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Posts posted by JB666


    That is, without a doubt, the greatest nightrain i have ever heard in my life. it literally puts the old band to shame,


    I agree with him. There's not a lot of songs that I'd say the new band plays better, but Nightrain is definitely one of them. Every line up has gradually made Nightrain better IMO, and compared to an '86 version of Nightrain, '09 is fucking amazing. It's just one of those songs that the shredding works on.

    I agree completely.. Definitely an awesome version.

  2. prince was awful tonight. He butchered more songs than Axl did at the VMAs

    I thought he did a very good job.

    Ditto. As much as I don't care for his music, he put on a good show.

  3. Call me crazy, but most venues have 11PM cerfues. Wonder how they are going to pull off these sdhows if they start at 10PM. The source for this start time is the email sent out from htgth, which was forwarded from gunrnroses.com.

    11PM curfews? Where the hell do you live, Amish country??

    Nearly every major concert goes past 11PM.

    What Axl needs to stop doing, is not even taking the damn stage until 11PM.

    I'm sorry, but that's funny...

    Anyways, I agree, I don't know any place that'll cut the show off at 11PM.. Certainly didn't in Boston in 2002 when I went.. If so, I might not have even SEEN Axl!!

  4. I'm doubtful anything surfaces :( Security was very very tight and they were ejecting people for even taking pictures.

    Really?? Why?? When every show they did this summer you should clearly see every person out there holding up a camera phone/camera...

    Let's see, 30,000 people compared to 1,500 people.

    Can you figure this one out by yourself now?

    Yeah, got it :rolleyes:

    I did security for a lot of gigs this size, where cameras were allowed. I'm just surprised they were so tight here.. No need to be a dick about it.

  5. I'm doubtful anything surfaces :( Security was very very tight and they were ejecting people for even taking pictures.

    Really?? Why?? When every show they did this summer you should clearly see every person out there holding up a camera phone/camera...

  6. Whats with the whole "maybe it will get more people into GNR" crap?

    If everyone in the world was listening to the same song, it would totally suck. Like what YOU like and don't hope for everyone to like it the same. GNR t shirts being sold in wal mart are bad enough. Why don't some of you "street team" people go buy a flockin shit load of GNR cd's then go hand em out on the street at busy intersections. Maybe it will get more people into the band :rolleyes: Hell, if they won't stop, paint yourself yellow and pose as a speed breaker.

    This makes no sense - Isn't seeing the CD's at S&S better then not seeing them at all?? At least (who ever stocked that bin) had the sense to put them in there rock3

  7. The second song at the VMA's in 02, dont know if thats The Blues or Madagascar. Axl sounded great after his shitty WTTJ performance, and I actually got goosebumbs when Finck kicked in with that lick.

    you don't happen to know where these are posted, do you ?? All I have is WTTJ from that show.

  8. That concert was amazing, his voice was flawless and it looked like the band was having a lot of fun. They were animated the whole time and Axl was really interactive with the crowd. This was the concert we all dreamed about.

    It also made me realize that even with the "new" band members, that they rock just as hard as the old days.

    Well put, and I agree.

  9. If you listen to Blues and Better from the show, I would say that his voice is the same helium voice, BUT with a bit of his trademark rasp.

    Coming from last night's show, and comparing it to the Boston 2002 show I'd say he sounded GREAT last night. A lot less of the "helium" sound you refer to.

  10. it's hard to tell..........all I hear is a guy doing karaoke.

    Who ever record this shit......why cant they fucking shut up? we need to hear Axl, not you idiots!

    Hope there is a soundboard to this shows!

    I second that!! He was pretty annoying!!

  11. I have noticed how all the old Gn'R shows...and unfortunately the new ones too, which were released in soundboard were unfortunately very mediocre (eg. St. Louis '91, Tokyo 2.22.92, Paris 6.6.92, Argentina 12.05.92 & 7.16.93 and the US sounboards of '02) were very mediocre played shows and I wondered why there has never been a release of a better show and there has been many of them. Do you think this time Axl will release kick ass (and not mediocre) shows officially and at least put up a kick-ass performance at those televised or professionally filmed shows like upcoming festivals.

    Some of the soundboard recordings I have are pretty good, from the 2002 tour.. I was at the last two shows they performed before the tour was 'called off'.

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