shout is their debut as that is factually incorr

    i know nothing about... ok... but I do.. and Wiki make you the hero of the day .

  6. Link to Buckethead's explanation for leaving? I'll wait.....

    This what his department had to say about his departure:

    Guitarist Buckethead has officially left GUNS N' ROSES. According to MTV.com, Buckethead became fed up with GUNS' inability to complete an album or tour and stopped working the group late last year, his manager said.

    Although Buckethead appeared on the green carpet at the Grammy Awards last month and was introduced by PARLIAMENT/FUNKADELIC bassist Bootsy Collins as a member of GUNS N' ROSES, he had already told GUNS frontman Axl Rose he no longer wanted to be in the band, the manager told MTV.com.

    The guitarist will now focus on numerous projects, including two solo albums — "Population Overdrive" and "Cuckoo Clocks of Hell" — which are due this summer.

    GUNS N' ROSES are scheduled to headline the Rock in Rio festival in Lisbon, Portugal, on May 30. It is unclear whether the band will have a new guitarist by then. GUNS N' ROSES' label would not comment on Buckethead's departure, according to MTV.com.

    And this is what cry baby still-bitter never-wrong Axl Rose said after that:

    A Message from W. Axl Rose

    LISBON, Portugal--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 30, 2004--Guns N' Roses will not be performing as scheduled at Rock In Rio - Lisbon.

    The band has been put in an untenable position by guitarist Buckethead and his untimely departure. During his tenure with the band Buckethead has been inconsistent and erratic in both his behavior and commitment - despite being under contract - creating uncertainty and confusion and making it virtually impossible to move forward with recording, rehearsals and live plans with confidence. His transient lifestyle has made it impossible for even his closest friends to have nearly any form of communication with him whatsoever. Last time I talked to Bucket, he called to tell me he had bought a bootleg DVD off EBay and how proud he was to be in Guns and how impressed he was with everyone's performance. Then, in February we got word from Brain that Bucket had called him and said he was back in Guns!? Apparently, according to Bucket he had been "Gone" but had turned himself around and was really excited to do Rio-Lisbon and a European tour. Somewhere in the following month things changed once again. According to those who have actually spoken with Buckethead it appears his plans were to secure a recording contract with Sanctuary Records which I encouraged my management to make available to him, quit GN'R and to use his involvement in the upcoming Guns release to immediately promote his individual efforts...Nice guy!

    There is not a member of this camp that is not hurt, upset and ultimately disappointed by this event, and more to the point - if not this individual, certainly this individual's choices. Regardless of anyone's opinions of me and what I may or may not deserve, clearly the fans, individuals in this band, management, crew and our support group do not deserve this type of treatment. We as a whole, definitely feel that we afforded Bucket every accommodation perhaps so much so that it may be that we or more precisely, I may have done Guns a disservice and unintentionally allowed Guns to be put in this position.

    On behalf of Guns N' Roses and myself I apologize to the fans who planned to see us at Rock In Rio - Lisbon. The festival and its tradition mean a lot to me personally and I sincerely do not enjoy being robbed by one of our own of the opportunity to be the first artist to play it for the third time. I would also like to express my gratitude to those who chose to embrace Buckethead's role in Guns and support our new line up. We greatly appreciate Bucket's contributions and remain open to "discussions" as there are obviously several issues to resolve. In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, Guns will be moving forward and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months.


    W. Axl Rose

    The Festival will shortly announce the name of a new headliner to perform with EVANESCENCE, KINGS OF LEON and XUTOS E PONTAPES amongst others


    and there we have a possible explanation as to why CD2 hasnt dropped...When BH hit the exit door he may have just said...contract or not..I dont want my music associated with Guns in the future?? With grievances and issues unresolved-royalties that are severely reduced IS it possible to maybe think that BH may have leveled some lawsuit to block his finished work on future releases thus forcing a complete reworking of the songs???

    What if Axl is faced with rerecording, rearranging and redoing 30 plus songs(rumoured ) and no Record company support to do so . at least to Axls exacting standards- is this the major time and buzz kill that keeps the music from even being played live??

    f BH (and for Fink as well) had a gripe about Axls work ethic or lack of focus on recording and releasing material that demanded and extracted their time and efforts-aside from just leaving they clamp down on their material that they did contribute. As we in America know , a weasle eyed lawyer can get just about anything he or she wants. Its possible. We heard many times of the music being completed and it was Axl and his muse that need to top the material off... and it not being done consistenly( Merk saying that they had booked studio time and Axl never showed up?)

