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Posts posted by The_Farmer

  1. Appetite Era def-ly......It was their peak.....The music, the attitude.......evrything was so sincere......Remember Ritz 88????

  2. To AXl's Fans

    Im not an Axl fan Im a GN'R fan!

    I think Axl AS A PERSON is a real prick!

    first of all: the original members did not leave the band THEY WERE FIRED........by you know who........because of you know what ---my way or highway........btw he had absolutely no right to do that..........its like ......cheating your business partners with whom u founded a company (as an example)..........who the fuck he iz to do that?? ?? as far as I remember GN'r was not established by Rose solely??uh??  I thought in the beginning it were Izzy Duff Tracii and Robert????? Am I wrong????? He acted dishonourable......

    but the worse thing is that Axl, knowing he IS wrong, wanted to prove that he is not.....and he chose the meanest way for that......he called his new band, a solo project GN'R.......by doing this he DENIED EVERYTHING THE OTHER MEMBERS(of equal talent as mr.Rose btw) DID FOR THE BAND....

    I know im going to be bashed for that......but who cares....

    P.S. Bi Polar you have an original point of view on things....so please keep on sharing....... ;)

    GN'R Forever

    The Farmer

  3. Ok u wanted ta fuel the fire????we'll make it!!!!

    Tell us hoenstly [glow=red,2,300]LITTLE WITCH[/glow] how many times a day ure prey your god -AXL?? ??C'mon, wat a shame!!!!!Ure responsible for other person's life (meaning your son) and still think and act like that [glow=red,2,300]14yrs old misfit shitbrainzzzz Mark[/glow]!!!!!

    And to all those saying that Slash,Izzy,Duff,Steve,Matt &Gilby ARE NOT GN'R I say this: U dont like these ppl??U say they re not GN'R?? Fine.Go throw ALL GN'R's albums away.( GUess who I ment here?? ;D .....and .....the winner izz.......right ----axlrosegnr. Fuckin' Fucker)

    And that was SOOOO CHEAP

    [glow=red,2,300]Well now that it's calm down think about this...for a long time this place was dead.  Maybe 20 posts in 2 weeks.  There were 130 replies to this in 1 week.  And people are talking again.  There was a reason why I started that war. And I fed the fire every chance I got.

    And it isn't as if I'm not a huge Axl fan.  I am.  I have no doubt that this new album will be well worth the wait.  He definitely made GNR for me.  But I also realize that people were attracted to them for different reasons which is only right because people are different.  And thank God(dess) for that because life would be boring to the point of tears if we weren't.  And in all honesty I don't totally blame Slash any more than anyone else for the breakup.  It WAS inevitable and everyone had a hand in it.  And Slash is an amazing guitarist.  The solos in SCOM and Civil War are incredible.  I do fast forward through Matt's solos.  Nothing bores me more than drum solos and there's something about Matt that makes me cringe anyway. (Don't ask me to explain that. I can't)  But I don't fast forward through the Slash solos.  

    So there's my confession for what it's worth.  I'm a GNR fan.  And a Slash fan.  Still Axl will always at the top of my list. [/glow]

    SOOOOO CHEAP ........oh my!!!!!!

    Boy Im so glad that there still are some sober ppl here --Jennie&One-weak  

    Okay Im over.....hehe....[glow=red,2,300]BTW , RIR3 version of KOHD is VERY MUCH like the original....xcept for the solos of course......[/glow]

    P.S. Axlsmum, dont be angry.......I kno ure higher than all this cheap talks........ ;)

    GN'R Forever(as one of my friends said----[glow=red,2,300]nothing better than the original[/glow]s......she knows who Im talkin about)

    The Farmer

  4. Mark ,U missed one line :

    I'm in love with a girl, Been talkin' about, I'm in love, With a girl that I can't live without, I'm in love, [glow=red,2,300]But it feels like im livin it out Im in love [/glow]but I guess I picked a bad time to be in llllllooooovvvveeee.....

  5. I got only one....it has axl's skull(yea...no joking...its with reddish hair) with the confederates cap on....Civil War is written on the bottom...and on the back is GET IN THE RING world tour 1991-1992...the letters are also red....

    ....Lucky ME.....

    GN'R Forever

    The Farmer

  6. First of all thanks for suggesting this topic,twas really great to remember this moment of my life......

    And the moment.....The first song I heard was YCBM after the movie was over..and I decided to buy a tape.At that time I wasnt a fan of GNR so I didnt know the albums. I went to a little shop and asked a tape of GNR ...and y'know.... what I bought was UYI2 ..not Lies not AFD but UYI 2.That was my luck...and the destiny...I was destined to be a GNR fan for life...First I didnt listen to a whole tape and decided that YCBM wasnt on that one...but one day....I was sitting with my mom in the kitchen and listening music...I just decided to listen to it...and....WHOA....YCBM was on it ...I started jumping...like I gone totally nuts......that was the day it started....

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