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Posts posted by Cpi

  1. more from Duff:

    Beyond McKagan's issues with drugs, It's So Easy also focuses on the rocker's musical adventures -- such as his decision, as a teenager, to leave his hometown of Seattle and move to Los Angeles. Of course, shortly after arriving in L.A., he joined Guns N' Roses. Regardless of how the band's original lineup eventually disintegrated, he told ABC News Radio that he was extremely proud of what the group accomplished at its height.

    "We achieved what I'd hoped when I left Seattle," he explained. "The chemistry was ridiculous. And, we had the best everybody in our band. The best singer. Izzy [stradlin] -- the best rhythm guitar-player/singer guy, songwriter guy. Slash -- I mean, c'mon. At 19, he played like an old blues guy, but ferocious. And Steven [Adler], with that groove he created. And, as a band, it was real and it was all of those things. And, it was a little piece of this and a little piece of that, and it all fit together."

    The powers that be behind the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were similarly enthusiastic about Guns, choosing to nominate the group in its first year of eligibility. McKagan, however, seemed a bit reticent to comment about the band's possible induction.

    "There's nothing really yet to say, except that I'm grateful to our fans," he maintained. "I don't know anything about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I know some of the bands that are in there, and to be mentioned in that same…breath is dumb…And, I see people are really passionate about this thing -- people that have followed our band for a long time. And if they're passionate about it, then I'm not going to be unpassionate about it."

    He also was apprehensive to speculate about what might happen if GN'R was to be inducted, perhaps taking into account the fractured relations between some of the band members.

    "Honestly, I have no idea what's going to happen," he said. "I hope we can achieve some grace, if and when it ever happens."

    Read On ABC News Radio: http://abcnewsradioonline.com/music-news/2011/10/12/duff-mckagan-discusses-new-book-comments-on-guns-n-roses-roc.html#ixzz1abIU5ELS

  2. First show of the tour...in the RAIN. No teleprompter, audio SUCKS on youtube as opposed to being there. They will kick ass in the states.. Axl didnt look bad at all. He still rules.

    btw the yellow jacket is cool as shit. who can pull that off?!!

    The raincoat was cool :thumbsup:

    And somehow the bandana worked better on him now than during 2009. Which is weird because he hasn't really changed at all during this offtime.

  3. I'm actually now watching the Globo TV version and just watched CD and WTTJ, I thought WTTJ was terrible but it doesn't seem so bad anymore, maybe my expectations were a bit ridiculous. It was a below average quality concert, but entertaining.


    Usually these kind of concerts are the ones you go back to.

    For example Nirvana's gig in Rio 1993 was shitty as hell.

    Drugged out Kurt wearing pyjamas and forgetting the lyrics (or changing them). He also played an 18 minutes (or so) version of Scentless apprentice and tried to show his cock for the cameraman.

    Even though they sounded pretty shitty that night, it's one hell of a concert to watch.

    And it didn't ruin Nirvana's career, like this won't ruin Gnr's career.

  4. I hated to see the return of Mickey Mouse vocals. I was also disappointed that no new songs were played, I was quite confident that there would be at least one new song. Something to begin a new era with. But sadly this wasn't the case.

    Estranged was awesome.

    Overall the band was pretty tight and I liked the new DJ solo.

    And Axl was pretty talkative with the crowd. And I must say that the ending to Patience was really eerie. But I like it. In a way.

    There were many fuck ups but sometimes the fuck ups and stuff like that make an memorable concert.

    I'd gladly watch this show over some regular Gn'R show.

    I just hope that Axl can revive himself and start pushing forward.

    If he doesn't want to do that, then he should call it quits.

    I guess the next few dates will tell how it's going to be.

  5. I don't listen to Dj Who Kid's Sirius/XM radio show. However, he appeared on the Opie and Anthony After Show yesterday (hosted by Sam Roberts) and claimed that Axl and Duff will be appearing on his Saturday show in a couple of weeks. It was strange. Here is a link to download the full 33 minute show. The GNR mention is at around the 10:15 mark. http://adf.ly/2vLhL

    Maybe he meant Slash & Duff? :question:

    Nope. He says

    "I've got Guns n roses coming to my show in two weeks"

    "Axl too?" asks the other dude

    "Axl and...uummmm...what's his name..Duff. Duff's gonna be here also"

    "Axl and Duff? I don't know if they get along"

    "No they finally..they get a..(no idea what he mumbles here)"

    So it seems it's gonna be Axl and hopefully Duff. Now it makes me think if the Duff coming back to Gn'R rumours were true after all. Except that Tommy seems to still be in the band....this is weird.

    Maybe it's Loaded opening for Gn'R in the states, that would be cool also.

  6. A deluxe "tour" edition to coincide with the US shows including the new artwork and something extra.. maybe live recordings, footage, or a new song.. That would be nice..

    I think something is in the works. I mean Best Buy selling Chinese Democracy for 1,99 $ and it's sold out almost everywhere in the states...just before GnR are finally touring the states. Re-release with new artwork and bonus tracks? I hope so.

    God I hope so. Something tells me after this tour ends, GNR is going away for a long while. Would be nice to have something new, even if it's just a song or two along with the new booklet, before Axl disappears again.

    Optimistic in me hopes that this tour is the beginning of the next album. And that the possible re-release will tide us over. But who knows. I'm a bit optimistic for new material because of the Sebastian Bach comments about the new Axl & Dj collaboration.

  7. A deluxe "tour" edition to coincide with the US shows including the new artwork and something extra.. maybe live recordings, footage, or a new song.. That would be nice..

    I think something is in the works. I mean Best Buy selling Chinese Democracy for 1,99 $ and it's sold out almost everywhere in the states...just before GnR are finally touring the states. Re-release with new artwork and bonus tracks? I hope so.

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