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Posts posted by porraloka

  1. Radio stations are independently verifying that they have the disc. I highly doubt all of these stations had a meeting and decided to screw with GN'R fans. Either they have an official single, or they don't. I tend to side with the stations at this point, since the entire thing since the leaks has seemed like one gigantic coverup from management.

    Unless all of these stations are in fact owned by Clear Channel. Was it not Clear Channel that sponsored the tour that was ended early?

    - Chris

    Back to the Z.E.R.O

  2. That is the big question--what are Axl's longer term plans with or without this lineup? Does he consider this just his CD project band or is he looking to make a go with these same guys for several years? He'll probably stay pretty light lipped about it while the album's released and they're touring behind it, but would love to know what he's really thinking for the future...


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