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Posts posted by AXL'smyaddiction

  1. well it might not mean 3 albums but i doubt gnr will release 10 songs on one soundtrack....and on rocky ? rocky isnt exactly a rock n roll movie for it to have a big rock soundtrack...

    what the hell are you talkin about

    survivor - eye of the tiger :rofl-lol:

    hahaha ok ok but i still dont think theyll have 10 songs on the one soundtrack :)

  2. Jesus, how many threads do we need like this?

    1. Learn how to use the English language.

    2. There is no evidence Axl has had any kind of surgery. Those are rumors.

    3. Axl shows up with a spare tire at Rio, and now he appears to be 'fat' to everybody. How many of you have 6 pack abs? Do yourselves a favor and find the pics of Axl at THOB in Vegas the following year, prior to the 2002 tour and the 'dreaded jerseys and braids' and take a gander at the kind of shape he's in there.

    4. Axl likes wearing jerseys and apparently the braids. Deal with it.

    5. The man will be 44 years old. He's looking pretty damned fit to me for a guy that age. As for looking like he's put on a few pounds, WTF are any of you clowns smoking? He looks borderline anorexic if you ask me in the recent pics.

    6. Stop believing everything you hear.

    If I was to say Beta magically gave Axl the power to bend over and shoot lightning out of his ass while on stage, would you believe that? Although that statement is a stretch, assuming he had surgery or is a fat ass just because other people say so on forums DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. By looking at the recent pictures, especially the ones JALP (or was it Patience?) that are the 'comparison' shots I think that were found on HTGTH, it's obvious he hasn't had any kind of 'face-lift', surgery or anything else for that matter.

    And please... please, please, please, please, please, please... no more STUPID threads like this.

    I appeal to the powers that be to create a 'Stupid Motherfucking Threads' section so the morons can have a field day elsewhere.

    wow ...Im never going to make another thread I wouldnt want to piss you off! :confused::no:

    I'm so over trying to tear apart the "new" look. I'm just glad we got to see him., and hope we get to see and hear more of him in the future. :)

    very true!! I hope we see more of him too! :)

  3. well it might not mean 3 albums but i doubt gnr will release 10 songs on one soundtrack....and on rocky ? rocky isnt exactly a rock n roll movie for it to have a big rock soundtrack...

  4. hmmm was axl drunk when he said stuff about slash?? :) i never thought they had problems i thought they jus didnt agree with the path gnr was takin musically ...thats why slash left right? so then it really doesnt matter who approaches who right? if a reunion happend thatd be one of the biggest come backs in rock n roll history dont you think??!! :) ?

  5. Written by Administrator

    Wednesday, 18 January 2006

    Graham Reynolds has told elsewhere that Guns N'Roses will not be featuring on the soundtrack to the forthcoming movie, "A Scanner Darkly". Graham will be composing music for the soundtrack to the movie which is due out on July 6th 2006.

    Axl Rose had earlier mentioned the book/film to Rolling Stone magazine sparking rumors that Guns N'Roses could feature on the soundtrack to the movie.

    oh i thought they were going to make a song for the divinci code? :question:

  6. I'd love some type of Yesterdays-style song that shows clips from the old UYI-era tour coupled with modern performance clips, and then at the climax (the "What this means to me is more than I know you believe!" bit) switch to studio.

    And then as it fades out, switch back to performance, similar to at the end of YCBM when in slow motion he goes, "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee!"

    lol i havent heard the blues yet but i think thatd be rad if they did a music video like this!!

  7. june!!! shoot im keepin my hopes up!!

    in any other case id laugh my ass off at you but with all this hype and whatnot and signs ill excuse this.

    this one actually got me fuckin excited.

    cant wait till i get into that store and have it in my hands.

    ...uuhh thanx for agreeing?? :) ??

  8. damn i hope they release CD this year ( come on june!!!) hahah thats soo fricken sad that he hasnt talked to slash in so long...they didnt really have anything against each other ......** sigh** if CD doesnt come out thisll be another depressing year for gnr fans lol....

  9. well yea its agreeable that he (axl) isnt guns n roses and it would make sence since the band is no longer together but what would happen if he took away that legendary name? that would be like killing off the band... itd be awesome if he did a huge comeback and reunited with some of the old members!!(**sigh** but we all know thatll never happen sniff sniff :( )

  10. reading all this stuff makes me wounder dnt we all want a bf to marry like him he would be the perfect guy i mean he is cute nd acctually rode into the house with a white horse to give her flowers i wish i did(not in a perrvy way)

    rock on rock3

    hell yea right on!!!

  11. ild walk up to him and say hey axl welcome to my jungle want to play either that or come home with me and i will take you to paradise city :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    hahaha seems like evryone wants a piece of axl...what the hell id screw him too!! omigod did i just say that?? ack!! :unsure:

    i just dont want a piece of axl i want all of axl :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    hahaha even better!! :)

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