  7. fuck this list is hard to compile....

    AFD hands down

    To Fast for Love.. not really a debut album and released after Shout at the Devil. I have a leathur records vinyl copy of this one.

    Shout at the Devil

    Van Halen

    Def Leppards On Through the Night

    Lynard Skynerds


    Bob Dylan

    Thin Lizzy

    Kill em all

    Too Fast For Love was released in 1981, Shout At The Devil was released in 1983

    On Leathur records ..in this respect its like Live Like a Suicide... that morphed into Lies.... it was recorded for demo by the band. After Motley got signed to a major contract with national exposure... then Shout At the Devil is what is considered their debut album. If AFD is considered the greatest debut album by a hard rock act ... you would have to say No, ` Live like a Suicide is their debut. After Crue were on the a roll To Fast For Love was released to major audiences. I had a copy of the Leathur Records version: It was clear up to Dr. Feelgood and most people had never heard it.

  8. John Corabi should sing for VR

    Yeah or Slash solo...

    His voice is born for Slash's music, imo

    Unfortunately he carries the failure of his Motley Crue era around his neck like an albatross.

    From the get go.. i always thought that whole scenario was doomed to failure. That album has some great sounds on it especially Holligans Holiday . Corabi is the kind of singer that could have had some major impact if he was backed by a serious band.

  9. Whats the point of VR? original sounding? shadows and hints of THE great band ? I say throw the bone to a completely unknown singer that can write, perform and entertain . Ive seen umteen amounts of bar bands with great singers backed by shit bands that could have gone somewhere and done something . One of the advantages of that is a singer that more than likely has the ability to morph into different styles . I look at what Journey did with Arnel Pineda and it flat out worked for what they needed to do. He was a 40 something singer in Manila that had been grinding it out for decades . His friends posted a video of him singing a journey song and Niel Schon saw it. He was immediatly offered an audition and the position shortly after. His first show was in Chile before an audience of 70,000. 3 months prior to that he was sleeping on a park bench in the Philipines .... just saying .. that might be the over the top expose that could push a band like VR into the top and stay there.

    But the question has to be asked... do Slash and Duff really want that again?

  10. Two multi-millionaire entertainers chatting about world affairs. No different than watching any two people on this forum debate it.

    Just because one is an actor and one is a comedian doesn't mean that they know d*ck or that their opinion is important. Maher is no different than Limbaugh or Maddux. Extremely biased with no critical thought going on, everything he says is agenda based to get ratings.

    I'd rather listen to downzy and shades go at it than these two arrogant douches.

    Well thanks for the compliment (I think?).

    But in all fairness, as someone who routinely blasts others on this forum for debating the person through their personal attacks rather than the points their making, I'm surprised by your post. Why not at least address the issues they're raising as opposed to your incrimination of who they are as people?

    Also, before you start lumping all partisans together, understand that they're not all equal. Maddow has a doctorate from Oxford and is a Rhode Scholar. Limbaugh dropped out from his undergraduate program after a year. That doesn't necessarily render everything Limbaugh has to say as invalid (as the old saying goes, a broken clock is right twice a day), but please, let's not falsely equate two individuals with grossly different backgrounds and perspectives.

    As for the topic at hand, I think both have some valid points. For me, though I think I side with Affleck on this one. Mahr is a little too quick to generalize all of Islam. If Mahr and Harris limited their argument to the middle east/Africa, where education and civil society is severely lacking, they'd have a stronger case. When there exists a vacuum of civil society and institutions where religion fills the void, chaos, violence and fundamentalism will reign. It happened with Christianity centuries ago (and in some spaces of the world, it still exists). If this conversation were to have happened 400-500 years ago, we'd likely be talking about a different religion.

    Also important to consider is that the Western world has been blessed with abundance in a way that the Muslim world has not. Fundamentalism is often a by-product of misery and domination. In these desolate territories, Islam is often unfortunately used as the vehicle by which the resulting anger, hate and fear gets channeled. Harris quotes one poll of British Muslims, but how many of those polled are from several generations of landed immigrants/nationals? My guess is that a majority of those polled were likely new to the U.K.

    Ill add only this: we in the west have been blessed with abundance often at the expense of much of the Muslim world for centuries...be it colonization , reaping profit at any cost even if it reqquired war and genocide to attain it. The muslim world has attained affluence and population to a degree where they are no longer going to take a back seat to the way things have always been. There in lies the source of conflict... fundamentalism also breeds misery and domination... and the east west clash is gearing up for all out war.

