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Posts posted by pe_teko

  1. Can't agree more. Only one thing, when you say :"I doubt anyone in the band minds though or takes much notice."

    They all know he's not talented. I guess they know Axl loves the guy probably because he was abused too or who knows why and no-one in the band is brave enough or idiot enough to say Ashba's playing is shit. If they said it they would probably be fired.

    Ashba is deaf and if someone likes his playing then that someone is deaf too.

    Lack of technique but also lack of sensibility which is much more important as you say.

  2. I hope Guns never release a new album.

    Chinese was great in some ways. You cannot say it was a great album. Getting all the stuff from Chinese sessions 1998-2008 would be amazing but... Please don't release a GnR album with Ashba's guitar playing on it.

    I started playing guitar 10 years ago. Not a great player but Ashba must be deaf. No feeling at all. I can hear the difference between what he wants to sound like and how he really sounds. He's always late. Even if you want to sound sharp you need to be sensible. Not talking about being fast but at least accurate. You cannot express yourself if you play like him. It's horrible. He'd love to have this Steve Vai's vibe, but my cat can play better the electric guitar.

    If you like it that's cool... Many people love shit. You are not the only one.

    • Like 2
  3. Actually Axl refers to the Shacklers lyrics being written after the Virginia Tech shooting, no? And that was what, 2007?

    Yes. I asked the same thing several years ago but then someone brilliantly answered: "yes, but the music was probably written before that".

    Axl maybe added the words or some of them, and that is actually the way I contemplate all newGNR music stuff. Probably just music and then once every 5 o 6 years Axl puts lyrics on it

  4. Even if it was a Disney song it would still suck.

    Lyrics are horrible. Written by someone who hasn't read poetry in his entire life but thinks that what he writes are poems.

    Ask Dylan what he thinks about that 11 years old girl's lyrics.

    That rhyme... :blink::question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

  5. Posted Today, 05:51 PM


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    pe_teko, on 05 Sept 2013 - 10:24 PM, said:snapback.png

    I would pay a lot for 5 cd box of unreleased material...

    Oh bullshit! you kow you would download that shit the second it came out into the open. :awesomeface:


    That's true :awesomeface:

    but since it's not going to happen I can say I would pay a lot... I would buy 10 thousand Dr Pepper's cans.

    Seriously, if a 5 cd boxset of real unreleased songs I wouldn't mind spending a lot of money. Let's say 200+$

    edit: fuckin' multiquote :no:

  6. Obviously I get what you're saying, but all you're really doing is reciting the timeline since 1999, which we all know very well. I agree with you, I think there was a plan. But its hard to blame anyone but Axl for that plan falling apart. Yes, I'm sure at SOME point the record label did some annoying and idiotic things. But they didn't keep the record from being released for 10 years. Ultimately Axl did.

    I assume his master plan was to come back in 2002, reinvigorate everyone about GNR, then release a record. And he was doing pretty well. Then Philadelphia happened. HE decided not to go to the show, it really fucked everything over, and the tour was cancelled. Thats it. Any plan he had after that had to be completely remodeled because he essentially just pissed away what was looking like a pretty successful plan and was actually working.

    OK, so then because that plan fell apart, it killed him. Took at least a year to recover. Around 2004-2005, he starts coming up with a new plan. "I have ONE more shot. Let's get the 2002 lineup, minus Buckethead because he understandably got tired of waiting for me, I'll get in really good shape so I sound better and look less weird, and we'll release the fucking record. It will be like 2002 never happened." Ok, so thats another pretty good and realistic plan. It works rather well. They successfully tour through 2006 and Axl is great. He probably didn't attract anymore new people, which was probably still the goal in 2002, but he got back all those that had previously given up. And for no other logical reason, except for what I have to assume is laziness, Chinese Democracy doesn't come out, not even the next year in 2007.

    Boom. Thats the end. It sounds harsh, but thats it in a nutshell. He was given two shots and both crumpled. Two master plans gone awry because of poor decisions on Axl's part for the most part. Any plan he had after the album failed to come out in 2007 is and has remained hopeless. Too many people gave up after the second time and unless you put out another Appetite that will be universally praised, he knows there's no way to comeback for a THIRD time. It all fell apart very quickly, but all due to his own actions, which is hilarious to think because he must have spent years coming up with these master plans that were relatively easy to accomplish.

    I must agree with what you say. Laziness is the word. Good analysis there.

    What you people are pointing is not that Axl's masterplan failed because of people going out of the band but because of him not doing enough for keeping them and then plan is collapsed. That's probably true. I wasn't that interested about who to blame but about Axl's masterplan slowly collapsing through the years.

    Still think Bumblefoot doesn't play in Buckhead's league. He is obviously a good player. No doubt about that. Still think The Replacements were one of the most important american bands in the 80s with Pixies and some others. Not about commercial success. Still think Freese is the best drummer they've had.

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