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Posts posted by izzybrownstone

  1. oh it's totally going to be on the album...but my real concern is: i'm afraid that axl won't recognize his

    own genius by not record it like the budapest madagascar...that final chorus was just fuckin' amazing!!!

    I like the added guitar licks in that show. At the "I've found a way" part.

  2. I don't think the new tunes suck. TWAT, Blues, Maddy, and Catcher all are fantastic. Better is ok, but the computeristic effects and weird guitar intro make it worse than what it could be. Its catchy and hard hitting, but those things really take away from it. IRS performed live with the 3 guitar solos kicks some serious ass. I hope thats the version they put on the album rather than the mundane one with just the 2 solos. I just really don't think Better is the song you want to put out to the fans who think they are going to get an Appetite rehash. Better is too different of a song and will probably turn off a lot of non casual fans off.

  3. Well consider this....how many teenage fans do you know have $150.00 to blow on these tickets.

    How many teenage fans want to go to Vegas where they can do nothing. Its not a teenage town.

  4. The first solo that they do live in IRS at the Hammerstein shows is the last solo in this version of the demo. So Robins solo at the end of IRS was replaced with Buckets shredding solo and they then put the old solo (Robins) as the first solo in the live version. Got it?

  5. As I listen to these older versions I can't help but shake my head...why wasn't this released back in 2000? Why was it re-recorded?

    The mix, musicianship, and chemistry are much better than that of the newer TWAT and RTB-produced IRS.

    IRS is a track I've never been a big fan of...dull guitar work (with great production though), cheesy-sounding drum loops, overtly basic drumming, and a major disconnect between Axl and the song. However, this older version has great creativity, good interplay between all the sounds (ie nothing too weird), and a better mix between instruments. Axl's vocal track is exactly the same, but it seems to go better with this production...his vocals still sound like a raw, one-take demo though, just like the newer one. All in all, a much better track...unfortunately it has the production values of the time, so a few instruments need to be amped up or toned down, less reverb on the vocals etc. I also thought that Bucketheads solo, while technically better, didn't fit the song, and while this solo isn't as fancy, it fits the song alot better. Lastly, since I have a gut feeling Axl is not going to release the CD this year (hate to fan the flames), I think he should seriously take the 1999 track's instrumentation, re-mix it for 2006 production values, add some vocal tricks, and the result will be the best possible product. Its a far more inventive, groovy, and warmer track than its detached, raw suitor.

    TWAT has a MUCH better mix, something the "newer" version suffers from. The sound of the drum loops is a lot more fitting to the song. Additionally, the deletion of the guitar part on the first verse adds to the "cleanliness" of the song...I always thought that that 1st verse guitar track was either mixed too high and its timing didn't jive well with the rest of the track. Again, this better mix really makes the track, although I do miss some of Buckethead's guitar parts at the end.

    In conclusion...it's really unfortunate that these tracks were not released so long ago, as I feel that (especially IRS) are of much better quality musically. If the new CD is ever released, I don't think these tracks will make it, as the 1999 production values kinda stand on this track. However, BRING BACK FREESE! :D

    Great post. I thought IRS was pretty average but this '99 demo is much better. It really grooves. I love that new rhythm guitar during the "gonna call the president" parts. He should have put this shit out years ago. Oh well.

    I have heard that the songs have been through so many mixes and alternate versions. He might have tried a different mix (the one with Buckt) but decided he didnt like it this version as much(heck its the same vocal performance). Its just experimenting. Who knows with which direction IRS in particular went in. '99 or '02 direction? Hopefully we find out in a few months....

    I've never been really fond of IRS, but I do like how they do 3 solos on it live, so I hope they add the 3rd one to the final cut. TWAT sounds great, but I really liked Buckets solos at the end of it. The song does have the great ending like it did before, but it does sound kick ass. Hopefully Bumblefoot will go into the studio and try to record his own solo on this or something.

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