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Posts posted by slashofvr

  1. This forum reminds me of that episode of South Park about the recession where they cut the chickens head off and see where it lands

    It's full of douche bags who seem to be on a mission to change the band name to Nerds n' Roses

    Fucking grow a pair or at least stop wanking off onto your computer screens

    You could always... I donno... Leave? I don't go to sites I don't like for a reason

    I'm trying to save you poor bastards from yourselves

  2. Dublin is still listed there, I don't think that page is automatically updated. If you go to the Cineworld link from that page, you'll see Dublin is removed from the "Location" dropdown (http://www.cineworld.co.uk/whatson/guns-n-roses-appetite-for-democracy-in-3d), but from first glance seems all other cinemas are still there.

    I know yeah - it's just Dublin that's cancelled so far. I've emailed the Dublin branch/Barry Summers with my concerns. Hopefully they change their mind (even if I am the only person in the cinema :lol:).

    That's a good idea we should all email them and show there is a strong interest in seeing this.

    I know lots of people who were planning on going and it wasn't even advertised here

    What's the email address?

    Cineworld email: https://www.cineworld.co.uk/contact

    Barry Summers of Rock Fuel Media: barry@rockfuelmedia.com

    That's the UK cineworld

    This is how you contact the Dublin one


  3. Dublin is still listed there, I don't think that page is automatically updated. If you go to the Cineworld link from that page, you'll see Dublin is removed from the "Location" dropdown (http://www.cineworld.co.uk/whatson/guns-n-roses-appetite-for-democracy-in-3d), but from first glance seems all other cinemas are still there.

    I know yeah - it's just Dublin that's cancelled so far. I've emailed the Dublin branch/Barry Summers with my concerns. Hopefully they change their mind (even if I am the only person in the cinema :lol:).

    That's a good idea we should all email them and show there is a strong interest in seeing this.

    I know lots of people who were planning on going and it wasn't even advertised here

    What's the email address?

  4. The link was down since yesterday


    I called the cinema in Dublin and they said they just found out all showings have been cancelled in Ireland

    Could someone tell us why?

    Why would you think we can tell you anything about that? The guys working at the cinema in Dublin should know better than us. I hope you're not lying, though.

    I ask that because there seems to be a representative for Rockfuel posting here and if you don't believe me then give them a call.

    I wish I was lying

  5. http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/board/i...p?topic=30313.0

    "Wed was the only day i didnt have a ticket for, thats when my money ran out. But i couldnt just not go at all, atleast i should dress up and hang out infront, maybe i'll get a really good deal from a scalper.

    I got there around 9:00 and nobody was selling, there were dozens of people looking to buy tix, so i was screwed. I decided to go to the back and check out the band members entering. so i go there and there were a few cool people who were testing me on GNR trivia, and then I see to my far left...

    Bumblefoot, I just walked right over to him and started talking, he rembered my because a few days ago I myspaced him and also posted a comment on his wall, he even rembered my name!!! Bumblefoot is the nicest guy ever, and i've never heard a more Brooklyn accent than from him, and i asked him some questions

    1)How did you come up with that name?

    He said he was looking up disieses with his wife and came across bumblefoot and couldnt believe how stupid that name is, so thats what he named his band "biggest mistake of my life" he joked

    2) any connection with the name Buckethead?


    3) there are rumors that you are only in this band temporarly for this tour is that true?

    We'll see, it all depends what happens

    4) Whats Axl's deal, really?

    He's the nicest, most down to earth guy in the world

    then i asked if its at all possible he could just let me inside, i told him how i spent all my money on the first 3 shows and didnt have anyleft for tonight's, i'm in college its hard to get that much money.

    He came back in about 2 minutes with a ticket and said enjoy, and i flipped out and gave him a huge hug


    I got in, got a great spot and and this was the best show af all 4 nights

    IZZY STRADLIN came on stage and they played think about you!!!, he was there for patience an nightrain too, during the concert Axl joked "hmm maybe i should put out an album"

    After the show which didnt end till 2 am so i missed the last train to jersey, i went to the back again

    Izzy already left, Bumblefoot came out and started talking too EVERYBODY!! for like 2 hours he was signingevrything taking tons of pics and just talking, than Sebastian bach came out evrybody cheered and he pointed at me with his light saber and said "your a crazy motherfucker"

    Axl came out later with his light saber and he shook all of our hands and left, that was really cool, i heard he never does that

    I also got Brains drum tix

    Best show ever, every night just got better and better" - by IFINGLOVEVR

    How many band members do you know would do that!!

    great dude ..just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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