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One Speed Bike

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Posts posted by One Speed Bike

  1. Respect for the artist and his work ! If Axl wants to take 10 more years to complete his record he has the right to do so.

    When Axl will say : "Here is my work, go ahead listen to it." then we will have the right to listen to the new songs. NOT BEFORE ! Did he give you any permission to listen to these demos ? NO !

    If you love Axl so much, don't mess with his work.

  2. i am agreeing with what lisa reed has said. i for one have not downloaded anything from chinese democracy. i will wait until the cd comes out my reasons are if axl wanted us to listen to the cd right now held release it right now and besides that when i do listen to chinese democracy i want it to be of the best quality and not some rip off version of it.everybody is going to keep on doing these types of things and axl is going to get pissed off and never release it.yes i am getting impatient to hear it and would love to download the songs but i refuse to for the simple fact i dont want to hear it until the cd comes out to me ild rather hear it done right then whatever is on these downloads.it is the same thing as breaking into his house car or studio and stealing a copy of the cd. think about it from axls point of view for a second.he has spent all this time making the cd and is trying to make it perfect and make it to where it is the quality he wants, he doesnt want people listening to it until he feels it is ready to be listened to. i dont mlame axl for being a recluse hell ild stay in my house to if i was in his shoes.think about it this way how would you feel if you was building something and it took you alot of time and effort to build because you wanted it to be the way you want it and wont accept anything less then the best. well all of a sudden john doe comes around the corner and copies a little bit from it and displays it to the world. wouldnt you be pissed off. chinese democracy is axls baby treat him and the cd with some respect.l he said we will hear music this year and i for one believe we will.but if everybody keeps up the download crap i wouldnt blame axl one bit if he pulled the plug on it right now and comes out and tells everybody sorry chinese democracy will never come out.i can hear his last words now" thanks to the lameass downloaders im keeping chinese democracy to myself"

    everybody knows what happens when axl gets pissed off. so why dont we all just wait until the c d is released by axl and then listen to it 24/7.that way it will be how axl wanted us to hear it and theyll be even more excitement over the cd. now i am getting my hard hat on and expecting alot of crap for saying what i said but hey it is how i feel so bring all the cussing and shit yall want i am ready for it

    Best post of the last 48 hours !

    Thanx Jane.

  3. Lisa Reed wrote these words to the original Dizzy Reed message board with regards to the recent leak :

    I just don't understand it. If people claim to love the band and Axl so much why on earth would you do something you know will piss them off? Especially when all signs point to it getting closer and closer. It's like shaking all your christmas presents on the 23rd of December and figuring out what they are. No suprise and you ruined the fun for the giver. I just as much as anyone want this record to come out. but BE PATIENT!

  4. It just seems the only time this Merck fellow shows himself is when it is something he has to stop, or someone he has to threaten. Is that what management is solely there for? When is there gonna come a point in time when he says: "Guns N' Roses is back, spread the word!" or something positive like that. Thats why nobody likes this creep. He is there to shoot down any sliver of hope that may pop up from time to time.

    When the album is done he will say :"Guns N' Roses is back, spread the word!" or something positive like that.

    For the moment, we must be patient.

  5. I could have had the 2 demos, but I was not interested : I prefer to wait for the album official release.

    The leaks kill the magic of any new record.

    Too many people are acting like kids that can't wait unpacking their gifts on Christmas eve... :book:

    When Axl will say : "OK, you can listen to my work." that's when I'll listen to the new songs.

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