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Posts posted by kingoffspring

  1. Tucson/Phoenix are without a doubt soft rock markets.

    Based on what? I see large rock concerts here all the time. U2 sold out U of P stadium not to long ago, 60,000+ seats. I also went and saw the Foo Fighters a couple months back, they sold out US Airways Arena, 19,000+ seats.

    A simple Google search shows a few of the upcoming shows in the next 2 months

    Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Social Distortion


    Children of Bodom



    Authority Zero


    I wish you people who don't live here would stop posting shit about my city, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

    You tell em sparkle don't take no guff from those swine.
  2. I won't reveal my source (yes I'm prepared to be torched) but I have it from pretty much the most reliable source possible that the next album is, and I quote, "On the horizon."

    Well seeing as how the actual BAND MEMBERS (Ron and DJ) dont even know, then your source must be christ or Axl himself :sleeper:

    That's bullshit they know the plan even if it doesn't happen they know the ballpark.
  3. Ok, time to bring back:

    Randy Lahey



    nameless girl

    Where the hell are?




    Charles Manson


    I liked it better when terry was out of town.

    Why is that? he delivered the goods

    Everything went down hill when he got to town he should have stayed home.
  4. Black Sabbath is mygnr


    Can we vote for a new admin?

    No. That decision should rest with Eric and the other Moderators and have nothing to do with us. Last thing we need is someone popular getting voted in and him being pressured into doing favours for those who voted.

    You guys take this whole thing way 2 seriously.
  5. Just so there is no confusion, Dexter is Axl Rose.

    If this is true. I have one question for you Axl. What is stopping the fans from seeing you Slash, Duff, and Izzy back on stage together?

    U've been lied to and misled for such a long time that sorting through all that here is virtually impossible. A lot will come out over time but the truth has been out there for a long time as well but that doesn't give you what you want so this dance just goes on and on.

    i knew i was lied fucking waiter i asked for decaf.

  6. Naa...He's not even on the red carpet.

    Thats strange ud think he would have gone this makes me think they could be surprise be still give it a 2% chance of it going down.

  7. Geez... how could any half-intelligent jock get Tommy on his show and not ask a single question about GNR? The jock should be taken out back, tarred and feathered, and denied the right to ever host a radio show again.

    *shakes head* .... .

    Tommy had to say dont ask me anything about gnr thats the way. but its shame oh well looks like we will have to wait till rio.

  8. guys he isn't allowed to talk about guns!, if anyone will break any news you would think it would be axl!, just enjoy the interveiw!.

    oh and the shit music :P

    I think that the music was pretty good. S.A. rocks...I just wish tommy would talk about GNR a bit...maybe towards the end the dj will start sneakin some GNR questions in there...

    I really hope ur right he sounds cool he has to sneak them in.

  9. I dont even know how u guys can compare the scom and november rain solos to the new stuff its not out what u herd it at a concert once and your gonna say its better then scom come on and irs is so bland and regular citr is good and origanal and better has some good stuff but it dosent compare to the old had soul.

  10. I dont understand every one strats to judge these unmixed demos the guitar work might be mixed around or redone who why judge it now i know we got nothing but the leaks and we have waited so fucking long for these but all sings point to the album being here soon so why not just grab the new chilli peppers album for now then come back whae chinese dem comes out.

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