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Posts posted by snak3

  1. Commom Sense says the album won't be coming out on March 6th


    statistically, the guy, his bitches, management and other slaves have lied about the record every single time he/they have spoken about it. So chances are next million times theres a tentative release date or a rumour or any single comment about a possible release date, its going to be bullshit. You dont even need a jedi sixth sense or even some common sense... its pure math. And i bet not only probability is against this record, i bet theres even some yet to be discovered law of psysics that makes the release of a record by guns and roses an impossible task.

  2. i cant believe people actually think axl is going to put something out, have you listened to the demos? they are CRAP, every single one of those songs are mediocre crap. If he puts that shit out the entire planet is going to crap on him, literally. There has to be literally hundreds of people in the media waiting to throw feces at him in and enraged monkey fashion just for personal reasons, imagine if you add to that a fucking piece of shit record... MONSTER CRAPATONIA OWNAGE

    But thats not the key thing, the key thing is he, as all artists, makes a lot more money from touring than from a record. He wont put out a record that wont sell or earn him nothing, its a waste of fucking time and an excuse to grab some money from the record company too, then he just tours and makes tons of additional cash.

    Thats what i would do, make money and rip anyone i can

    You will NEVER see chinese democracy in stores, at least while he is alive. After he dies like 45 fucking years from now the record company will get his hands and release everything they can. And yeah, its going to be a shitfest and some people will probably enjoy it.

    But you will have to wait to 2055 or later

    So remember to keep in good shape and dont take unnecessary risks like taking some underground penis enlargment pills or listening to the next 5 metallica records

  3. line 6 has really cool shit, and really bad shit, like any other brand. Marshall has really cool shit, and it has the valvestates series.... fender has some cool shit and has some guitar/amps that makes you feel like you have been gangbanged and raped...

  4. the shit he leaked to get people into the tour its probably the best shit he had, theres no way he would drop an album made with that CRAP :xmasschef2: . It would bomb like the columbia, chernobyl, and titanic, combined. There has to be literally thousands of magazine writers out there wanting to DEFECATE on him. He puts out the song that starts with him singing "oaaaaaaaa oaaaaa oaaaaa"...... i mean come on, it sounds like someone its murdering a cat! :rofl-lol: .

    Contrary to what he wants everybody to think, he actuallt cares. No one rants like he does and do not care at all.

    You wont see chinese democracy until the record is at the level of one of the illusions cds, and its very possible that never ever happens.

    Add to all of the above that artists do not make real money from records....

    There wont be a record this year, or next year, or in five lears, at least.

  5. it has to be tricky for a manager to talk about something that does not exist, i mean if you think about it, the guy is a simple manager, not a priest a lawyer or george bush. :xmassrudolph:

    i think he is doing a superb job, after all, there are a shitload of people that still beleive axl is going to put out a record with the songs floating around the net when artist dont make real money from records but they do make it from touring.

    Axl will keep touring until shows are not profitable, then he will fire the band and will have an excuse to come back in another pre chinese democracy release tour 10 years from now. Then he will do the same all over again.

    Chinese democracy record is as the title says: something that does not exist, and wont exist ever.

    the news this manager talks about its probably "the record will be out sometime next spring/summer (wich is 6 months) in the meantime we are going to collect more money, this time from south america"

  6. there is no chinese democracy, is really funny because hell, dont you get the spin? what he is telling you is that nobody will ever hear the record before theres a democracy in china.... that is never ever.

    There wont be a record this year, or any other year. He gets all the money from touring while the record company gets it for the record itself, like any other artist does. He doesnt need the record, in fact the record would hurt him. He would just tour that year, then say something like "the record have been stolen by mutant fags from mars" and do another tour when he needs more money in 2012 and he will say "people will hear music this year". Then it starts all over again.

    The only posible thing that can lead to a record is somehow the particular style in wich the record is written gets popular thanks to some kind of world trend other bands start (think about grunge), If it happens that the album fits like a globe in that trend and he thinks it will sell huge he will release it for sure.

    I predict no record this year, problems in the tour, people fired, new band, and start all over again in 2010/12.

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