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Posts posted by jeajea

  1. Could I get an upload of the .vob/VIDEO_TS DVD files?

    Dont have it as .vob/DVD, its from .ts to .mpg...

    can you put it on youtube.com

    NO, because:

    Youtube: "Do not upload copyrighted material for which you don't own the rights or have permission from the owner."

  2. Grabbed it from danish television.

    There are some dude's who speak before clip, I wanted to bring this as fast as I could, so didn't bother to edit clip.

    Enjoy all!

    Link: GNR Clip Roskilde (Rapidshare)

    Tested with Media Player 10 else try media player classic...

    I have it in DVD quality as well, let me know if there is an intrest.

  3. What the fuck do the newspapers know, they get a thrill by ditching Axl and his mate's.

    I WAS THERE - front row, and it was kick ass.

    They came on about an hour late and I had ppl standing and booing, I told them to shut the fuck up, he is never going on at the schduled time.

    They started with Welcome to the Jungle and the 70.000 people crowd went nuts. There were fireworks and fireballs.

    When they played the new numbers people had a hard time rockin' because they didn't know the lyrics like they did on the "old" songs....

    He mentioned sweden a bit and said " Good thing I didn't have Lars (Ullrich)with me, then I wouldn't have showed up here" and the crowd went nuts rock3

    I was stunned at the moron's that shouted at robin when he did his solo. "You are not SLASH"...I said, no shit sherlock, and you a moron for thinking it. Then a fight almost broke out ... :tongue2:

    Axl showed his usually energy and his voice was great.

    It all ended with Paradise City and there were fireworks and all hell broke loose when he blew that whistle.

    A great concert and a lifetime wish from me to see them. It was the whole 200 $ worth, and I'll do it again anytime.


  4. Damn I hope it will be a kickass concert. I bought the ticket for the Festival the day it was announced they were coming.

    A lot of ppl have said to me that its crazy to use 1350 DK (¨ 200 $) just to see them...

    I say its worth every penny when you have been waiting for this for over 10 years.

    I'll try to get pic and video's with phone, but I dont promise anything....

    Rock on AXL rock3

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