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Posts posted by Angelo666

  1. Prostitute only twice....making it one of the most rare GNR tunes....even cover songs usually get played more than twice. Damn. And TWAT at only 6 isn't far behind.

    Just a shame....cause TWAT and Breakdown are some of my faves.....to think they are so rare....such a waste!!

  2. Y'all are haters. It's true!! I was there too, at the party. I also got a clip on my cell phone. It's totally sweet...like Axl singing real clean over the mean-ass grinding beat. Un-fucking real. I'll upload the clip soon, but I ate a ton of Portuguese food at the party and I need to take a wicked shit....so after that I'll totally be back with this super rare unheard song. Don't go anywhere!

  3. hey mendosa,

    fuck yourself.

    no....for real.....fuck yourself!!

    if you don't have have shit to add to a REAL THREAD that is discussing Axl's music and vision, then do us all a favor and play with your little baby penis alone quietly in the corner while the grown-ups discuss REAL things.....like what songs we may or may not hear in the future.

    In the meantime, I'll be right here if you need anything....especially if you need special care of your momma's big old flabby tit. I think we can handle that! :)

  4. "There's this one song called ‘Sorry' that's almost like doom metal with Axl singing really clean over this grinding, slow beat that is fucking mean, I cannot get it out of my head."

    "One of my favorite songs is this song called 'The General', which is so... it's by far the heaviest metal tune I think ive ever heard Axl do, this slow, grinding riff with these high, piercing vocals, screaming vocals."

    So the only adjectives in Baz's vocabulary must be SLOW and GRINDING cause that's the only words he seems to be able to use. We've all heard SORRY by now......was it as FUCKING MEAN as Baz said it was? I don't think so....

    So what about the GENERAL? Is it really a follow up to the single greatest GNR song that ever was, ESTRANGED?

    (if you don't think Estranged is the best GNR song that ever was, I WILL fight you....and I WILL bite out your larynx cause truth is on my side.....in other words.....FUCK YOU if you can't handle Estranged.....you do not exist.)

    Anyway....back to the topic at hand........we got Sorry and it was NOT "fucking mean".......it was slightly agitated at best. Do you think we'll ever get The General??? And if so...will it be "heavy" or just some pussy shit....cause who can really trust Baz at this point anyway???

  5. I just gotta say......I was at this show......which may go down in history as the longest show in GNR history.....

    My seat was shitty but one thing was clear....Axl still had it. Every note he hit, every move he made, he was on fucking fire.....

    If nothing else this is the ONE show that 13/14ths of Chinese Democracy was heard LIVE in it's entirety......I paid approximately $140 US to be there that night and it was worth every fucking penny.....

    And when it was finally all over....when the last strains of Paradise City were echoing around the historic Tokyo Dome.......and Axl thanked Tokyo....and Taiwan....and Korea.....and Osaka.....I fucking cried like a little bitch cause the moment was just fucking beautiful. Fuck you for judging me....you weren't there.....if you were....you'd have done the same.....

    Thank you Axl......thank you and the band so much for giving me a memory that will last my lifetime and beyond.....

    Guns N Fucking Roses, all the way.........

  6. I'm finally reading Slash's biography and he made an interesting statement before they went on the "Skin and Bones" section of the Use You Illusion tour...

    "This leg, in my mind, was our chance to show the world the Use Your Illusion records as I'd always heard them."

    He mentions he had a mix that was just the band and Axl, no keys or synths or sound effects. But he no longer has a copy and it was not on the internet.

    A shame really....I think we'd all love to hear the songs that way. Especially after messing around with Chinese Democracy multi-tracks and taking away the layers; I'd love to be able to do the same with the Illusions.

    Imagine songs like Breakdown or Get in the Ring or Coma without all those effects layered in....just vocals and guitars and drums and bass....that would be cool to hear.

    Hell, they eventually released "naked" versions of Beatles stuff right? It'd be cool to release Use Your Illusion Naked for the 20th anniversary. BUT....this is GNR we're talking about....so it'll never happen.

  7. Question for the guy who hung with axl.......was the techno music playing Shacklers Revenge? You said that Axl said he was thinking about putting an album of that type of music. Was the song that was playing shacklers?

    No, it was nothing recognizable. It was real soft ambient beats. Like stuff you'd fall asleep to.

    Now granted it was a long time ago, and I can't recall EXACTLY what he was playing, but the closest thing on the album to that sound was the short intro before the guitars in "Riad."

  8. It was speculated for years that the piano clip in the "making of" video was This I Love, and because Axl was talking about Dylan during the sequence, perhaps that is where the false idea that TIL is about Dylan came from.

    As soon as TIL was released on CD, a lot of people went back and compared the clip to the final song. The consensus is that the two have nothing in common...not the same song.

