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Posts posted by boomba212

  1. 22 minutes ago, ludurigan said:

    I am calling that 90% of the registered users on this forum have never ever listened to the song PARTLY CLOUDY.

    I am also calling that 99,9% percent of the world population also have never ever listened to it.

    Am i right about it?

    Am I wrong?

    PARTLY CLOUDY is a song written by one of the top rock n roll songwriters of the last 30 years.

    A man who helped to create and shape the best (and the best selling) rock n roll album of the last 3 decades.

    A man that has released more than 10 albums of brand new songs on the last 25 years and has been basically unnoticed by fans and media.

    This song PARTLY CLOUDY was released nine years ago, in 2007

    It has 9 and half minutes -- and it is not an epic song

    You probably could call it an "easy-going rocking ballad" that somehow turns itself into a "instrumental-reggae-ballad"

    As of today, Feb 05, 2016, the most watched video (actually audio) of this song on Youtube has 4.395 views, 39 likes, zero dislikes and 5 comments.

    As of today, Feb 05, 2016, the most watched video (actually audio) of the song MY WORLD on Youtube has 142.891 views, 496 likes, 423 dislikes and 515 comments.

    MY WORLD is appointed by many GNR fans as the very worst song that Guns n Roses has ever released.

    PARTLY CLOUDY is probably unknown to most GNR fans.

    Including those who know that it exists "in one of those albums Izzy released".



    Sweet, I didn't know about this, or any of his solo albums. I'm glad I do now, so thanks!!

  2. Fernando just confirmed that there will be an anouncment on nightrain tonight


    He didn't confirm it, just said he thinks it's tonight - in GNR world, I don't trust that the manager is necessarily in control :P

    Oh God people, his "I think" language was obviously a joke. He was copying what Jarmo said. There will obviously be an announcement today.

  3. I know squat all about the lineup, but I can tell you this much as I've heard from someone I know who works for Kimmel's show (well, technically, production company, Jackhole productions). Axl will be there on the show on Tuesday and he's "sure as hell not there to discuss Halloween trees" In fact, the quote I got was "We're prepped for some social media spikes for Tuesday night" - that's it.. that's all I've heard. I could be being totally fucked with - or we could simply follow Occam's Razor on this one and realize that pretty much all signs, thus far, point to this actually occurring.

    Regardless, I bet any / all news about his appearance to leak as soon as Kimmel begins taping which is at 4:30 PM Pacific time. I'm sure someone there will tweet / facebook / etc what's going down almost in real time - it happens pretty much every time there's a potential 'big' event like this.

    i thought the show is live? someone else said that a while back and also isn't the show called "jimmy kimmel live?"

  4. omfg people here are very stressed

    I made a mistake posting that, ok, sorry! I already deleted that fucking shit.

    If you say you have info about anything, but then say you won't share it for no apparent reason, you just look like a douchebag

    You´re right.

    I Don´t feel confortable posting something that a friend of mine got on inbox by Fortus himself. I made a mistake trying to be funny there. Very sorry.

    You can redeem yourself by just telling us what you heard. We'll know it's secondhand so we'll take it with a grain of salt, but it may be interesting info anyway.

    here it go.

    Like I said, I just tried to be funny, because there wasn´t much more in his response. But people here are very stressed, gezzz.

    I asked my friend if I could post his inbox here and he said ok. In fact, he´s in touch with Del and asked him the same question, but no response yet.


    sweet, thanks for posting!

  5. omfg people here are very stressed

    I made a mistake posting that, ok, sorry! I already deleted that fucking shit.

    If you say you have info about anything, but then say you won't share it for no apparent reason, you just look like a douchebag
    You´re right.I Don´t feel confortable posting something that a friend of mine got on inbox by Fortus himself. I made a mistake trying to be funny there. Very sorry.
    You can redeem yourself by just telling us what you heard. We'll know it's secondhand so we'll take it with a grain of salt, but it may be interesting info anyway.

    Another noob post. Listen, boomba, that FBI interrogation wording doesn't work here......Sorry.

    you know, you are getting really annoying with your "i am better than everyone because i have insider info" attitude. and i don't post a lot, but i've been reading this forum for many years. so shut the hell up.

  6. omfg people here are very stressed

    I made a mistake posting that, ok, sorry! I already deleted that fucking shit.

    If you say you have info about anything, but then say you won't share it for no apparent reason, you just look like a douchebag

    You´re right.

    I Don´t feel confortable posting something that a friend of mine got on inbox by Fortus himself. I made a mistake trying to be funny there. Very sorry.

    You can redeem yourself by just telling us what you heard. We'll know it's secondhand so we'll take it with a grain of salt, but it may be interesting info anyway.

  7. Spoke with a representative from MetLife stadium final confirmation for stadium shows will be by the end of January

    If I were anybody thinking about going to Coachella I would not waste my money on the ticket. Unless for nostalgic reasons and history making reasons you want to be there and witnessed the reunion trust me you will have plenty of time to see them during this stadium tour

    By "final confirmation" you just mean a statement releasing the tour dates or such, right? As in, it is confirmed that the tour is happening, correct?

  8. Tbh, I could not see this coming, but this is the proper way how to put things without months of unnecessary hinting comments.

    The thing that bothers me is that if Ashba couldn't make it with Axl anymore than nobody can.

    Despite all the hate he was getting there, he deserves respect for this gesture. Good luck to him in his future with Sixx: A.M.!

    I have a feeling he was asked to leave... So I wouldn't worry about people not getting along with Axl.

  9. Wasn't Robin's solo written by Axl though?

    Q: -What part of guitar work for TWAT is yours?

    A: I wrote Robin’s bit in the second verse. There’s microscopic bits throughout usually woven down in the other guitars. There bits throughout the end, the basic power chord bit was originally mine, there’s a ghost like bit that formed the basis for the end vocal melody right before Robin’s riff’s in one side in the outro before Bucket’s solo and as it gets to the very end there’s lot’s of little over dubbed bits woven in and out very small but structured bits.

    Says he wrote Robin's bit in the verse, but I don't think that means Robin's solo. Talks about writing bits and overdubs throughout, there's a three-chord overdub at the end of Robin's solo at 3:17-3:20 that's absent from the demo versions that I really dig, guessing that was Axl.

    Haha nice, I never noticed that little bit till just now when I listened for it! I'm guessing you might be a guitarist? (I am too.)

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