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Posts posted by awolgnr69

  1. I went in to my local Spencer's last week. They recently got remodeled and look like they're trying to compete with Hot Topic. Anyway, they had GNR bar stools, wall clocks, shot glasses, bigger drinking glasses, drum sticks and metal flasks. All cool, but dammit! they are all OLD logo, not the new. Down at Hot Topic, they had three new GNR shirts, but one was just slash and the other two were new versions of old shirts (the laughing skull in front of the American flag and another vintage design redrawn.) I guess we won't see anything using the new designs until the tour actually starts.

  2. I was in eighth grade, this was back in 1987. WTTJ was not a hit single yet. I rode to school every day with my best friend in his brown '77 camaro. He played this brand new band Guns N Roses which he only liked because they swore so much. A few days later, his parents had taken his tape and made a copy of it but they hit pause on the blank tape each time Axl swore. That really sucked! I remember driving out to a cabin in the woods to fish and listening to Lies when it was brand new. The Illusions sessions were released during my first semester in college. I worked at the college radio station and remember how epic it all seemed (I remember spinning the vinyl... each release was a double album set!) Ironically, I lost touch with the band from 96 to 99 and was very surprised to hear them on Big Daddy with Robin, Paul, Tommy and Josh... I've been paying close attention since then.

  3. By my count Axl bands (Hollywood Rose and Guns N' Roses) have had at least 22 -that's twenty two!- different members since Axl and Izzy first started making music together. I love Slash and Duff, but Velvet Revolver isn't that great, and its because of Scott (that's just my personal opinion, I don't hate Scott, I just don't think he's a very compelling singer). The singer is the most important member of any band.

    Everyone who bitches about Axl still performing and using the name Guns N' Roses, there's nothing any of us can do. Would changing the name of the band to AXL be enough to allow you to actually listen to the musicianship and acknowledge the current members? Or will you forever live in the past? Maybe I'll jump on your bandwagon, break out my VR Contraband CD and complain that Matt Sorum isn't as good as Steven Adler and that Dave Kushner isn't as good as Gilby Clarke who in turn isn't as good as Izzy Stradlin.

  4. How can anyone express surprise or disappointment at the set list? OF COURSE they're the same as NYC. The Hammersmith gigs were WARMUP shows for the tour. They practiced everything they were going to play there and then hit the road for the tour! Like Axl would insult the New York fans and unveil a new song in fuckin' Madrid Spain?!?!? They're still bitching about the lineup over there, so they sure don't deserve any new songs. We'll get new stuff when GNR returns and tours the States in the fall. And six of thirteen songs is enough. I don't want the whole cd to be played before it's even released.

  5. uhh... yeah I do. Most of us do. Axl said so during the Rock in Rio show. I've got it on tape. He introduces him as "The General. He leads the band through all the rehearsals." (Since Axl's never there.)

  6. Wando - love your signature.

    Hopefully tonite, the band plays There Was A Time again... the more of the new songs the better (more like the first night.) I guess I keep thinking of the filming, and if its for a dvd, then I just hope GNR plays all the songs so that they have more takes to pick from when compiling the dvd. I'd be very disappointed if they skimped on the new songs in order to release a "Greatest Hits Live" dvd. And I hope Axl gives some praise to Tommy. He's the glue that holds the band together in rehearsals.

  7. I think that's Beta, his longtime personal assistant and "second mother". Check the end of Rock in Rio... he introduces her at the end because she's from Brazil.

  8. Yeah first show in a long time (going back to 2001) without The Blues!

    Now if only we could get through the updates of at least one show without some Axl hating jackass pissing and moaning the whole fucking night.

    Scott, we know its really you... don't you have some heroine to score or something???

  9. I'd pick I.R.S. as I find that song remarkably generic. It has not grown on me at all. Silk Worms is my second choice. The fake British punk accent is horrid and the song doesn't flow very well.

    I'd love for Rhiad to show up, I've always said it has a techno Immigrant Song vibe.

    One a side note, I believe it is spelled Rhiad, with no h. Rhiad and the Bedouins I think are inspired from a story in 1001 Arabian Nights. Bedouins are raiders if I remember right, and Rhiad was their leader. Remember the line: "Rhiad and the Bedouins, and a plan and walked right in..."

    It has nothing to do with the capital of Saudi Arabia.

  10. This is why Axl is such a Nazi with the press and so careful that he is quoted accurately. Supposedly Jon Bon Jovi and Vince Neil have recently bashed Axl to the press, but no one really knows if either is true.

  11. At least Bas didn't ask what Shannon Hoon was up to!

    I think Axl was lying when he said that he didn't know Bas was on the air. Axl knew this would be a great time for some free press and took advantage of Bas and Eddie's enthusiastic response to the phone call.

    Axl also lied when he told Bas he knew he had this new band going on, but didn't know it was for a reality show. That's like saying to J.D. Fortune, "Hey I knew you were trying out for INXS but I didn't know it was on TV!"

    He didn't lie, but he mis-spoke when he said the line about thinking he should visit China before they banned him because of the title "Chinese Democracy", then said it was BEFORE he had the idea for Chinese Democracy. (So which was it?)

    I enjoyed some of his anecdotes, and thought overall, the show was well worth listening to.

  12. It seems like every guitarist who auditioned for GNR (and even a few who didn't!) make sure to let everyone know it. The only one who hasn't said anything about his GNR audition publically is this Brian Kehoe guy. Once again, there's the whole Les Claypool connection (like Brain and Bucket), so maybe it is him.

    Still wish it was D.J. Ashba though.

  13. The question either doesn't make sense or is a moot point. GNR is not a mystical entity, it is a group of guys. Since Finck and 4tus are two of the guys, of course their sound is right for GNR because they ARE GNR. Did you mean to ask "Do the guitar tones of Finck and Fortus match the previously established sounds of old GNR records enough that people who are incapable of moving on will be able to close their eyes and pretend that the old GNR is still making music exactly like they used to?"

    Wow I'm pissy today. Sorry.

  14. I haven't heard anything that I would classify as techo/industrial since "Oh My God" back in 1999. Based on everything we've heard since then, I'm not too worried about any overt techno/industrial influence on GNR's next cd. Remember that was a phase Axl was going thru. Most of what the songwriting team of Tobias/Reed/Rose wrote around that time has probably been put on the back burner.

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