    I find it amazing that often the very same people in the US that are crying outrage and calling for war on Muslim attrocities forget , and do so very easily that the US and its founding doctrines based on manifest destiny butchered, hung, enslaved, drove off murdered and raped at will the native Americans, the Mexicans and the black populations. Want to talk ISIS? Discuss Sand Creek Massacre with me.

    I in no way admire and condone any of this but I am a realist to this degree. There is a side and I am going to have to choose where I stand. History has taught us that NO we are not all going to get along and YES ultimately there is going to come a time when war is going to be the only option left to settle this matter.

    i followed this segment.. and again.. celebrity mouthpieces jawing off makes for good sensationalism and garners the attention that to many people in this world give a good god damn about.

    • Like 2
  11. Ahh the wonders of cross marketing.

    I still never got my Dr. Pepper either.

    hold on while i call my lawyer...hes on speed dial. .... i am after all a patriotic America and I refuse to be victimized by some faceless nameless PR clown hiding behind big money corporate skirts!! Oh the indignity of it all

  12. Would you if given the choice?

    Go back in time and have the money you take with you converted by what that money would have been able to gotten you back then and lead a richer life, and probably stay in the past. Or, go with the amount of money and lose it's amount but receive an amount that reflects it's value today, so you lead the same sort of lifestyle and come back to future feeling better about modern living and technology and junk/stuff.

    I think third option wins it.

    Go back in time, go for the option where you have the same amount set at the old value, buy a bunch of rare antiques that are sort after, and return to the future with them and sell sell sell.

    Go back.. buy land that has gold and oil on it or that you know is going be valued in your time. Put the deed in a safety deposit box and then come back and use it.

    or go back and live the life of luxery ...forget coming back to the grind and the shuffle.

    • Like 1
  13. None the less.. regardless of race issues at teh core of this is the one fact: We are at civil war and yes we are moving into a police state more and more each day. Men practice law reluctanly ..thats a given. Some communities refuse to police themselves and thus its a problem for the general society. Poverty is what it is ..be it financial, educational or societal . Justice is seldom ever served . In this case its just more gasoline on a raging fire. Its a catalyst for further civil unrest.

  14. I rewatched this last night:

    Recorded a few years before it aired (I think about 1999, but airing in 2006?) - it's interesting in looking at how excess basically destroyed a hugely popular group (like so many others) - and interesting to note (as I'd forgotten) that Guns is cited as one of the reasons why groups like Ratt went into decline. And, with myriad lineup changes, arguments and fallouts - it's meant a Guns-esque situation of replacements and mini-reunions over the years.

    As a band, they've put out some quality albums:

    Out of the Cellar (1984)

    Invasion of Your Privacy (1985)

    Dancing Undercover (1986)

    Reach for the Sky (1988)

    Detonator (1990)

    Ratt (1999)

    Infestation (2010)

    The latter, particularly - is great from start to finish - and although in vein, actually does sound vaguely current. Best of Me, Eat Me Up Alive and A Little Too Much are a great way to kick off any album.

    Most people know them for 'Round and Round' - but worth digging a bit deeper. Anyone have fond memories of this group, or seen them live?

    I first saw them with Poison in Denver at Mcnichols arena , they put on a great show. I agree that it was bands like Guns that shut them down in the same way that Guns was being shut down by Grunge. For what they did and how they did it..they were right there at the top of the heap. Like many of the hair metal bands.. the excesses just chewed them to pieces. The image for many bands like Ratt was something that people just couldnt get beyond.

    The second time I saw them was in a dive club in Clinton Iowa caled The PigPen in....and it was a testiment to what drugs and alcohol can do to a band...

  15. fuck this list is hard to compile....

    AFD hands down

    To Fast for Love.. not really a debut album and released after Shout at the Devil. I have a leathur records vinyl copy of this one.

    Shout at the Devil

    Van Halen

    Def Leppards On Through the Night

    Lynard Skynerds


    Bob Dylan

    Thin Lizzy

    Kill em all

  16. Never really could get into Pantera even though my bandmates wanted to emmulate them every chance they could. I shredded my vocals trying to sound like Phil.

  17. The early 70's Journey pre Perry era is amazing. Schon played with Santana and he definatley had is own sound. Greg Rollie on vocals is amazing as well.

    When Rollie left as singer , songwriter and keyboardist he recommended Jonathon Cain and it was his influence along with Perry that turned what most people would call the classic Journey sound into what it is today. But the first two albums with Perry while Rollie is still on board and contributing vocals is amazing. Its definately a shock to the system. Infinty and Evolution were good albums.

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