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Posts posted by cfcsfc

  1. Before Youth Gone Wild when he was getting the crowd to chant for the intro before 'walking off' because we weren't loud enough

    Haha, does Bach do this at every fucking show?

    When he did it at the Perth gig I yelled "good! fuck off!", but was drowned out by the crowd.

    You told Bach to fuck off? :shocked:

    Hope you were joking- I love Bach!

  2. So, my little review of night two!

    Got to the arena during Rose Tattoos set and wasted some more money on merch. Replacement poster for the one ruined by the guy who spilled the coke on the first night, and a Seb Bach 'white light' shirt.

    Bach was awesome as I've come to expect- they guy was born to be on stage! He stopped one of the songs in the into to tell of a security guard stopping someone from taking a photo. He then posed for the guys photo- would like to see that picture somewhere!

    Someone passed out in his set. He said "What someones passed out before GnR have even come out?!" He then sung the start of WTTJ so the guy got some value!

    Before Youth Gone Wild when he was getting the crowd to chant for the intro before 'walking off' because we weren't loud enough, some guy near me thought he was being serious and got pissed, started booing and doing a 'bullshit' chant!

    When is Angel Down finally coming out? Between You Don't Understand, Stuck Inside, American Metal Head and By Your Side, that's going to be an awsome album.

    We waited a bit longer tonight, but hey, didn't care at all.

    Again, what the hell can you say- it was an amazing show in every way.

    After Better some guy was obviously yelling shit- so Axl says "I think you should leave." And when he didn't he went "I really think you should go." then said something how he hopes he finds what he's looking for, but it aint here. When the guy was getting taken out he said how "we're all stuck here having a bad time" in a mock deep voice- damn funny and the crowd got a kick from it!

    I was amazed- Axl didn't even let it phase him, and if anything he was in higher spirits after- like we got rid of the idiot, now its just GnR and the real fans! He said how it was typical that "they had to put an asshole in (the crowd) on the last night". And it completed my GnR experiance- I saw Axl get some guy kicked out!

    IRS was much better today- the sound which ruined the song last night was awesome tonight.

    Shame that they didn't put ChiDem in insted of Maddy, but I didn't mind- Maddy is so awesome live, I love it!

    KOHD- the crowd was pretty damn loud during the sing along, but Axl somehow got more from us, teasing us how we weren't using our full potential so got us to do another sing along- my god- I think every single person in the arena yelled it at the top of their lungs!

    The band were as tight as the night before. Again Rich and BBF really stood out to me. I don't know, I wasn't a fan of Robins solo, but the other guys were awesome. Dizzy again really impressed with his solo.

    Also a cool note was that Bach sat on the stairs during Patience after My Michelle and did some back up vocals.

    Great to see Angry again for another Nice Boys. Much better than the first night- Angry seemed alot more comfortable exchanging verses, even getting in some screams over Axl!

    Axl just amazed me. Not just his performance, but his attitude. He seems so relaxed, energetic and appreciative. He looked to be having so much fun with Angery, really enjoying himself. A different Axl then people like to think.

    Overall- the last two nights have been amazing. All bands were fantastic, both crowds were great.

    Got home at 3am, went to bed at 3:30, woke up at 6am, did a university exam at 8:30. Was it worth being exhausted, and unable to think straight? Fuck yer!

    And I finally got to see Guns N' Fucking Roses... twice!

    Sad to see them leave Australia, but hope they keep the momentum of this tour up, and we'll see them back here again. Hopefully sooner than 14 years this time!

  3. Alright, what a show!

    Only caught the last few songs of Rose Tattoo. Seb Bach was amazing- what a showman. The guy belongs on a stage; really got the crowd going. He asked something along the lines of "So you guys like to rock n' roll all night, and party everyday, right?". So after the inevitable cheer he says "Good, 'cos I'll check back with you in 5 hours to see if you are." On the train home, people were saying how they thought he was joking!

    Wasted a chunk of money at the merch stands- tour poster, 2 tour shirts and the GnR army shirt. It was annoying- some guy behind us spilt coke that came down and got on a bit of the poster.

    Bach finnished at 10:50. We were joking that that's about when most other bands finish the entire show! The wait wasn't bad at all. At the Rolling Stones show I went to I'm pretty sure we wated longer. The crowd, you could see, were antisipating the band, but weren't getting reckless or anything.

    And at 11:50- fuck! Absolutly amazing. Everyone was awesome, the band was great, and the crowd loved it.

    Security seemed pretty tight over all- noticed a lof of security pointing lights into peoples cameras. It was pretty annoying/lame. There was a woman near me who just pulled out her camera to take a photo, and a dick head security stood in front of here with the tourch. I mean, that's pretty shit- she couldn't even take a photo from the stands.

    Also did anyone see Borat get kicked out?! During the wait, in the silver GA, some guy in the Borat swimming costume was crowd surfing. Everyone was cheering him, but security pulled him out and kicked him out. That was pretty lame of them- it was just some fun. Everyone cheered him as he was escorted by.

    The only negatives about the show were the solos. Now, I'll clarify, I like them (I thought Richards and BBFs were the best), but they were crowd killers. The crowd was really into a song, and then a solo, and everyone sat down. Then another song, and they got into it, and stood up agian, but then the same for a solo. And each time less and less people were getting back up.