  9. Axl first mentioned TIL in an interview with Hit Parader in 1993.

    "I just recorded a new love song I want on the next record called "This I Love." It's the heaviest thing I've ever written."

    Since then it was GNR legend....

    Several years back it was rumored to have been considered for the soundtrack to the Robin Williams film "What Dreams May Come" (1998) but was rejected by the films producers for unknown reasons. At the time of the film's release this was not known, but it came to be a rumor several years after the fact through the GNR fan community.

    There supposedly exists a raw demo version recorded in 1993 or so, featuring just Axl and a piano, recorded in one take. Those who have heard describe it as "raw and emotional".....this recording has never been available to the public. The supposed "hoarders" have it though....but whether or not they do, or if they even exist, remains to be proven.

    Here's a thread I started I about TIL way back before CD ever had a release date....back when it was all shrouded in mystery and legend....


    not about Stephanie Seymour OR her kid as everyone seems to think....it was written while they were still together.

  10. I wasn't even going to dignify this pathetic post with a reply. Some asshole makes a list and says he doesn't like CD. Big friggin deal.

    But LaRoza called "Scraped" the worst song ever to be released by GNR. I just don't understand why any fan would hate this song. Axl's vocals are at front and center, and it's got fast driving hard guitar riffs that aren't as "out there" as Shackler's....to me it was easily one of the best songs on CD. It's a kick ass little rock tune.

    Is it really worse than "My World?" "So Fine?" The fifteen minute extended jam live version of "Move to the City?"

  11. I've always felt Breakdown and LocoMotive the unsung gems of the UYI albums.....but due to their length and unusual structure, could never be popular "mainstream" hits.

    I love Breakdown.....shame it was only played a few times. Always loved the lyrics.

    And LocoMotive I felt could be one of the easiest GNR songs to "update"....meaning I think the new Guns could really kill it on stage....or even give it a more industrial feel if they felt like going in that direction.

    It's a shame that these songs already seemed to have been forgotten even at the height of the Illusions tour.....they never got their due.

  12. I think the problem here is that in today's current music industry climate....Lady Gaga the entertainer is more relevant than the concept of music videos. She didn't get 230 million views because it was a music video...she got it cause she is Lady Gaga. A video of her walking around in a stupid outfit could get just as many hits.

    For every ONE Lady Gaga that is super famous to the point of inducing nausea, there are untold MILLIONS of unwatched and unviewed videos from no-name bands and even from once-popular bands that get nothing!!

    I just typed in "Guns N" Roses This I Love" into youtube. First thing that came up had 80,000 hits. Not bad, but not 230 million. Not even close.

    GNR could release a high budget, killer music video like they used to....and it wouldn't even come close to the hits that Gaga or Bieber or whatever shit that passes for music these days gets.

    That's why the band and Axl and all the mindless sheeplike fans need to realize it's NOT 1991 ANYMORE!!!!! The sun set on Axl and GNR a long time ago. Those were the glory days and nothing will ever recapture that. It happens once in a lifetime.

    The band could make a huge splash if they reunited. It would be the "hot" ticket for a few months.....girls would wear skinny little GNR tees as a fashion statement, just like all those girls that had never even heard of The Ramones were wearing their shirts for no good reason. It would be in Spin and Rolling Stone and people would be like "Yeah, Axl and Slash kick ass!" and they would play Sweet Child again.....and Paradise City.......and within a few months....the media and the public (American) would get their little nostalgia fix and move on to the next thing......and GNR would be forgotten again.

    Axl and GNR will never ever be the most popular band in the universe like they once were....it's a fact. So many posters here are in denial of that....but why do they care? Why would you even want all those fairweather fans anyway?

    I'd like to see Axl embrace his roots.....the high energy shows on the club circuit on Sunset Strip.....playing to a smaller group of hardcore fans that really ENJOY the show and DESERVE to be there....no more of these half-filled arenas. Play tiny clubs. Demand will outweigh supply and they'll be the hottest band touring small clubs. Every show will feel like a "secret" show.

    Play the arenas overseas.....but in the US convert yourselves to a hot, exclusive indie rock ticket.....people want what they can't have.

  13. Yeah, I'm kinda torn on whether or not this is a fake.

    Evidence that would suggest it's fake:

    Axl only ever said he re-recorded Appetite and Patience and YCBM....and that was ALL the band EVER played in 2001-2002....along with a few CD songs.

    Estranged was never mentioned and it was certainly never played live.

    Also, somebody released an obviously doctored Dead Flowers from 1993 and took the time to reduce crowd noise and relabel it as "Gilby Clarke Cathouse" for no other reason than to fuck with people. Seems childish, but someone did it.

    The ONLY reason I could see it being real is cause the pronunciation is GOOD. Non-native English speakers have a hell of a time sounding natural. They can imitate Axl's voice and rasp, but they can't get the diction right. They are always going to sound like a foreign speaker of English.

