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Posts posted by icet224

  1. My personal favorite band of this decade has been Sonata Arctica(although Ecliptica was released in 99, it was late in the year, and all other albums were this decade).

    Most other modern bands I like have already been listed.

  2. My Top List will probably add more before years end, however, so far

    Motorizer - Motorhead (yeah, I know, I forgot the umlauts don't know how to add them in normal typing)

    For My Friends - Blind Melon

    Chinese Democracy - Guns N' Roses

    The Carter III - Lil Wayne

    808s and Heartbreak (or the reverse) - Kanye West (haven't heard the whole album yet, but, I have high hopes)

    The Scarecrow - Avantasia

    The Dream - In This Moment

    The Quilt - Gym Class Heroes

    not sure I've heard anything else that really moved me. At least, not that came out this year, anyways. I was actually kinda disappointed by Saint of Los Angeles, I expected a little more.

  3. I love most ballads, but, ballads from metal bands are usually the best, like all the ballads by Motorhead, or In This River by BLS.

    Anyone know of any good metal ballads?

    My personal favorites are

    Love Me Forever

    God Was Never On Your Side

    Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me

    I Don't Believe a Word

    One More Fucking Time

    (all above by Motorhead)

    In This River by Black Label Society


    Waiting Hare by Buckethead feat. Shana Halligan and Serj Tankian

  4. I don't think so, my favorite band at the moment is Sonata Arctica. :D

    I've been listening to them since I picked up a copy of For the Sake of Revenge at Best Buy... living in America, its hard to find stuff by them, so far all I've gotten are FTSOR, Unia, and Reckoning Night... Haven't heard anything by them I don't like.

    And, although they were for a while, Guns aren't really my favorite band anymore, though they're still up there. Recently I haven't had a favorite band, just kinda jumping between all kinds of bands and genres looking for something to really hook me.

    My favorite bands are Blind Melon, Sonata Arctica, Edguy, Reel Big Fish, In This Moment, Gun N' Roses, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, Black Sabbath(Ozzy and Dio eras, more Dio for me, to be honest), and Faith No More. But, really, no bands at the top right now, always looking for something to really get into.

  5. First saw them at Ozzfest '07, got their first album signed by the band later that day, and was excited when I heard the new album was on the way. It's really good, and maria's vocals have only gotten better. If you haven't heard of them, I highly recommend checking them out. The first album is called Beautiful Tragedy

  6. 1) Primus (Les is a great bassist. Unfortunately, he wanted to try singing.)

    2) DJ Unk (not sure he was the first, but, his songs are meant for ringtones, no meaning, and now there's too much hip-hop like that)

    3) Poison (the worst of the Glam Bands at times, I believe they gave rise to the turn from Glam Metal into Pop Metal)

    4) Greenday (the original Pop Punk band, a genre I will always believe is a paradox that should not exist)

    5) Fall Out Boy (irritating vocals, boring musicality, lack of originality, and, they've already given rise to several bands like them)

  7. I'm kinda surprised not to see some of the bands I'm about to mention.

    The first two albums by Tomahawk(pretty much everything by them except Anonymous, one of Mike Patton's nest groups)

    Sonata Arctica(one of my favorite bands right now)

    Lordi(they're pretty much a joke band, in my opinion, but, still entertaining)

    Edguy(another band I'm really into right now)

    Tobias Sammet's Avantasia, particularly their newest album, The Scarecrow(the lead singer from Edguy with a bunch of huest musicians performing with him, including Alice Cooper, Micheal Schenker, and a few others)

    In This Moment(female singer, but, they can be pretty good, I recommend Prayers or Beautiful Tragedy by them)

    Reel Big Fish(actually a ska band, but, I like them enough to mention them, their last album is actually pretty entertaining)

    G. Love and Special Sauce(have only heard one song by them, on the soundtrack to Lost Boys The Tribe, really dug it)

    good luck finding new bands, man

  8. I'd want the Halloween theme music playing as everyone arrives, with all the lights off. Then the ceremony, then, before everyone leaves, I'd want either Don't Cry(Orig. Lyrics) by Guns N' Roses or Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult to play. As everyone leaves, I'd love for Long Way Home by Supertramp to be played.

  9. Yes, different mics and different mic settings can effect the way you sound.

    I know that in the studio at my college, we not only use different mics for different instruments, but, also for different vocalists. Like, we wouldn't use a mic that sounds good with hi hats on a clean vocalist.

    Generally, screaming vocals sound best with drum mics, vocal mics usually sound best when they're, like, Shure's or SM-57s(which also sound good with guitars).

    Screamers work well with AKG 414s.

    Odds are that the mic they provided you with is set with either a high pass or a low pass filter, causing the voice to lose some of its substance.

  10. Chamillionaire uses the synth line from The Final Countdown by Europe in his song Industry Groupie

    also, Gym Class Heroes use the songs Breakfast In America by Supertramp, and We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off (To Have A Good Time)(can't remember who did that one) in their songs Cupids Chokehold and Clothes Off, respectively

  11. Actually, a couple of these aren't really samples.

    Like, the Jay-Z song using the riff from The Doors is really a cover. He couldn't get permission to sample the original recording, so instead, he got a guitarist to record a cover of it. That way, he didn't have to get permission, he just had to pay the Compulsory License.

    And Weird Al doesn't have to get permission. He just pays the compulsory license.

    Except for his Parody of Gangster Paradise (Amish Paradise). Ice T sued Weird Al to keep him from recording it. Since Compulsory Licensing doesn't require permission from copyright holders, Ice T lost the lawsuit, and Weird Al was so pissed about the whole thing that he claimed his version a parody, so that he didn't have to pay Ice T at all.

    You mean Coolio.

    Sorry, dude, forgot who it was, and just guessed Ice T

  12. Actually, a couple of these aren't really samples.

    Like, the Jay-Z song using the riff from The Doors is really a cover. He couldn't get permission to sample the original recording, so instead, he got a guitarist to record a cover of it. That way, he didn't have to get permission, he just had to pay the Compulsory License.

    And Weird Al doesn't have to get permission. He just pays the compulsory license.

    Except for his Parody of Gangster Paradise (Amish Paradise). Ice T sued Weird Al to keep him from recording it. Since Compulsory Licensing doesn't require permission from copyright holders, Ice T lost the lawsuit, and Weird Al was so pissed about the whole thing that he claimed his version a parody, so that he didn't have to pay Ice T at all.

  13. Okay, I just bought the following CDs. Kudos, ridicule, or honest insights all welcome.

    Exile on Main Street - Stones

    Between the Buttons (U.S. vers) - Stones

    Facelife - AIC

    Jar of Flies - AIC

    Slippery When Wet - Bon Jovi

    Pieces of You - Jewel

    Slave to the Grind - Skid Row

    Free As A Bird (single) - The Beatles

    did you get Slave to the Grind edited or unedited?

    Only difference is Edited has the song Beggar's Day and unedited has the song Get the Fuck Out... Get the Fuck Out is fun, but, Beggar's Day is a better song, imo, just a better groove to it

  14. Some emo girls are pretty hot.

    1 point for Emo.

    I can at least agree with this








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