    Also, the worst song of the night to me was IRS suprisingly. For some reason it just didn't sound good. The guitars sounded screechy, Axl sounded screechy, it was at times almost painful to listen to... might just be me though.

    It was a real shame to see what happened during the new songs. Everyone sat down. I mean, people should jump at the opening notes of Better, or cheer and everything when The Blues starts. It was just a shame to see people sit down as soon as they started.

    That being said The Blues was amazing as always, and Madagascar really was awesome. The background video during the voice clip/solo section is amazing.

    Axl's voice at times didn't seem to be that great. Like he was out of key or tune. But then again, while he had some iffy moments, he had some absolute awesome ones too! And besides- it's a live show, that's to be expected.

    The crowd was awesome- very loud. During the KOHD crowd sing along the roof must have lifted a bit off the arena!

    Axl was in a great mood! Told a story: In Brissy he was talking to some girl, and she asked something along the lines of if he was feeling well (hang over wise). And he replied something like how he feels bad etc. To which the girl replied something like- "Well, princess, this is Australia!" Axl smiled and laughed- "How about that? Princess for a day".

    He was just in a great mood, you can see he clearly enjoyed having Angry Anderson up there for Nice Boys. When he said he was bringing a friend out I imediatly thought Bubbles; but luckily we were in for a bit more of a treat! When Angry left Axl joked around, fell to the floor 'dead' and slowly put his middle finger up. I don't know what he said- but the image of him falling and slowly raising a middle finger 'from the grave' was hilarious!

    The band in general were just amazing. BBF- how cool is that guy! Everyone loved the solo. People were singing along with the national anthem, BIB and Don't Cry. I never really noticed how hard Rich hits those strings! Robin was great and energetic (did people see that they were selling Robin shirts at merch?). Frank is a damn cool guy- great drummer. Tommy seemed to really enjoy in.

    It was awesome- after Dizzys solo (which was amazing), he got a huge ovation. Then Tommy came on and was pointing at him, and he got another huge ovation! You could see that he was appreciative of that.

    Over all- what can you say apart from what a fucking show! Amazing. Hopefully tonights show lives up to it. And we get a nice 'last show' suprise too!

    Edit- Also have to mention- during The Blues, Axl got on top of the piano and was dancing around on it!

    Not sure if he often does that but it was fucking awesome!

  4. Ok I was very close to the guy that threw the plastic cup and it was filled with WATER! (Water was being handed out by security guards in the front for thirsty people). The cup didn't even hit him, some of the water splashed on him and that was it, cup wasn't even half full. Sure wasn't the most polite thing to do, but neither was keeping us waiting so long. Big Deal... Axl would probably piss on the crowd if he was allowed and yet he chucks a hissy fit over a few drops of water...

    shame... what a shame...

    half the people left before the concert even finished... my 2 mates and I did... boring.

    dude the crowd was chanting bullshit, maybe if you had chanted guns n roses they would have come on earlier and gave you a good night. never piss axl off and this is a prime example of why not to. otherwise you are just wasting your money.

    He wasted it anyway- why the hell would you leave? :shocked:

  5. I'll be leaving soonish- hopefully we get something special tonight!

    you should have tickets for tomorrow night, i am sure they will put something special on then.

    I do man- maybe I'm being selfish hopeing for both nights getting something!

    Although I think tonight will be an awesome crowd- sold out in what, an hour or something?

  6. We all agree that throwing things isn't cool.

    But Axl needs to grow up. He let one idiot ruin the show for the thousands more who behaved well and wanted to see a good rock show. Insted they got a sulky Axl, who talked condisendingly to them, and didn't put on a performance (ie- just standing, not moving during songs.).

  7. Good to see the show still going on.

    But 'Axl still pissed'?... get over it Axl? Sure, it's not cool throwing stuff, but come on. I mean, why is he letting one idiot, and a cup of beer, ruin the experience for the thousands more who want to see a good show, by being sour? I feel sorry for all the Brissy people at the show. Waited untill midnight to see a sulky Axl.

  8. Far out- I'm going to both Sydney shows- Saturday and Sunday and I'm worried about the time they take to get on stage. Saturday night is fine, but Sundy could be bad- I have a final exam at university at 8:30 am on Monday which I'll need to leave at about 6:30 to go to...

    You will be getting about 3-4 hours sleep on Sunday if you're lucky dude. Better is playing on the q94.5 right now it could be a sign.

    Yeah, I'm prepared to be tired for it, but getting home from the show will be a killer.

    The annoying thing is the exam period is over 4 weeks, and I have 4 exams this semestar. I booked tickets before the timetable came out thinking "surely out of all days, Monday will be free", but sure enough- it landed on Monday- and early on Monday too! <_<

  9. I really like Madagascar. The music hits you straight away, and sets the tone of the song very nicely, and it is a very striking riff. The 'sound-clip' solo part is very well done I think, and is very memorable. The one thing I'd like changed is a bit more variety in the lyrics. He repeates the "I won’t be told anymore" part a bit too often- its sung four times...

    But I deffinatly want it on the album! I remember the first time I heared it I was thinking how awesome an album version would be.

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