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Posts posted by burocks

  1. M'Goose has made it so much better. The new synth gives it a whole another dimension which gives me shivers.

    ...No, seriously!

    EDIT: Holy shit, we're talking about the same effect! :D

    Yeah I noticed this at the Hammerstein show. First I thought i never heard it before cuz all I have are bootlegs. I thought it was the best permormance of the night especially with the prolonged intro riff like opener Jungle

  2. first I would like to say: I respect why Axl wont play dont cry, and I wouldent kill myself if it was never played aigen.

    However, Guns N' Roses would gain SO MUCH on playing it.

    Dont Cry is a VERY famouse song, many people I know who dont like GN'R often like Dont Cry(and the other famosue ones offcourse....)

    I mean, just imagine at a concert where Axl starts "talk to me softly.."

    damn I can already hear the masses who chants out of joy!

    I think that could be one of the smartest thing to do, about the setlist

    What is the reason why he won't play it?

    Has he said why?

  3. Axl's cross tattoo is of the original boys.


    Wheres your source? get the hell out of here.

    That has got to be the greatest reply to a comment that I have ever read!

    the best part about it is that people actually replied to it trying to give you a sorce


  4. Well, let's hope it's at least different enough to warrant breaking up the original band. It could be a conservative retread of all the lastest fads like grunge, industrial, hip hop, nu metal with some power ballads thrown in for commercial reasons.

    It WILL be different, but only if it has SHAQ rapping on it.

  5. Santa's Erratic Behavior Continues

    IllitPress International (IP) - The fans of St. Nicholas today were dealt another blow after what many are only able to describe as "selfish, strange behavior".

    Kringle was in a pre-delivery meeting with some influential parents in a high end neighborhood of Buttfuck, Nowhere, discussing terms for his Dec. 25th chimney decent and drop-off. Things were running smoothly until talks turned to beverage service at the home.

    Mr. Claus is well known for his love of milk and cookies during his performances. While most homes have complied with his somewhat odd requests, Santa was angered to discover that the couples son, little Timmy the one-armed retard, was lactose-intolerant, and therefore it was house policy that no dairy products were to be available, at any time. Santa, enraged at this constant in the family abode, stormed out the door, cancelling X-mas in the process.

    Rumours were rampant across the internet of what actually occurred. Santa and his manager, Frankie Franciadis, issued a press release to a major fansite, naughtytodaynicetomorrow.com, in which they claimed the family were unwilling to extinguish the fire in the fireplace, therefore making his delivery difficult.

    This was the accepted reasoning until the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, came forward to the IllitPress.com newsdesk today to clear their name.

    Mr. Claus or his management team were not immediately available for comment at the time of this articles publishing.

    Longtime fans of Kringle are no stranger to his odd behavior and frequent episodes and tantrums. His sleigh team, once thought to be the cream of the crop in the holiday world, has changed drastically over the years. Donner and Blitzen, childhood friends of Claus', left the team after Santa's choice in flight paths no longer matched their own. While the reindeer wanted a more straight forward approach, Santa kept pushing for longer, more elaborate routes. In late 96, most of the team left, leaving only Santa and Herbie, the half retarded reindeer/keyboardest who joined the team in 91.

    Hopes for a reconciliation between Claus and Rudolph, the lead reindeer, has become less and less likely after years of courtroom battles and public insulting.

    Witnesses claim that as Claus left the families house, he had Welcome to the Jungle blaring over his sleigh stereo system, and could be heard screaming "I swear. The album will be out this year", baffling all onlookers who "didn't know what the fuck he was talking about".

    Earlier reports of a lead reindeer with a KFC bucket over his antlers are still unconfirmed.


  6. They played it with Izzy on the fourth Hammerstein Ballroom date. You know, before 2002, Think About You hadn't been played since 1986.

    And for good reason you ask me. That song smells of cheese. Would have fit nicely on a Crue or Poison album.

    I can see the Poison resemblence but GNR makes it work for them.

    Great song

  7. Just to let you know, it isnt blood in the background, its red wax. Wax that would have been used to create a seal for a secret document or something back in the 18th century. Honest mistake made by many.

    where did you hear that??..

    just wondering..

    Nope, it's blood alright. A bullet hitting flesh and the blood running out. The circle is the back of the bullet viewed from the shooter's point of view. Cheesy but that's what it is.

  8. November is a possibility, but Axl needs to pull something incredible out of the hat to surprise us all.

    For example, after presenting an RnB star with a nobhead of the year award, Axl could go:

    'Right, onto more important things. As im sure most of you are aware, for a while now Myself and the band have been working on a new record. Well, its finally coming out, on November 13th. And you motherfuckers doubted me.'

    :laugh::laugh::laugh: !!

    DO IT AXL!!

  9. I thought Ron was awesome at this show. He's come a long way from the first Hammerstein show (where he had seemed overwhelmed by it all and stayed glued to the side of the stage). He's now moving around the stage a lot more -- and is quite charismatic onstage, which is cool.

    I also thought he was EXTREMELY smart to add "Don't Cry" to his solo. Brilliant! He had been under alot of criticism from fans for his weak guitar solos during the Hammerstein shows -- and this change was very very smart. Well done Ron!

    My only criticism - please lose the hat Ron. I mean - really - a ski hat in the Summer? You have great hair under that hat, so why hide it?

    As for comparing Ron with Slash - or anybody else for that matter - why would you want to do that? They're two different musicians with different styles and different energy. Like comparing apples and oranges. Can we - for once - not bring former GNR members into a discussion about a current GNR show?

    I was reading your post and you've got some good comments but why do you and everybody else on this forum care what the musician's wear?

    Who cares if he's got a hat on - he can wear whatever the hell he wants.

    And if you do want to talk about fashion sense, long stringy hair is a thing of the past. It's now reserved for trailer trash and wearing a ski hat brings a modern element.

    Slash wears a top hat all year long for crying out loud. Who does that - Abe Lincoln? I don't hear anybody complaining about that.

    I'm just saying leave the fashion remarks to the people who write US and People magazine and concentrate on the music.

    Critisism like that is why band memebers get uncomfortbale onstage and don't put out albums.

    And it's not just you, it's everybody who posts.

    If you love this band so much and want to see them do well and want them to put on kickass shows and want them to put out an album, then give them your support.

    Sorry I don't mean to take this out on you but I've just seen a lot of similiar remarks on this forum about the band and it's bearing on my nerves.

    Just enjoy the band for what they are and the more you give them props, the better they will get. That I'm sure of.

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