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Posts posted by muttyhc

  1. alot of people seem to find it hard to understand that axl is just a human being like anyone else, hes got problems like anyone else. Most believe he shouldn't have any problems and he's in debt to the fans, no you are in debt to him for creating some great music. He'll release the album when he's ready and if he doesn't he doesn't. You cannot dictate anything this man does.

  2. what you said about Axl's voice is bullshit. It's better than 02 for sure, but the band isn't better than 02 for obvious reasons. His voice in 87-91 was awesome, 92 and 93 at certain shows it was also absolutely superb. I think you've just compiled a complete fanboy mindset put it into an email and sent it to some dogshit radio station who don't care what you think anyway. Everything you've said isn't objective at all. Just because you're high as a kite over Axl being around again doesn't mean you have to disregard the previous work, rejoice over all of it and realise that at one point or another over the past 20 years, GnR in one shape or form have produced fucking amazing work. Yes even in 02 and Oh My God isn't as bad as everyone thinks.

  3. rock in rio 3 is one of if not the best gnr show ever, axl's vocals then were average yeah but it had the energy and thats what gnr are truly about. 06 axl is just going through the motions on ALOT of songs, some he perks up like nightrain but mostly its just getting the job done.

    I really liked his look at rir3 as well, he looks just as dumb now as he did in 02.

  4. I've had this discussion alot with people I know, this is probably going to be ridiculed or flamed by some, but I feel I should share my thoughts here.

    Without Axl Rose, GnR would never be the same, look at Velvet Revolver. I like them alot, but they could never do what GnR did due to Scott Weiland.

    However, when I look at this current GnR, aside from the fact and yes it is a fact that Axl cannot sing like he could before, especially live. They simply don't have the same feel, I stuck on Ritz 88 the other day and it was absolutely awesome, I went to Wembley this year for the final show and was dissapointed because it just didnt have the feel of a true GnR show.

    Cause any band without the lead singer will never be the same, look at Queen. Especially the calibre of either Axl or Freddie. However without Slash, Duff or Izzy on the stage as well (I know Izzy made a cameo) its just not the same (I like both Matt and Steven), Finck I believe is a decent enough guitarist but hes just playing someone elses material, I can't respect someone for that he didn't go and write all those songs he plays or add anything really substantional, hes just playing Slash's stuff and I can't see anyone else but Slash playing it and get involved. Sorry to all you fanboys. For me Slash is just as much GnR as Axl. What would the stones be without Keith Richards?

    The name is what is keeping this GnR really going, if it was some new band it wouldnt have the same pulling power would it, it would just be Axl and his new band mates. The fanboys here would love it, but we're talking about mug punter I don't look at GnR internet boards person.

    There is far too much divide here, and to those of you who completely write off the old band, you are just insane. Without them there is no band that you love today, remember that. You're either a Axl fan or a "oh fuck off not a GnR fan when they had those shit members in" fan, I see this far too much.

    For me GnR the true GnR will always be 87-93, and this new band will be Axl's new band, I'll enjoy it and give him his props if he does a good album probably buy it and listen to it, but will I still be listening to it 15 years after its release? Who knows.

    Oh and usually when a band does split they dont reuse the old name, look at audioslave.

  5. What a stupid fucking list. Bumblefoot No 1. Kirk Hamett no 68. Slash 42. Who ever feeds into this is ignorant as hell. No jimmy page no nothing.

    There are sooooooooooooooo many guitarists out there a million times better than Page.

    problem is without page they wouldn't be out there being 'better' nor have they sold over 200 million records world wide?

  6. at one point during it he did do his own thing but yeah he sounded very simular, he was using the same guitar as slash does wasn't he? November Rain was really well done at this concert, however I did think Robin kinda screwed up minutely on his part, anyone notice?

  7. I enjoyed the "Beautiful" solo and thougt Nightrain was amazing!

    But to tell the truth, RIR III was better.

    agreed, I do personally miss bucket but thats a moot point.

  8. :sleeper:


    gotta admit it, some of you are just happy to see them but tbh why can't they spice up the set list a little? Some songs on there are just not really worthy, they could put in a whole load of their best tracks if axl is insistent on keeping CD off of it bar the few leaked songs, btw what happened to t.w.a.t?

    Performance wise, no complaints it was a solid show if you look past the technical problems with the feed.

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