    The guy in the youtube video had Axl's moves down....got the voice kinda.....but the pronunciation was shit.

    I'm not saying that the 13 second clip is NOT a cover band....but it would be pretty hard for a Brazilian or Argentinian to get all those vowels that close to sounding properly North American.

    My god....we are a pathetic fan base aren't we.....scrutinizing the minutiae of EVERY LITTLE THING that comes along......do other band's fans behave like this? ;)

  14. I posted this in another thread but it may be more relevant in this one.

    People were arguing over which "single" should be next. There doesn't even NEED to be singles anymore, ever. People that really care about music don't listen to the radio. They listen to what they like on their MP3 players. People don't watch music videos any more. The industry has changed DRASTICALLY. It is not the 90s anymore and it never will be again.

    I hope Axl can embrace the changes in the industry, tell all the record companies and management companies that have been suckling at his teat for the last 20 years to FUCK OFF, and to release his own music to his fans directly. Plenty of other LARGE bands have done it successfully....NIN, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Beck.....they all practically GIVE music away since they don't really make any money on CD sales anymore anyway....the live shows and merchandise have always been the musician's main source of profit.

    Axl could release music digitally directly to us if he chose to, and keep one hundred percent of any touring or merch proceeds. He doesn't have to rely on singles or airplay or videos....he could release one song a year....three albums worth....an EP....all up to him.

    The corporations will be cut off if he ever does that though, and they don't want that....so they'll keep him away from it any way they can. People have trying to take Axl's money through various means ever since he got famous. It'd be cool if he got rid of all those middlemen leeches and just did it independently. He doesn't need a fucking record company.

  15. "This I Love" should not be a single. In fact, there doesn't even NEED to be singles anymore, ever. People that really care about music don't listen to the radio. They listen to what they like on their MP3 players. People don't watch music videos any more. The industry has changed DRASTICALLY. It is not the 90s anymore and it never will be again.

    I hope Axl can embrace the changes in the industry, tell all the record companies and management companies that have been suckling at his teat for the last 20 years to FUCK OFF, and to release his own music to his fans directly. Plenty of other LARGE bands have done it successfully....NIN, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Beck.....they all practically GIVE music away since they don't really make any money on CD sales anymore anyway....the live shows and merchandise have always been the musician's main source of profit.

    Axl could release music digitally directly to us if he chose to, and keep one hundred percent of any touring or merch proceeds. He doesn't have to rely on singles or airplay or videos....he could release one song a year....three albums worth....an EP....all up to him.

    The corporations will be cut off if he ever does that though, and they don't want that....so they'll keep him away from it any way they can. People have trying to take Axl's money through various means ever since he got famous. It'd be cool if he got rid of all those middlemen leeches and just did it independently. He doesn't need a fucking record company.

  16. Get used to it or get out!!

    Who died and made you president of Guns N' Roses?

    Todd Crew. It was in his will, didn't you see it?

    In all seriousness, I'm a nobody. I'm just a fan like anyone else....but the problem I've seen here and other places (HTGTH) over the years is the unbridled STUPIDITY and naivety of the GNR fans that post on these forums.

    The endless debate of OLD vs. NEW. The fruitless pondering of "When is Axl gonna be as famous as he was in 1991?" (answer...never!)

    GNR fans don't seem like a particularly well-educated bunch....a lot of them seem to live in denial or delusion. I just decided after years and years of lurking I'd voice my opinion as well....only instead of posting about pipe dreams like a follow up to CD or the reunion tour, I'd be the voice of REASON and rationality.

    Sorry if that stings. But I have as much a right to be here posting my opinions as anyone else. Only I don't look at the world through such rose-colored glasses as the rest of the bunch. Pardon my pun.

  17. There is NO "Chinese Democracy II."

    Sorry everyone, but there simply isn't. Nothing but wishful thinking and fanboy longing and speculation.

    Axl himself stated the following titles as works in progress:

    Ides Of March, Oklahoma, Atlas Shrugged, Oh My God, Silkworms , Down By The Ocean (Izzy), Leave Me Alone, Seven , The General , Thyme , Quick Song , Zodiac

    That's all we know....plain and simple....there are NO plans to release or record or anything.

    Didn't you learn ANYTHING from our 14 year wait to hold the actual Chinese Democracy CD in our hands??

    Be prepared for a long, long, LONG wait. One that may never produce anything. Be realistic, will ya? Enjoy the studio recordings we have....enjoy the live shows....but until there is real actual EVIDENCE that there will ever be a follow-up album, just keep quiet. And even then...take it with a grain of salt and accept that it may be 10 years before we ever hear anything for real.

    Just the trials and tribulations of being a GNR fan. Get used to it or get out!!

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